Wednesday, March 31, 2021

There is hope for Tomorrow

 Read Ruth 2. 

One of the amazing characteristics of the LORD is His omnipresence.  He works in lives of each individual at the same time, fulfilling His plans.  In this chapter, we get to see God work in three people simultaneously.  Verse 3 uses the phrase "she happened to come to the part of the field belonging to Boaz."  It may have seemed to just "happen" to her, but it was no accident.  God was in full control, leading her to the exact spot at the exact time. 


-He was a godly and wealthy bachelor.   

-He was kind.  Notice the way treated his employees with a blessing.

-He was respected.  Notice the response of his workers to him. 

-He was attentive.  He spotted Ruth immediately and wanted to know all about her.

-He was a caring and generous man.

-He became a protector for Ruth. 


-We learned from chapter one how she felt God was against her (1:13).

-She was bitter because of her sufferings (1:20).

-She knew the LORD but could not process her pain with her faith.

-But notice her words in 2:20.  The light went on regarding God's care and possible plan for her. 


-She was an alien in a new land.

-She was willing to work to support herself and her mother-in-law (vv.2, 18).

-She was an attractive woman, even as she worked in the field (v.6).

-She had the reputation of a hard worker (vv.7, 17).

-She was humble in her attitude (v.10).

-She listened and followed wise counsel (vv.22-23). 

Now, all three of them had a spark of hope for their futures.  Suffering and disappointment do not have to mark the end of our hope.  Indeed, our losses may be the very stepping stones that God will use to take us to His place of blessing.


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Today Matters

 Read Ruth 1. 

In tough times people choose how they will respond.  Some become discouraged and even bitter.  Some throw up their hands and regress in life.  Others make good decisions that set the course for their future.  In this first chapter we see all three of these responses. 

Chapter one is an introduction to three widows.

Naomi lost her husband and both her children.  She wanted to be known as Mara, which means "bitter".  She interpreted her sufferings to mean that God was punishing her.  Naomi knew the LORD but could not yet process her emotional losses. 

Orpah's response to the death of her husband was to go back to her Moabite family.  This also meant that she would return to the worship of the false gods of Moab (v.15).  She married into a family of faith in the LORD but did not personally embrace Him as her own. 

But then there was Ruth.  She suffered the loss of her husband and had no children.  Widows in that culture without other family members to support them were destitute.  However, Ruth's response to her circumstances was to make new commitments that would secure her future, indeed her eternity. 

Verses 16-17 are among the most powerful statements of commitment in all of the scriptures.  This passage has often been used at weddings, but actually it is the vow of a daughter-in-law to her mother-in-law.

1. She committed herself to her mother-in-law.

"...where you go, I will go..."

2. She committed herself to the people of God.

"Your people shall be my people."

3. She committed herself to the LORD.

"...and your God my God." 

Though not of Jewish descent, Ruth had no idea how these choices would bless her life, the life of her mother-in-law, and bring her into the very lineage of Messiah! 

Dr. John Maxwell wrote a wonderful book entitled, "Today Matters."  In it he writes, "the way you live today impacts your tomorrow."  Ruth is a great example of that principle and provides an excellent model for our life decisions today...they matter.


Monday, March 29, 2021

The case for spiritual Leadership

 Read Judges 19-21. 

These closing chapters recount one of the saddest times in Israel's history.  The sexual immorality in the tribe of Benjamin at the time takes us back to the story of Sodom.  History is clear that homosexuality is the doom of a culture.  Verse 22 of chapter 19 calls them "worthless".  It is the last straw for God to execute judgment. 

 Human life had lost its value.  A young girl was abusively murdered.  The actions of the Levite, though gruesome, accomplished its intent to rile a nation to take action about the sin.  They rallied in unity (20:11) to "purge evil from Israel" (20:13).  Everyone suffered.  In the end, 25,100 men of Benjamin died. 

The tribe of Benjamin was the smallest of the twelve tribes.  With such great losses of men, in chapter 21 the nation agreed to a plan to maintain the tribal heritage. 

People need spiritual leadership.  God never intended for us to grow and live out our faith in Him by ourselves.  We all need to be taught, to be accountable, and to interact with others as we put the Word of God into practice. 

When the book of Judges repeats the theme "in those days there was no king", it is the dangerous reminder that they had no spiritual leadership.  "Everyone did what was right in his own eyes" (21:25).  In other words, left to ourselves, humans do not naturally lean toward God.  Even our faith is a work of God, the Father.  Jesus said, "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him" (John 6:44). 

We all need the spiritual leadership of God's word, the Holy Spirit's control, and the accountability of a Bible teaching church.


Saturday, March 27, 2021

In search of the God-factor

 Read Judges 17-18. 

Verse 6 of chapter 17 contains a recurring theme that characterizes the book of Judges and explains the 7 cycles.  "In those days there was no king in Israel.  Everyone did what was right in his own eyes."  The statement should immediately alert us that the account here is historical to the writer and that the time of writing was later when Israel had a king.  The closing chapters of Judges are stories, providing specific examples, that fit into the previous cycles. 

Micah was a thief.  He stole silver from his mother.  When she pronounced a curse on the one who took her money, Micah confessed and gave it back to her.  In her warped thinking, she decided to counter the stated curse she had put on her son with some sort of religious good work.  Obviously influenced by the pagan culture around her, she took part of the silver to make an idol to worship as her god.  Such an act was an abomination to the LORD.  If that were not enough, they hired their own private priest to lead their false worship.  Sadly, this was one of Moses' grandsons. 

The situation is full of pride and rebellion against the LORD.  They had their own god, their own priest, their own way of worship.  All self-made and had nothing to do with the God of Heaven. 

In chapter 18, even the tribe of Dan lost their spiritual bearings.  They forcibly took Micah's god and his priest as their own.  Then, they conquered the territory that Joshua had allotted to them in the north.  They set up the god they stole as their own and Dan became a center of idolatry. 


Louis Giglio once said, "If you have to carry your god on your shoulder, you need a new god." 

It is pride and rebellion in the heart and mind of finite human beings that think they are smarter than the Infinite Creator.  Humans left to themselves will always put their trust in something else to "bless" them. 

Instead of worshipping and praying to nature, the stars, and man-made objects, let us worship the One who created and sustains all that we see, including ourselves.  As scientists in Europe are searching for the God-factor in the mass of the universe, the Apostle Paul knew the answer a long time ago.  Concerning Jesus, he wrote, "...all things were created through him and for him.  And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together."  (Colossians 1:16b-17)


Friday, March 26, 2021

5 Insights from the life of Samson

 Read Judges 15-16. 

Samson was an answer to prayer and prophecy at his birth.  Godly parents raised him.  Even before his birth, he had been dedicated to the LORD in a Nazarite vow for life.  God used him to avenge and overthrow the oppression of the Philistines.  Indeed, he "judged Israel twenty years" (16:31).  Yet, his lack of self-discipline, his pride, and his view of women cost him dearly. 

Physically, no man or any group of men could match him.  But he was totally oblivious to the cunning of immoral women.  He used women, toyed with them, and gave into them. 

Many have missed the fact that the blessing of his strength came from God, not muscle or long hair.  Time and time again, he neglected his spiritual health and strength.  The saddest words concerning Samson is found in 16:20-"...he did not know that the LORD had left him."  

Here are five insights for all to learn from Samson's life.

1. Godly parents do not guarantee godly children.  We all, as individuals, must give an account to the LORD for our own responses to Him.  "So then each of us will give an account of himself to God." (Romans 14:12) 

2. We all were designed for a life dedicated to God.  "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."  (Ephesians 2:10) 

3. We all need protection from our vulnerabilities.  "Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall."  (1 Corinthians 10:12) 

4. God will get glory from a life-one way or another.  "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."  (1 Corinthians 10:31)  

5. Life is about fulfilling the purposes of God in our generation.  "For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep and was laid with his fathers and saw corruption."  (Acts 13:36)


Thursday, March 25, 2021

It's my life. I'll do what I want.

 Read Judges 14. 

During this time the nation of Israel lived under the oppressive rule of the Philistines.  In response, God chose a man named Samson to liberate His people.  From Samson's early years, "the Spirit of the LORD began to stir him" (13:25).  The angel of the LORD gave his parents instructions on how to raise him.  Samson would be under the commitments of a Nazarite (not Nazarene).  He was not to drink any alcohol, be strict about what he ate, and not to cut his hair.  In the teaching from Moses, this was a voluntary vow for a period time to separate oneself for a special service to God.  The Bible provides instances where such a vow was made by the parents for the life of their child.  Such was the case with Samson, Samuel, and John the Baptist. 

Samson is renowned for his physical strength.  But he was a man who violated his vow repeatedly with moral weaknesses.  Instead of seeking a godly woman for a wife from Israel, he lusted after a Philistine woman who did not worship the LORD.  The Mosaic Law prohibited such a union.  He would not listen to God's word, nor the wisdom and objections of his parents.  Why?  Because "she is right in my eyes" (14:3). 

Samson's physical strength caused him to believe he was invincible.  This type of pride always leads to a downfall.  At the celebration leading up the marriage, his wife-to-be demonstrated her loyalty to her own people, not Samson.  Her heart was full of deceit.  It cost thirty men their lives and the woman was given to another.  Verse 4 is not an endorsement by God of Samson's sin.  Rather, God had a bigger plan to unfold and overthrow the Philistines.  He would use this occasion to begin the process. 

Insights from a bad example:

1. Concerning Parents.

"Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.  Honor your father and mother (this is the first commandment with a promise) that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land." (Ephesians 6:1-3)  When a child grows to be an adult, they are responsible for their own behavior before the Lord.  While they may not be under the obedience of parents, for all-time they are to honor their parents. 

2. Concerning Temptations.

The first sin was one prompted by the lust of the eyes.  Eve "saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes..." (Genesis 3:6).  1 John 2:16 warns us, "For all that is in the world-the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions-is not from the Father but is from the world." 

3. Concerning Sin.

The desire to live life according to one's own wishes is rebellion against God's ownership.  It is this very sin that sent Jesus to die on the cross.  "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all" (Isaiah 53:6) 

4. Concerning God.

The LORD is in control, even when a person sins.  No matter what, He uses every situation in our lives for His glory and His purposes.  "Surely the wrath of man shall praise you" (Psalm 76:10.  "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28).


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

5 evidences of godly Character

 Read Judges 13. 

The sixth cycle began when the next generation "did what was evil in the sight of the LORD".  This time God used the Philistines to oppress them for forty years. 

Yet, even in the worst of times, there were always those who loved and served the LORD.  Such were Manoah and his wife.  Though most of the tribe of Dan had moved north, these two remained in the inherited land allotted to their family by Joshua.  They were a faithful couple who had no children.  Then, the angel of the LORD appeared to foretell of the birth of their son. 

This is at least the fourth appearance of the angel of the LORD in first thirteen chapters of Judges.  Who is this "angel"?  Though he looks like a man (v.6 and v.10) and Manoah did not realize at first that he was the angel of the LORD (v.16), the identity is obvious from previous mentions from Genesis to here.  Nowhere is it clearer than here.

1. Very awesome appearance (v.6).  The word awesome is so overused in American slang that it has nearly lost its meaning.  To stand in awe involves the emotions of fear and reverence.  It is a rightful response to God and His word.

2. His name is "secret" (KJV), "wonderful" (ESV) (v.18).  

3. They had seen God (v.22).  This was no one else than a preincarnate appearance of Jesus Himself. 

We learn much about the spiritual character of Manoah and his wife.

1. They recognized the presence of God.

2. They believed the message from God.

3. They prayed to God for more understanding of His word, especially His teaching to raise their child. (v.8 and v.12)

4. They offered sacrifices to "the one who works wonders." (v.19)

5. The LORD blessed them. (v.24)

 May those five things be true of us today.


Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Hope for marginalized People

 Read Judges 10:6-12. 

The sixth cycle of the book began as the next generation of people turned from the LORD to serve all the false gods of the cultures around them.  As a result, the LORD "sold them" to the Philistines and Ammonites for eighteen years.  In their distress, Israel cried out to God for help, confessing their sin.  God gave them a bit of a history lesson of His faithfulness and what He had done for them in the past.  He even mocked them by saying, "Why don't you go ask those other gods to help you?"  The people responded by getting rid of the vain things they had worshipped. 

Notice that the LORD did not immediately overthrow their enemies.  Instead, the Ammonites decided to fight against Gilead.  The people needed a man to lead them in battle.  Now we meet Jephthah. 

Jephthah was evidently from a prominent family.  The city was named after his father, Gilead.  But his mother was a prostitute and so the rest of the family rejected him.  Even the leaders of the city hated him (v.7).  As an outcast, he left town.  Jephthah was also a leader.  Other marginalized and outcast men followed him.  However, the most important note about him was that he had a personal relationship with the LORD (v.11). 

The reason the Ammonites gave for the invasion was that Israel had taken their land.  Jephthah knew the history and retold it to them.  Their forefathers had mistreated the nation of Israel and God gave them the land.  As a steward, Jephthah proclaimed, "All that the LORD our God has dispossessed before us, we will possess." (11:24)  He fully depended on the LORD as he entered into battle (11:27).  That truly was all he needed to win.  But in the emotion of the moment, Jephthah made a foolish vow.  With his daughter being an only child, this meant he would have no descendants.  If that heartbreak was not enough, the tribe of Ephraim angrily expressed their offense that they were not included in the fight against the Ammonites.  So, a small civil war broke out. 

Jephthah served as Israel's judge for six years.  Three minor judges followed him.  Ibzan led the nation for seven years; Elon for ten, and Abdon for eight.  So, Israel experienced a total of thirty-one years of peace. 

Personal insights for us all:

1. It does not matter where you came from.  What matters is where you are going.  My friend Dr. Crawford Loritts often says, "Don't let your past define you." 

2. We are responsible for our own reputation.  Our character and conduct, good or bad, is no one else's fault or responsibility. 

3. Our future is determined by our personal relationship with the Living God and our stewardship of all that He has given to us. 

4. If we are faithful, there will come a time when we will be needed for an opportunity God had planned for us all along. 

5. We must guard our hearts and minds when we are at an emotional extreme, high or low.  That is when most people make their worst decisions. 

6. Whenever a person serves God's purpose faithfully, there will always be those who are offended.  Our goal is not to strive for the impossible task of pleasing everyone.  There is One is heaven we absolutely must please.  "And whatever we ask we receive from him, because we keep his commandments and do what pleases him." (1 John 3:22)    



Monday, March 22, 2021

God's response to evil Leaders

 Read Judges 9-10:5.

Cycle number five describes a national implosion.  There were no outside nations oppressing them in this time period.  They fought against each other. 

As good as Gideon was, he left a terrible legacy.  He had many wives who gave birth to seventy sons.  Then, there was at least one concubine with whom he fathered another son.  That son's name was Abimelech.  When Gideon died, it appears that he left a family and a nation with neither defined nor spiritual leadership. 

This next generation did not remember the LORD and what He had done for them.  In this void, Abimelech, with selfish ambition, rose to take power and control of Israel.  He first killed all but one of Gideon's sons and ruled for three years.  Jotham, the youngest son of Gideon, escaped.  He then went to Shechem to preach a prophetic message to the city leaders. 

When challenged by what seems to be an even more godless man (Gaal), civil war broke out.  Abimelech proved to be ruthless in putting down all those who opposed him.  He must have thought himself to be invincible in personally leading the attacks.    Any warrior in those days would know the dangers of rushing a wall or tower.  No king would have been fighting on the front line.  It cost him his life. 

A couple of minor judges followed, providing national leadership and peace for a total of forty-five years. 


1. When a people have an evil leader, everyone suffers.

2. In the worst of times, God has His people who can and will deliver His word.

3. The dissension was instigated by God in order to overthrow Abimelech. (9:23)

4. Though an unnamed woman was credited with mortally wounding him, it was God who "returned the evil of Abimelech, which he committed against his father in killing his seventy brothers." (9:56)

5. "And God also made all the evil of the men of Shechem return on their heads." (9:57) 

God's justice may seem slow to us but in His time He will right every wrong.  No one gets away with sin. 

God's hand is at work; even using evil people do accomplish His will. 

God's goal is to bring people back to worship Him so they may experience righteousness and peace.


Sunday, March 21, 2021

When things look Impossible

 Read Judges 7-8. 

Cycle number four continues as Gideon had now become a leader of an army that would deliver Israel from the Midianites.  In what seems to be a strange assessment, God told Gideon he had too many soldiers for the battle.  The reason the LORD gave was that with so many the army could take the credit and glory for the victory. 

In the winnowing process, Gideon's army was reduced from 32,000 to just 300 men.  It was a humanly impossible assignment.  So, when these few men conquered Midian, everyone would know it was God's power and give glory only Him. 

When Gideon's army blew the trumpets and flashed their lamps, the army of Midian that could not be numbered (7:12) thought they were surrounded!  120,000 of the enemy died (8:10).  Though exhausted, Gideon and his men chased the Midianites clear across the Jordan.  Those who refused to support them along the way paid so with their lives.  Thus, God relieved the nation of its oppression and established Gideon's national leadership. 

The nation asked him to "rule over us" (8:22).  Notice his humility and submission to the LORD.  Truly, God was the ultimate ruler over the nation.  Gideon provided a leadership of peace for the next forty years. 

Two insights for today:

1. God wants to work in situations thought impossible so He alone will get the credit.

Jesus said, "What is impossible with men is possible with God." (Luke 18:27) 

2. God wants to use people who know they do not have what it takes to get the job done but are willing to trust God to accomplish His work through them.

The Apostle Paul wrote, "We have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us." (2Corinthians 4:7)


Friday, March 19, 2021

When God does not answer our Questions

 Read Judges 6. 

Cycle number four begins in the first verse.  The next generation of Israelites "did what was evil" and "the LORD gave them into the hand of Midian seven years."  The people then cried out for help.  But this time we are given much more detail of what took place.  First, God sent an unnamed prophet to point out the sin of the nation.  Second, "the angel of the LORD" appeared.  From the previous reference in Judges 2:1, this is none other than a pre-incarnate appearance of the Son of God Himself.  We are told He sat under a tree, waiting for the encounter with Gideon. 

Gideon was beating out the wheat in a winepress.  That meant he was hiding from the enemy and that the harvest must have been very small.  Yet, in a bit of prophetic humor the LORD called him a mighty man of valor.  Truthfully, Gideon was anything but such a man. 

Gideon's questions show either a lack of understanding or the common responses of one who is suffering.  Why has this happened to us?  Where is God when we need Him? 

Notice that the LORD answered neither question.  He simply called Gideon to go save Israel from the Midianites.  In response, Gideon poured out his inadequacies.  Then, the LORD said, "But I will be with you." (v.16)  One person with God is a majority every time.  The LORD chose to demonstrate His power to Gideon as proof of who He was and assurance of the victory ahead. 

There were no more questions from Gideon at this point.  Once he realized God's call on his life, God's presence with him, and God's power available to him, Gideon worshipped and obeyed.  When he personally took the bold step of destroying the false gods that had been erected, God protected him and clothed his leadership with the Spirit of God (v.34). 

The fleece test Gideon used was not to determine God's will.  He already knew that.  But in his timidity and lack of faith, he wanted the reassurance that the power and presence of God was with him.  

Insights not to miss:

1. When we are suffering loss or harm, rather than seek answers to the questions "why" or "where is God when I need Him", instead seek what God wants you to do.  Seeking answers can be enlightening but all too often drown us in the past and self-pity.  Knowing what God wants us to do and taking right actions will move our lives forward.

2. If it is God's will, then we can count on God's presence and power to go before us.

3. God wants our willingness to obey and worship Him alone.  Nothing will build our faith like doing the will of God.

4. Our future is assured.


Thursday, March 18, 2021

How God works for our Success

 Read Judges 4-5. 

Cycle number three begins with the very first verse.  After 80 years of peace, Ehud, the judge who delivered them, died.  The new generation left the God who loves them to go their own evil way.  This time the LORD raised up King Jabin of Canaan to conquer and enslave Israel for 20 years.  Then, the people cried out to God for help.  God responded by using Deborah, a prophetess and judge. 

Deborah chose Barak to lead Israel's army in the overthrow of the Canaanites.  Barak's insistence on Deborah going with him was probably for her wise counsel and reassurance of the presence of God.  Barak exercised great faith in taking this assignment and completing it.  He is listed in Faith's Hall of Fame (Hebrews 11:32). 

In her prophecy statement to Barak, she said, "Up!  For this is the day in which the LORD has given Sisera into your hand." (4:14)  The scripture makes it clear that the LORD went before them and caused the Canaanite army to flee.  Sisera escaped and was killed by a woman, Jael.  "So on that day God subdued Jabin the king of Canaan before the people of Israel." (4:23) 

The victory was followed by a long, narrative duet by Deborah and Barak.  Then, the nation enjoyed peace again for 40 years. 

The lessons of the repeating cycles are the same.  God will not allow people to go on indefinitely in sin.  Sin has devastating consequences.  Yet, when sinners abandon their sin to obey the LORD, He faithfully responds with forgiveness and deliverance.  In freeing His people, God has a plan for them and a time for the plan (4:14).  God even goes before His people to clear the way ahead.  But notice they still must do the fighting and pursuing.  He will not do it for them. 

In the duet, we learn some additional take away principles of success.

1. "Leaders took the lead." (5:2a)

Dr. Lee Roberson originally coined the phrase, "Everything rises and falls on leadership."

Olan Hendrix asked, "Have you ever noticed that the bottle neck is always at the top?"

Every nation, organization, church, and family needs godly and/or good leadership to survive.  But leadership is not a position.  It is an active endeavor.  People never achieve all their potential as a group unless someone takes the lead. 

2. "The people offered themselves willingly." (5:2b)

No person can lead anything alone.  A person is not a leader unless someone is following them.  The people within a nation, organization, church, or family have the responsibility to follow godly and/or good leadership.  Concerning the Macedonian believers Paul wrote, "...they gave themselves first to the Lord and then by the will of God to us." (2 Corinthians 8:5)


Wednesday, March 17, 2021

4 insights from bad Examples

 Read Judges 3. 

There are two reasons mentioned here as what God was doing with the nation.  Pagan people groups lived all around them.  First, He was testing them to see if they would reject spiritual corruption and obey His word.  Second, this new generation grew up without knowing how to go to war when needed.  They had to learn both. 

Their moral and spiritual failure of God's tests did not happen overnight.  The compromises took place over time, step by step.

Step 1. They lived among the unbelievers.

Step 2. They intermarried with the unbelievers.

Step 3. They served the pagan gods of the other cultures. 

This, then, began cycle number one in the book.

God was not going to tolerate their disobedience and evil in rejecting Him.  So, He brought King Cushan-rishathaim of Mesopotamia to enslave them for eight years.  The people cried out to God for help and the LORD raised up a godly national leader.  His name was Othniel, the nephew of Caleb.  Note that it was not the leadership of Othniel that delivered them, but "the Spirit of the LORD."  The nation experience peace for 40 years. 

Cycle number two begins in verse 12.

After 48 years, another generation had grown up who did not desire to live for the LORD.  So, God energized King Eglon of Moab, along with some allies, to conquer and enslave Israel for eighteen years.  Then, the people cried out to God for help and the LORD raised up Ehud to deliver them.  God gave the nation 80 years of peace. 

There are four insights here for us.

1. The power of influence.  All of us need to be fully aware of our surroundings.  God has left believers in this world to influence our culture, not the other way around.  Indeed, those who live for Christ will increasingly find themselves living counter to culture.  We are "in the world but not of the world." 

2. The priority of teaching the next generation.  It is our duty, responsibility, and mission to teach the generations behind us what God's word says and how to put it into practice.  Otherwise, the consequences of shame, loss, and ultimately enslavement are well documented here. 

3. The purpose of accountability.  It has never been the plan of God that one should live without accountability.  Self-reliance is a recipe for disaster.  That is why godly, transparent relationships are crucial to our spiritual growth and maintenance.  Close friendships and/or marriage partner, and Bible teaching churches are core elements to the Christian life. 

4. The primacy of godly leadership.  When people are in need of leadership, the LORD does not raise up a committee.  He does not ask for a majority vote.  He raises up a godly leader, empowered by His spirit, and appropriately accountable.  The book of Judges repeatedly demonstrates that one leader in the power of God can rally and deliver a nation.  


Tuesday, March 16, 2021

What happened to God's Grandchildren?

 Read Judges 2. 

Someone once said, "God does not have any grandchildren."  That could not be clearer than in this chapter.  The first generation coming out of Egypt saw firsthand the miracles of God.  Moses even wrote down the word of God and their commitments so they would not forget.  The second generation benefited as they wandered in the wilderness.  God provided their daily food and needs.  When the second generation came into the land, they saw firsthand God's power and miracles under Joshua's leadership. 

But when Joshua died, "there arose another generation after them who did not know the LORD or the work that he had done for Israel.  And the people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the LORD and served the Baals."" (v.10-11)  This resulted in their loss of God's power in their nation and placed them in "terrible distress." 

In their helplessness, the nation cried out to God for help.  The LORD responded by raising up a new national leader, called a judge.  That was followed by a time of victory and peace.  But as soon as the judge died, the people abandoned God and plunged back into pagan worship.  That was followed by oppression from a neighboring nation, great distress, helplessness, crying out to God for help, a new judge, and a time of peace. 

This cycle repeats itself 7 times in this book.  Walk Thru the Bible described it this way:

1. Sin-the nation falls into pagan worship.

2. Servitude-the nation suffers under an oppressive enemy.

3. Supplication-the nation cries out to God for help.

4. Salvation-God responds by raising up a new national leader to deliver them.

5. Silence-a time of peace 

In verse 22, God called each generation to a spiritual test to see if they would live according to His word.  Whatever grade the previous generation made on their test did not apply to the next.  

No one can take God's tests for us.  Godly parents do not guarantee godly children.  Parents are commanded to teach their children by precept and by living example (Deuteronomy 6).  But each generation, each person, is responsible and accountable for their own response to God.  The consequences for not listening and abandoning the LORD are devastating.  Great blessing, forgiveness, deliverance, and peace await those who cast their helplessness on Him.


Monday, March 15, 2021

When coexistence becomes Sin

 Read Judges 1-2:5. 

Controlling the land and taking possession of it are two different issues.  Joshua led the nation into the land, exercised great power over it, and set the boundaries for the tribes.  But the land was far from being fully occupied by Israel. 

One by one the tribes set out to take the land that God had given to them.  Yet, a half-dozen times we are told that a particular tribe "did not drive out" the inhabitants.  Instead, they worked out a covenant of coexistence.  Most often that meant that those who lived in the land submitted to forced labor. 

While on one hand that may sound like a wise, even merciful, thing to do, it was a direct violation of what God ordered.  The command was clear.  Israel was not to make any agreements with the surrounding peoples.  The reason was not to display military might and power over others.  From the beginning of the conquest, the LORD warned them against spiritual compromise.  The Canaanites had rejected the God of Heaven to worship their multiple man-made idols.  In Genesis 15:16, God told Abraham that his descendants would return and take the land at that time because of the completed sin of the Amorites. 

There can be no compromise or coexistence with sin and false worship.  God is a jealous God and will not share the honor due Him with anyone or anything.  

The good news is that the nation of Israel repented in tears for their disobedience.  Then, they worshipped the LORD. (2:4-5) 

The Apostle Paul wrote that believers in Jesus are the temple of the Holy Spirit.  In stating his case, he quoted Leviticus 26:12 and continued-"God said, I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.  Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you, and I will be a father to you and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty." (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) 

We must be diligent and vigilant about the spiritual areas of compromise and attempts at coexistence with sin in our lives.


Sunday, March 14, 2021

A Decisive Message for the Nation

 Read Joshua 24. 

In the previous chapter, Joshua addressed the nation's leaders.  Here in his final words, he spoke to all of Israel.  He began with a history lesson.  It is a walk through the first five books of the Bible.  His message had three parts and then a most interesting back and forth about the challenge. 

1. How God has led us. (vv.1-12)

Notice how Joshua is actually presenting this on behalf of God Himself, "Thus says the LORD."  Beginning with God's call of Abraham, Joshua recounted their family lineage.  Next, he reminded them of the days in Egypt and how God miraculously delivered them.  He mentioned the wilderness wandering and how God gave them victory over enemies along the way.  Then, God brought them into the land and gave it to them, just as he had promised Abraham centuries before. 

2. How God has blessed us. (v.13)

God said, "I gave you a land" with cities they did not build and crops they did not plant.  This was their inheritance from the LORD.  They were to enjoy it all. 

3. How we should respond. (vv.14-28)

Fear the LORD.  This is more than just a reverential awe of the Almighty.  If anything, they should have learned through Israel's journey that God knows how to mete out judgment here and now.  Sin has consequences.  Respect and right responses to what God has made clear is a matter of life and death.  Paul wrote, "Knowing the fear (terror in KJV) of the Lord we persuade others." (2 Corinthians 5:11) 

Serve the LORD.  Joshua said this is to be done "in sincerity and in faithfulness."  Integrity is demonstrated in how we live out what we say we believe.  This is not referring to a job as much as how we demonstrate of our faith.  "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31) 

Incline your heart to the LORD.  Which way are you leaning, toward the LORD or away from Him?  One translation puts it, "make up your mind."  Joshua's challenge to the nation was, "Choose this day whom you will serve." (v.15b)

His conclusion is the famous quotation, "But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." 

The exchange that followed is a curious one indeed.  The people responded with agreement, "We also will serve the LORD."  Then, the preacher, if you will, said, "You are not able."  The people responded again, "No, but we will serve the LORD."  All this proved to test the seriousness of their commitment.  Joshua made it a national covenant, wrote it down, and dedicated a monument for it so they would remember what they promised. 

These are serious reminders for all of us.


Saturday, March 13, 2021

A message to national Leaders

 Read Joshua 23. 

Nearing the end of his life, Joshua delivered two major addresses.  The first is in this chapter and it is directed to the leaders of Israel.  The speech emphasizes a singular message of national life and death, repeated three times. 

1. How we got here.  (vv.1-8)

Yes, they were on the land.  But the reason they were there was according to God's everlasting covenant-promise to Abraham. 

Yes, they fought the battles to capture the land.  But "it was the LORD your God who has fought for you." (v.3b)

Yes, they controlled the land.  But there remained much left to do in order to actually possess all the land.  For their future they would need to "be very strong to keep and do all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses..." (v.6)  This statement is right out of Joshua 1 and has been his guiding life principle ever since.

Yes, they knew and served the Living God.  But there were many luring, spiritual distractions.  "But you shall cling to the LORD your God." (v.8) 

2. How to protect what we have.  (vv.9-13)

With God on their side, Israel was invincible.  Again, Joshua repeated that it was "God who fights for you." (v.10)

Instead of obedience to God, this time he stated, "Be careful to love the LORD your God." (v.11)

And then came the warning of giving in to the sinful distractions around them that would pollute the nation spiritually.  The first result would be "that the LORD your God will no longer drive out these nations before you." (v.12)  Second, they would suffer, perish, and lose the land. 

3. How to preserve our future.  (vv.14-16)

"Not one word has failed of all the good things that the LORD your God promised concerning you." (v.14)

This was followed by the reminders again of how God has provided and the disaster of sinning against Him. 

The scripture states clearly that God raises up one and puts down another.  Leaders and peoples can become prideful that it was by their own doing that they have come to power.  Righteous exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people."  (Proverbs 14:34) 

The take away statements for all of us are:

God is faithful and keeps His promises.

God's people are to cling to Him alone, to be strong, obeying God's word and loving Him. 

There are blessings for obedience and severe consequences with great loss for disobedience.


Friday, March 12, 2021

3 keys to handling Misunderstandings

 Read Joshua 16-22. 

Most of this section is the account of how the land was divided among the tribes.  The nation convened at Shiloh and there they set up the Tent of Meeting (The Tabernacle).  Finally, everyone had a place to settle and call their own.  The conclusion of chapter 21 is not to be missed.  Israel fought the battles, but it was God who gave them the victory, peace, and the land by promise.  "Not one word of all the good promises that the LORD had made to the house of Israel had failed; all came to pass." (21:45) 

Two and half of the twelve tribes claimed land on the east side of the Jordan River prior to the crossing.  With the war being over they were free to go home.  At their departure in chapter 22, Joshua charged them strongly "to love the LORD your God, and to walk in all his ways and to keep his commandments and to cling to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul." (22:5) 

As the people of Gad, Reuben and the half-tribe of Manasseh came to the Jordan they did not want future generations to think that the separation of a river meant they were not a part of the nation of Israel and the worship of God.  With all the best intentions of unity and spiritual commitment, they built an altar as a monument of remembrance by the riverbank. 

But when the folks back home got wind that these tribes had built their own altar, civil war nearly broke out.  God made it clear that there was only one altar and one place where sacrifices were to be made to Him.  That altar remained in the Tabernacle in Shiloh.  The rest of the nation perceived this well-intentioned act as an extreme violation of their faith and the perhaps the worship of false gods.  Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed before taking military action. 

There are three key principles here for all of us in resolving misunderstandings or offences.

1. Confrontation. (22:10-20)

For this to be effective it must be prepared.  Choose carefully where to meet and when.  This should be as mutually comfortable as possible to have a serious conversation.      Confronting someone with a wrong motive, in a wrong way, or meeting under false pretenses will only worsen the conflict.  It should be seasoned in prayer (lots of it) so that God is control of you, the situation, and the outcome. 

2. Explanation. (22:21-29)

Emotions must be in check so as not to cloud thinking and reasoning.  Wording should be prepared so the inquiry does not get off-track and cause things to be said that will later be regretted.  What to say and not say is crucial to the outcome, but the inquiry must be specific and honest.  Always assume that there may be something you do not know or understand yet.  Ask for the explanation and then listen to their answer without interrupting them.  Listen to their words and their heart. 

3. Reconciliation. (22:30-34)

The legitimate goal of confrontation is restoration.  Before any confrontation, you should know what is needed in order to reconcile the misunderstanding or offence.  God loves reconciliation.  That is why Jesus came to reconcile us to God.  When we are able to reconcile with each other we are putting God's heart and principles into real action. 

"Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.  Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.  Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:1-2)  


Thursday, March 11, 2021

One of the greatest unused Resources

 Joshua 13-14. 

There is a difference in conquering a territory and possessing it.  Indeed, Joshua militarily conquered and controlled the land of Canaan.  However, the nation had not yet made it their home.  God said, "There is still much land to possess." (13:1b) 

It was time to divide up the land among all the tribes and allot to each their covenant inheritance.  Two and a half tribes had requested land on the east side of the Jordan.  The tribe of Levi did not receive a land grant due to their charge to serve the rest of the nation.  

When it came time for Judah to receive their tribal boundaries, one man stepped forward.  Caleb served as one of the original twelve spies in the book of Numbers.  He had seen the land.  When the twelve gave their report to Moses only Joshua and Caleb were faithful in what God wanted done.  The nation rejected God's plan and that initiated the previous forty years of wandering in the wilderness. 

Caleb was forty when asked to be a spy.  Now at eighty-five years of age, his testimony is pure gold.

1. "I wholly followed the LORD my God." (14:8)

2. "I am still as strong today as I was..." (14:11)

3. "So now give me this hill country." (14:12)

4. "I shall drive them out just as the LORD said." (14:12) 

In America, we were brainwashed into thinking that at about age 65 one should quit working and simply retire.  The economic realities of that plan have come as a surprise to most.  The majority may never be able to retire, certainly not as they had once dreamed.  The result of that thinking has been to marginalize older adults who still have plenty of experience and ability left in them. 

Those four statements from Caleb should encourage all who are of a certain age and be a great enlightenment to those who are younger.  Just because a person has some miles on their odometer does not mean either they are through serving God or that God is through using them mightily.  Instead, the Bible has a few things to say about respect for those who are older.  Leaders should be jumping at the opportunities to utilize the experience and knowledge of those who are ahead of them on the road of life. 

Age does not equal maturity or wisdom.  But look for answers to the key elements.

1. Have they/are they wholly following the LORD?

2. Are they able to handle the task?

3. Do they still have dreams and ambition for more, even greater, achievement?

4. Do they have the energy and capacity to move forward with change and new challenges?


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Is it God or us?

 Read Joshua 11-12. 

When the army of Israel came to the rescue of the Gibeonites, the attacking kings retreated west and then south.  Joshua simply kept pursuing them until the last one was captured and destroyed.  By then he had divided the land in two.  He conquered the south and now, in Chapter 11, his attention was directed to conquering the northern kingdoms.  It literally turned out to be a battle tactic of divide and conquer for the land. 

"(Joshua) left nothing undone of all that the LORD had commanded Moses.  So Joshua took all the land."   "And all the land had rest from war."  (11:15-16,23c) 

Was it Israel's might and cunning or was it God whose power enabled them to accomplish this? 

In 11:6, the LORD said, "I will give over all of them, slain to Israel."  In 11:20, "For it was the LORD's doing to harden their hearts that they should come out against Israel in battle." 

There is no question of God's sovereign control over the lives of His creation.  And, there are instances in the Bible where He completely wiped out entire armies without Israel doing anything.  At the same time, notice His encouragement to Joshua in 11:6-"Do not be afraid of shall hamstring their horses and burn their chariots with fire."  God was not going to do it without them.  He set it up and they did the work. 

We cannot do what only God can do.  We are totally dependent upon Him.  

God will not do what He has commanded us to do.  He enables us by providing all we need to accomplish His will.  Amazingly, the LORD of heaven wants to use us for our good and His glory in every situation of life. 

Our job whether interacting with neighbors, or working through personal difficulties, or achieving some great project, is to make the name of the LORD famous. 

"Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us.  We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God." (2 Corinthians 5:20)


Tuesday, March 9, 2021

It is not your Battle

 Read Joshua 10. 

Allied local kings decided to make war against the Gibeonites because of their peace pact with Israel.  The Gibeonites in turn called to Joshua for help.  Note that this time Joshua first received God's go ahead and encouragement (v.8). 

As the battle ensued and the five kings fled, the army of Israel kept pursuing them due west until they literally divided the land of Canaan in two.  The descriptions of war as kings, peoples and cities were destroyed are brutal.  Not one of the enemies was left alive. 

Only a sick mind, or a demonically influenced person, would relish the slaughter of men, women and children.  But this was not by the choosing of Israel, nor the ego of Joshua.  These plans were God's all along.  These people groups worshipped self-made gods and were renowned for their immorality.  When they heard of God's power and might, they rejected Him, depending instead on their own beliefs to save them, and chose to make war against God's people. 

Upon their rejection, the LORD hardened the hearts of the Canaanites.  The LORD gave Joshua the battle plans.  The LORD even gave Joshua extra time in the day in chapter 10 to fulfill His will against these enemies.  It was the LORD who empowered and gave Israel the victories.  It was His battle and His glory that would be revealed. 

For Israel, the war became difficult.  Joshua was encouraged by Moses in Deuteronomy and then directly by God in the first chapter to be strong and courageous.  He would need every bit of it to make these tough calls.  See how Joshua used those same words to encourage his troops in verse 25.  They had to be obedient to go, they had to be bold to fight, and they had to careful to do all that God commanded. 

Facing the hard issues and obeying what God has made clear is the substance of character.  As seen with Joshua, it is not a one and done solution.  Every day brings new challenges with new opportunities for the LORD to use us in powerful ways.  We cannot not do what is right without Him. 

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10)


Monday, March 8, 2021

Our best is not good Enough

 Read Joshua 9. 

Instead of the victories at Jericho and Ai resulting in fear of the God of Israel, the surrounding kingdoms united to fight.  Some people never learn.  Some others are scared and try to act smart.  Say what you will, but the Gibeonites were cleaver.  Yes, they spent the rest of their lives as slaves but they figured it would be better to be slaves and alive than dead. 

God's command was clear.  The inhabitants of the land were to be destroyed.  Period.  The Gibeonites dressed up and told a story of a great journey, when in fact they were next door neighbors.  Joshua violated the word of God when he accepted them, helped them, and then made a covenant of peace with them.  How did that happen?  Verse 14 gives the answer that Joshua "did not ask counsel of the LORD." 

That was exactly the same error in chapter 7.  He made these decisions like an owner, not as a steward of what God gave to him.  A steward, or manager, always must represent what the owner wants done.  Yes, he asked good questions, but his best was not good enough. 

"There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death." (Proverbs 14:12) 

He needed spiritual insight and God's perspective in order to do what was right. 

It seems after each victory there is a test.  Pride can get in the way, saying to us that we can handle the next challenge or the next decision on our own.  We cannot blame the devil when we ignore God's guidance in our lives. 

Here is good counsel for all of us-

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways, acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.  Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil." (Proverbs 3:5-7)


Sunday, March 7, 2021

What to do after the Failure

 Read Joshua 8. 

He is called the God of the second chance for a reason.  When one fails the first test, the LORD will bring that person right back to the same situation in order to pass the test and move on with His plan for their lives.  It is pitiful when some wastes their entire lives failing the same test over and over. 

The failure for Israel happened in chapter 7.  But then the LORD encouraged Joshua to go back to the same place, better armed with a better plan, and ready to succeed.  The plan came with a promised blessing.  This time they were allowed to take all the plunder for themselves.  Unlike when they failed, they knew exactly what God wanted done and dispatched ten times the resources to destroy this little city. 

While the implementation of the battle strategy makes for fascinating reading, it is not the point of the story.  This was the second generation who received a second opportunity to obey God and reestablish themselves in the Promised Land.  Therefore, after the battle was won, Joshua took care in following all the instructions in the second giving of the law (Deuteronomy). 

It is a wonderful picture of how to get back on track after a train wreck failure.

1. He built an altar.

Joshua went to the place God had chosen for public worship.  Hebrews 10:25 exhorts us to increase meeting together "as you see the Day drawing near." 

2. He presented offerings to the LORD.

Worship and giving are inseparable. 

3. He wrote out his own copy of the word of God and read it just as Moses instructed.

Today, we can simply purchase a Bible or download an app.  But reading it, knowing what it means, putting it into practice for our blessing requires the daily discipline of a true disciple. 

Let's move on.  Today is an opportunity to pass God's tests and be blessed.


Saturday, March 6, 2021

4 lessons from a Disaster

 Read Joshua 7. 

The first battle for Israel in the new land was a huge success.  God's power was demonstrated; the goal was accomplished; Joshua's leadership and fame was established throughout the land. 

"But..."  This is the first word in chapter 7.  God gave clear instructions to destroy everything, except some precious metals and those were to be dedicated for holy use by the priests.  In the attack, a man named Achan saw a beautiful coat, some silver and gold and decided to keep it for himself.  In fact, this was stealing from God and disobeying what He had said.  As a result, the Lord was angry with the entire nation and no one seemed to be aware of it. 

Then a second problem arose.  In planning for the next battle, pride and self-confidence crept in.  Joshua decided to send only a few soldiers to capture a small town.  After the extensive plan God had given them for Jericho, there appears to be an absence of dependence upon God and seeking His marching orders for the city of Ai.  This explains why Joshua did not know that God was angry.  He never inquired of Him.  The attitude of "we can handle this on our own" is a statement that says, "We do not need God."  The result was Israel's first defeat.  Thirty-six men paid for it with their lives. 

A devastated Joshua fell on his face crying and praying.  There are times when God desires such an outward display of humility toward Him.  This is not one of those times.  "The LORD said to Joshua, 'Get up!'" (v.10).  Joshua's prayer questioned God, instead of realizing that the disaster had been self-inflicted. 

Verses 12-13 state that further defeats would be happening unless the sin was removed.  Finally, Achan was identified and his sin cost the lives of his entire family. 

Lessons from a disaster:

1. There is no such thing as a victimless crime.  One person's sin does affect all those around them.

2. Getting rid of sin sometimes involves a painful decision.  The followers of God must be willing to obey and make the tough call.

3. God offers forgiveness for those who respond rightly to Him.

"Behold, it was for my welfare that I had great bitterness; but in love you have delivered my life from the pit of destruction, for you have cast all my sins behind your back." (Isaiah 38:17)

4. A life lived on its own is a recipe for disaster.  It is only when we cast our dependence upon God that we know what He wants done and He can bless our lives. 

The old hymn by Annie Hawks and Robert Lowry says it best:

"I need Thee, O I need Thee, Ev'ry hour I need Thee!  O bless me now, my Savior-I come to Thee!"

Friday, March 5, 2021

When there is a Mess focus on the Mission

 Read Joshua 6. 

Conventional warfare against a high walled city like this would have involved a long-term siege.  Demands from the attackers followed by pronouncing curses upon each other were common.  The attacking army would encamp around the city and build ramps against the wall.  If the city was unprepared, quite often the attacker waited until starvation destroyed the people inside. 

None of this happened to Jericho.  There were no demands, no cursing, no ramps.  Indeed, the battle plan issued by the LORD was silence and simply marching around the city.  The only sounds were the ram’s horns and marching feet.  After that, they went back to their base camp.  To the fighting men of Israel this must have been some of the most conflicted moments of their lives.  They were ready to attack but not allowed to do so.  This they did once every day for six days and seven times on the seventh day.  

Inside the city walls, the people of Jericho would have been preparing for the worst.  But each day nothing happened.  The scripture tells us that they had already lost their courage to fight.  The shear dread and fear from this daily routine is unimaginable. 

But on the seventh day, on the seventh lap, the horns sounded, and Joshua ordered, "Shout, for the LORD has given you the city."  It has been proven by archaeological digs that the walls fell downward in place.  Only Rahab and her family were rescued. 

Other instructions for this battle included total destruction, but anything made of gold, silver, bronze, and iron was to be given to the priests for their use.  They were dedicated to the LORD. 

There are at least three life applications for us here.

1. Reject the things banned by God. (vv.17-18)

A believer in Jesus must be aware and on guard moment by moment to love the things that God loves and hate the things that God hates. 

2. Reclaim some things for God. (v.19)

In the midst of the mess there is most always something that can be pulled out to use for God's purposes.  Look for it in problems, broken people, and other shambles of life. 

3. Rescue people who respond to God. (vv.22-23)

Despite all the fear, the warnings, and the pending doom not one citizen of Jericho put their trust in the God of Israel except Rahab's family.  They were not only kept alive, but they united with and were embraced by God's people.  Seeking those who are responsive to the message of Jesus is our daily responsibility as His followers.  "Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us.  We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.  For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." (2 Corinthians 5:20-21)