Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Shepherd's Crook

Read Psalm 23.

This Psalm is surely quoted more than any other passage in all the Old Testament.  It paints a graphic picture of the LORD being a shepherd of His people.  The same metaphor is used throughout the Scriptures but none provides a more complete and poetic rendering.

1. A Good Shepherd cares for His sheep. (vv.2-3)
His loving care is seen by providing food, water, rest, and a good path for the journey.  His staff is a walking stick for leading the sheep.  On the end is a crook for pulling back the wayward.

2. A Good Shepherd comforts His sheep. (v.4)
Sheep can be easily frightened.  They are defenseless.  But even in the darkest, scariest places the loving shepherd is there watching and protecting.  His rod, or club, can fend off any threatening wild beast.

3. A Good Shepherd celebrates with His sheep. (vv.5-6)
Note that David shifts the analogy to his own reality and hope.  This is a personal celebration of victory now in this life and a promise of an eternity with this Shepherd.

Jesus said, "I am the good shepherd.  The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." (John 10:11)

"The LORD is my shepherd."  What is the most important, life-changing word in that phrase?  That the LORD is a shepherd of His people is a fact.  The difference maker is the word "my".  When a person confesses this personal relationship with Jesus, their eternal destiny immediately changes.

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