Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Power of God's Voice

Read Psalm 29.

This is a call to worship the LORD because of His almighty power over creation.  Whether the waters, thunders, trees, lightning, earthquakes...all are His and under His authority.

The emphasis in this song is the process God uses.  Seven times in verses 3-8 the phrase "the voice of the LORD" appears.

1. It was His voice at creation.
Repeatedly in Genesis 1 we read "And God said" or "And God called".  The process of creation itself was instantaneous at the all-powerful spoken command of the LORD.  He "calls into existence the things that do not exist." (Romans 4:17b)

2. It was His voice issuing personal assignments.
Often referred to as a calling, God speaks to individuals to guide them on His path for their lives.  Though few have experienced the drama of Moses at the burning bush, it was "when Moses turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush."  (Exodus 3:4)  God wants to get our attention.  We must "turn aside" from our stuff in order to hear what He has to say.  Jesus simply said, "Follow Me."

3. It was His voice that commanded miracles.
Jesus stilled the storm with "Peace be still."  He healed the one possessed by demons by demanding to "Come out of the man."  He raised Lazarus from the dead when he cried, "Lazarus come out."  As the One with ultimate authority, when he speaks, all things obey His word.

4. It is His voice in our conscience.
When God wanted Elijah to listen to Him, there was a graphic display.  First, a tornadic wind swept accompanied by an earthquake.  "But the LORD was not in the wind."  Next, a raging fire appeared.  "But the LORD was not in the fire.  And after the fire the sound of a low whisper."  It is that still small voice of God in our conscience that tells us throughout the day of what is right and wrong, directing us to respond to Him.
"And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying 'This is the way, walk in it.'" (Isaiah 30:21)

Because of that voice King David urged, "Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name."

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