Thursday, March 31, 2022

In praise and prophecy for Jerusalem

 Read Psalm 87.

This is song praises the city of Jerusalem.  Not only was it a place of God's choosing, but in those days it was the center of world-wide worship of God because the Temple was there.  Sitting on mount Zion, it looked beautiful.  The psalmist looked forward to the day when this will be a peaceful ("salem") city for the nations. 

In that day, people will say wonderful things about Jerusalem.  Folks will be proud to have been born there.  It will be the fountain of blessings to all.

When will that happen? 

The Bible explains that one day Jesus will return to rule and reign for 1,000 years from Jerusalem.  Psalm 2 describes how the God the Father will establish God the Son as king on Zion's hill.  He will "make the nations your heritage and the ends of the earth your possession."

And, one of the rewards for those who place their faith in Jesus now is that we will rule and reign with Him.

"Blessed and holy is the one who shares in the first resurrection!  Over such the second death has no power but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him for a thousand years."
(Revelation 20:6)


Wednesday, March 30, 2022

3 Essentials to Prayer

 Read Psalm 86.

Interesting, how many of the Psalms were written as a result of a threat.  We do our best praying when we realize that we cannot help ourselves and must cast our complete dependence upon God.  Follow David's thoughts as he asked the LORD to intervene.  These are essential components to seeing our prayers answered.

1. The condition of David.
The prayer came from a confident, yet humble heart.  His confidence was based upon his position and practice before God.  In verse 2, he said, "I am godly."  In other words, he did nothing wrong to bring this trouble.  He felt helpless in his ability to deliver himself.  He needed the LORD to act on his behalf.  He asked God to hear him, to spare him, to extend grace to him, and to teach him.

2. The commitment of David.
He recognized that there was still much to learn about being all that God wanted him to be.  His desire went further than the immediate help and asked "teach me."  How precious that part of the prayer must have sounded in the ears of the LORD!  What did he need to learn?  "Unite my heart to fear your name" (v.11).  James wrote that a double-minded prayer will not be answered (James 1:5-8)  The evidence of one with a whole heart for the LORD includes living according to God's truth and giving glory to His name (vv.11-12).

3. The character of God.
The basis of this entire prayer is the essence of who God is. 
-"good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love" (v.5)
-"There is none like you..."  "You alone are God." (vv.8, 10b)
-"All the nations you have made..." (v.9)
-"You are great and do wondrous things." (v.10)
-able to deliver souls from eternal torment (v.13)
-"merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness." (v.15)
-able to show favor, help, and comfort (v.17)

"For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all..." (1 Timothy 2:5-6)


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Revive us Again

 Read Psalm 85. 

At some point in the past Israel suffered great loss.  The psalmist admits that this happened because of their sin.  But once the sin was dealt with, God restored, or returned, their losses to them. 

Now, feeling God's displeasure, even anger, they were in need of another restoration. 

What is the problem?

1. Sin breaks fellowship with the LORD.

2. Sin brings discipline from the LORD.

3. Sin causes us to lose our joy in the LORD. 

What is the cure?

"Let me hear what God the LORD will speak." (v.8)

Ignoring what God has to say is the first step toward sin.  Knowing and responding to what God has to say is the first step in restoring fellowship with Him.  When we acknowledge that God is right and we are wrong, we find "He is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9) 

What are the results?

-Restoration means we can bask in the love of God.

-We recognize His faithfulness to us.

-We live again doing what is right.

-We enjoy peace with God.

-His blessings will be upon our work.

Monday, March 28, 2022

What are you thinking on the way to Worship?

 Read Psalm 84. 

For most of us, Sunday mornings are a rush to get ready and leave.  Once there, we look for a good parking spot, quick greetings with a few people, and find a seat.  We hope the music and preaching are to our liking. 

Contrast that thinking with this Psalm.  Verses 5-7 indicate that this was a song worshipers would sing as the traveled up the mountain to Jerusalem in order to worship at the temple.  The attitude is they could not wait to get there. 

1. It was a time to sing.

The singer was excited about getting to the place of worship; not because of the building or others who would be around, but because they going to formally appear before and meet with God Himself. 

2. It was a time to pray.

Intercessory prayer was offered for the king.  God appointed and anointed their national leader.  The people depended upon the LORD to work through him in order to lead them to do what is right. 

3. It was a time to serve.

Having the privilege of standing at the door of the place of worship could not be matched at any price. 

4. It was a time to be blessed.

The sun speaks of God's provision.

The shield refers to God's protection.

The favor of God opens doors of opportunity.

The honor of God is how we are treated when we walk into His opportunities. 

God does not withhold good things from us.  He loves to bless those live for Him. 

Now, enjoy the service.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Praying for those against You

Read Psalm 83. 

Asaph began with a call for God to let His voice be heard.  The enemies of Israel were conspiring to attack and "wipe them out as a nation."  However, with heavenly insight, he realized that these "crafty plans" were not only against Israel but truly this was a spiritual battle. Those surrounding nations were demonically energized to be haters of God (v.5). 

Throughout the Bible, when God's people were taunted, challenged, belittled, or attacked, a godly leader verbalized the battle behind the battle.  It was not Pharaoh against Moses, but Pharaoh against God.  It was not Goliath against David, but Goliath against God.  It was not the Prophets of Baal against Elijah, but the false prophets against God.  It was not the wizards of Babylon against Daniel, but them against God.  In each instance, the antagonists paid for their actions with their lives. 

But here, the psalmist prayed differently.  Yes, he wanted God to avenge Himself, even shaming them and bringing them down in disgrace.  But notice two other parts of his prayer that have eternal significance. 

1. So "that they may seek your name." (v.17)

Asking God to destroy an enemy is one thing.  Or, he could have wanted the LORD make them sorry for what they did.  But, asking Him to bring them to repentance reveals a godly perspective on his part.  When people seek the LORD with a repenting heart, life-change will take place. 

2. So "that they may know that you alone...are the Most High over all the earth." (v.18)

The reason people hate God is first and foremost an attempt to get rid of their guilt.  There is no real cure for guilt other than the forgiveness of God.  He alone offers spiritual cleansing of the conscience through the shed blood of Jesus.  When people come to faith in the LORD, He receives the honor and glory due His name.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Who judges the Judges?

 Read Psalm 82. 

Human judges are placed in a weighty position.  They make decisions that immediately impact the lives of others; sometimes one person, sometimes an entire nation.  Since all authority ultimately comes from God (Romans 13:1), human judges are to be His representatives on earth meting out decisions in alignment with His word and wisdom. 

When Asaph assessed the judges of his day, he saw a lack of understanding and accountability.  In this curious song, the writer imagined a time when God would sit in judgment of these judges.  He even wrote what God would say to them.  In balancing the scales of power in a culture, human judges are to protect at least these four groups of people:

1. The Weak

These are folks who are low on the totem pole of society.  Financially, they have no strength of resources to fight the opposition, either due to loss or threat. 

2. The Fatherless

Orphaned children have no parents to defend them and protect them.  Without judicial decisions, they may become easy prey to every kind of abuse. 

3. The Afflicted

People who have been brought down physically, financially, or otherwise in an unjust manner need intervention by a legal authority. 

4. The Destitute

Not only have these experienced losses, but they have nothing left.  With no means of protection or help, they seek justice. 

In John 10:34, as the religious leaders attempted to stone Jesus to death, He quoted verse 6. 

Judges are human.  Mistakes are made.  But when there is deliberate disregard for God's word, when financial or political bribery tilts their decisions, or when partiality of any kind is shown, there is One is heaven who will indeed one day sit in judgment of the judges.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Taking time to Listen

 Read Psalm 81. 

It was a time to celebrate.  Everyone, by statute, was to gather at this time to loudly sing and play on the instruments.  Most believe this took place at the Feast of Tabernacles.  God had answered prayer in the past!  They called on Him and He delivered Israel from the slavery of Egypt.  

But after all He had done for them, they turned aside from obeying the LORD. 

It was a time to listen.

Three times (verses 8, 11, 13), the Psalmist speaking on behalf of God, called the people to listen to what God had said to them.  Inexplicably, they gave themselves to strange gods and false teachings.  He chose not to strike them dead, but instead some of the most chilling words in the Bible are used, "So, I gave them over to their stubborn hearts."  (See also Romans 1:26, 28).  He left them to go their own way and suffer the consequences of their own making.  This is the essence of sin. 

It was a time to return.

"Oh, that my people would listen to me, that Israel would walk in my ways."  This call to live for the LORD comes with promises of blessings.  The LORD wants to protect us from those who would do us harm.  The LORD wants to provide for us so that we may be fulfilled in life. 

It is stubborn rebellion in the heart that keeps people ever seeking and never experiencing true satisfaction.  No one else and nothing else can satisfy the true longing of the heart but God Himself. 

Thursday, March 24, 2022

A cry for Restoration

 Read Psalm 80. 

On behalf of the nation, Asaph voiced their alienation from God.  Three times (vv.3, 7, 19) he prayed for the LORD to "restore us" so that they may be delivered from their distress.  The KJV translates the phrase "turn us again." 

He described Israel as a vine that God had planted on this land.  The LORD cultivated the vine and gave it everything it needed to be fruitful.  Yet, instead of being a beautiful, healthy vine bearing fruit, it had been attacked, devoured, and burned. 

God did not move.  They experienced this distress for a reason.  Drawn away by their own sin and disobedience, the nation had turned to other things instead of the God.  It was they who needed to return by repenting of their sin. 

Here are his requests in verses 17-18 to restore his nation.

1. He prayed for the leader.

If the nation was to be all that God designed it to be, the hand of the LORD needed to be on the leader.  The "son of man" with a small "s" is a reference to the king.  Godly leadership is essential to a righteous nation.  The Apostle Paul urged that we are to pray "for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way." (1 Timothy 2:2). 

2. He prayed for the people.

"Give us life."  Their current state of human existence was not working.  He cried for something more, a kind of life that only comes from God.  Jesus spoke of this in John 10:10-"I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." 

Every person has physical life and breath with a heart beat for only a set number of years.  It is temporary.  The life that is offered by faith in Christ is real life.  Eternal life.  Abundant life. 

We join Asaph in praying for God to turn us back to Himself and restore us today.


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Rethinking our prayers for Help

 Psalm 79. 

This song from Asaph is very similar to his Psalm 74.  Jerusalem had been attacked, the temple defiled, some of those who served there were killed and left unburied.  The enemies scoffed at Israel’s belief in God because He did not protect them. 

Why did God allow this to happen? 

Asaph felt that the cause was due to sin.  Their disobedience to God had brought His anger against them and this invasion was their penalty.  The result was "we are brought very low."  Humility before God is the starting point of rebuilding a relationship with Him.  It is the required attitude of prayer. 

Notice how he appealed to the Lord.

1. Help us. (v.9a)

Why?  "For the glory of your name."  These were God's people.  The temple was the sole place of sacrificial worship of God.  If the LORD would step in and help them, the restoration would bring Him honor by all. 

2. Deliver us and atone for our sins. (v.9b)

Why?  "For your name's sake!"  This defeat was not only against them but the very person and power of God.  The LORD's reputation had been totally disregarded and disrespected. 

Asaph's question was "why should the nations say, "Where is their God?" 

If God answered our prayers for help, who would get the credit?  How would God be glorified?

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Overcoming a roller coaster Faith

 Psalm 78. 

This song recounts the historical roller coaster of Israel's spiritual journey.  They were up and down.  Casting their dependence upon God and then rejecting Him.  The call from Asaph was to stop this cycle by teaching the next generation the wonderful works of God.  This helped the teacher as much as the learner. 

But this goes far beyond a curriculum of knowledge.  The difference would only come by exercising a consistent faith in action; affecting the immediate next generation and "the children yet unborn" (v.6). 

Why was Asaph so insistent?  Because as he reviewed history, he labeled the leaders of the past as "stubborn and rebellious" and unfaithful to God.  Then, he provided specific examples of this rebellion and how God responded.  Even in their times of rejection and unbelief, God graciously supplied their daily needs.  Yet, they provoked God repeatedly by their disobedience.  That prompted the LORD to intervene with discipline, sometimes with awful tragedies, to get their attention. 

When the nation realized they had sinned, they repented and "remembered that God was their rock, the Most High God their redeemer" (v.35).  But it proved to be mere lip service and not genuine.  Their lives did not change. 

Through it all, God did not change His mind or His plans.  In His sovereignty, He chose the tribe of Judah to lead the nation.  He chose David to shepherd His people with integrity and skill.  They were back on track. 

All of us can identify to one extent or another of the roller coaster experience of our faith.  God is good.  He is gracious in supplying our daily needs.   He is worthy of our trust and a consistently disciplined life.  The generations behind should be able to see it in us and hear our firsthand God stories.

Monday, March 21, 2022

What to do when our faith Fails

 Read Psalm 77. 

Asaph was in great distress.  He described his praying as crying aloud to God with untiring outstretched hands.  The troubles he faced prevented him from sleeping.  As he tossed and turned, he began feeling alienated from God. 

This caused him to question God's care for him.

"Will the Lord spurn forever and never again be favorable?

Has his steadfast love forever ceased?

Are his promises at an end for all time?

Has God forgotten to be gracious?

Has he in anger shut up his compassion?" (vv.7-9) 

When the pressure upon us pushes us to the edge, when we feel that we have gone as far as we can go, and God has not responded with the help we so desperately need, what are we to do? 

Asaph changed his focus from his problems to remembering the power of God.  He made a deliberate decision to recall and meditate on what God had done for him and how He had delivered His people in the past.  He reviewed the mighty power the LORD displayed at the Red Sea (Exodus 14).  If God can deliver millions of people and wipe out the world's most powerful army of the time, then what how small (not insignificant) and solvable are the problems we face? 

He realized it was his weakness, not God's, that brought on this spurt of unbelief.  Remembering the facts of his faith strengthened him. 

"Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh.  Is anything too hard for me?" (Jeremiah 32:17)


Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The God who is to be Feared

 Read Psalm 76. 

The city of Jerusalem He chose as the place for the Temple and the center of worship under the old covenant.  His very presence was there in the Holy of Holies behind the curtain. 

It is no wonder then that as Israel obeyed God that He jealousy protected Jerusalem from its enemies.  Jehovah demonstrated His presence by unleashing His power against attackers.  How are people to respond to such a God as this? 

1. The LORD is to be feared.

At the root of all sin is the lack of respect, reverence, and obedient response to the God of heaven.  The answer to his question in verse 7 is no one!  Sooner or later all will come to fear the LORD.  "So that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." (Philippians 2:10-11) 

2. The LORD will execute judgment on those who do not fear Him.

God's wrath is reserved for people who choose to ignore His claims.  Every individual will come to Him in this life out of great love and gratitude for His offer of forgiveness, or they will bow on command as they enter eternal punishment for rejecting Him.  He has proven His power of wrath time and again.  Even those who defy God will bring Him glory as He fulfills His purposes in judging them.

3. The LORD saves those who fear Him.

In verse 9, these are called "the humble."  When one surrenders their life to God, they come under His protection.  He not only is present to help now, but He has secured our eternity as well.  But "faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead" (James 2:17).  So, Asaph made a call to put our faith into practice:

-Keep your promises to God.

At the moment of salvation we committed to live for Him as Lord of our lives.  That is a 24/7 promise of thought, word and deed.

-Bring Him your gifts.

Giving and worship are inseparable.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

For those who believe in Self-sufficiency

 Read Psalm 75. 

Each juncture of world history occurred and will take place at the exact time set by the Father.  For example: Creation.  The call of Abraham.  The Exodus.  The leadership of Joshua.  The anointing of David as King of Israel.  The exiles and return.  The birth of Christ.  The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.  The ascension of Christ and coming of the Spirit.  The return of Christ. 

This is also true of God's judgments.  At the time set by Him, He will judge rightly according to His word, not the laws and thinking of humans.  The LORD is sovereign and ruler over all whether one acknowledges Him or not. 

1. God is in control of the earth's stability. (v.3)

Science calls it gravity.  Think of how much we depend upon the predictability and accuracy of the earth's rotation and the movement of the universe.  It is ludicrous for some to believe this happened by accident or by long periods of time.  Such thinking would be totally unacceptable regarding any other subject.  Most importantly, it robs God of the credit and His glory as Creator.   It is affront to Jesus Christ Himself.

Colossians 1:17-"And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together."

Those who placed their faith in other beliefs will one day be judged. 

2. God is in control of personal opportunity. (vv.4-7)

At the root of all sin is pride.  It is the egoist who thinks that their strength and power ("horn") got them where they are.  It is pride that distorts one's view of life and leads to a false sense of self-sufficiency.  It is pride that causes people to embrace the false belief that they have no accountability to the God who brought them into this world and provided opportunities for them throughout their lives.  Little do they realize it is God who puts down one and raises up another. 

3. God is in control of eternity. (vv.8-10)

Those who reject God's offer of forgiveness and life in Jesus have nothing to look forward to other than eternal punishment.  Note the chilling analogy that He already has prepared the drink given to those about to be judged.  

Those who respond to God's loving-kindness in Christ have a reason to sing.  The LORD will lift us up and welcome us to the place He has prepared for those who love Him.

Monday, March 14, 2022

When believers are under Attack

 Read Psalm 74. 

Asaph wrote of a time when the homeland was under attack.  In their invasion, the enemy destroyed places and items used to worship the LORD.  In addition, they scoffed at the God of Israel and began to set up their own objects of worship.  This went far beyond military might to raw spiritual warfare.  It confused him.  Why would God allow this?  Why did He not intervene to protect His own people? 

His prayer was a call for the God of heaven to arise and demonstrate His glory.  Notice the elements of his appeal. 

1. The power of His creation. (vv.12-19)

God had demonstrated His great omnipotence in the past.  As the Owner, He made and corralled oceans and their inhabitants.  He provided water on the land.  He divided day and night.  He made the seasons.  If God could do that then dealing with people on earth is a simple matter. 

2. The promise of His covenant. (vv.20-21)

These were God's chosen people.  In Genesis 12, the LORD made unconditional promises regarding Abraham's descendants.  Promises were made to King David and his household forever.  It was from this family that the Messiah would come.  No wonder they were under satanic attack.  It is God's commitment to care for His people and He will. 

3. The perspective of His cause. (vv.22-23)

This fight was not "them against us."  Rather, this war truly belonged to God. 

Believers are soldiers in the spiritual battles and we are totally dependent upon the Spirit of God to accomplish spiritual victories.  "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places." (Ephesians 6:12) 

But do not forget the rest of Ephesians 6.  Put on the whole armor God that He has supplied for our protection and skillfully use the written word of God He gave us for our offensive weapon.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

A cure for Envy

 Psalm 73. 

It happens to all of us.  We notice someone who has something newer, faster, better, more attractive, more expensive, or simply more.  Within us stirs an emotional desire to have, to buy, to acquire, or to accomplish. 

That feeling may motivate us legitimately to higher levels of achievement.  But the warning in Scripture is to guard against the sin of envy.  It can be a fine line.  The motive question we must ask ourselves is, "Why am I feeling that way?"   Is it due to a lack of contentment on our part?  Is it due to our pride?  Is it the need for power to keep up with or exceed those around us?  Is it because we feel God is not meeting our needs?

Here is the insight: The felt need for more can never be satisfied. 

In this Psalm, Asaph shared his true struggles and how he was able to resolve his envy.  These three steps will help us to understand the cause of envy and its cure. 

1. Looking at others.  (vv.1-12)

The problem started when he looked at those around him who were prospering and he realized they did not love God.  They took credit for their gains.  They did not seem to be troubled by tragedies and problems.  They got away with violence and criminal behavior.  They felt no accountability to God for their actions. 

2. Looking at himself.  (vv.13-16)

The chief cause of normal depression is self-pity.  We compare ourselves with others and what we want things to be like.  The distance of the gap between our expectations and reality is the measure of disappointment.  Asaph lived a godly life.  He did what was right.  Yet, comparatively he felt short-changed.  Trying to understand this wore him down. 

3. Looking to God.  (vv.17-28)

"...until I went into the sanctuary of God; then I discerned their end."  When he began to worship, Asaph was able to gain a true perspective.  He had been concerned about temporal stuff.  100% of it could be lost, stolen, or burned up and 100% of it he would one day leave behind.  What he had through faith in the LORD was eternal.  That inheritance is "imperishable, undefiled, and unfading" (1 Peter 1:4).

The cure came when he realized that God is enough.  In His faithfulness, He supplies each day what we need.


Saturday, March 12, 2022

The leadership every nation Wants

 Read Psalm 72. 

This is David's prayer for Solomon as the crown was passed from father to son.  How does one pray for a national leader?  There are no less than nine requests made for the new king. 

1. Justice for the poor and needy.

All authority to mete out justice comes from God.  Human judges are to represent God with the knowledge that they are accountable to Him.  Having leadership that stands in the gap for those who are powerless, who stands against oppressors, and those who commit crimes is essential to the survival of any society. 

2. Righteousness.

Not only must leaders correct what is wrong, they must lead according to what is right. 

3. Prosperity.

Good leadership creates an environment for growth.  The people then are refreshed by them and "flourish" personally and financially. 

4. Peace.

Living quiet peaceable lives is the goal of a civilized society.  Those who govern have the God-given responsibility to protect the people from internal strife and international threats. 

5. Expanded Influence.

This is the essence of all leadership.  The prayer here is based upon the first four above.  The leader would be so respected, so blessed, and so supported by his own people that he would be equally received and revered by other nations. 

6.  Long Life.

"Long live the king."  That is not only a good sentiment for well-wishing, but long tenures of God-honoring leadership is a blessing to the people. 

7. Abundance.

With great productivity comes abundance in resources.  Great amounts of resources give leaders and the nation plenty of options for expansion, protection, and meeting the needs of the people.  When the nation is enriched the people should be as well. 

8. Fame.

When a nation has such leadership as described here, it becomes well-known and attractive.  The reason is that everyone wants to live in a place like this and follow this type of leader. 

9. Blessed.

This kind of leadership and this type of society does not come through self-help efforts.  It is a "wondrous" thing that comes from God alone.  He blesses such leaders and nations in order to reveal His glory, not theirs. 

"Righteous exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people."  (Proverbs 14:34)

Friday, March 11, 2022

A God for all Seasons

 Read Psalm 71. 

Here the unnamed song writer made an assessment of his life.  A need for safety and stability appears to have prompted it.  He looked to God for refuge and rescue from those who sought his harm.  A good scare or tragedy causes us to stop and take stock of where we have been, why we are here, and, most importantly, where we are headed. 

1. From Birth. (v.6)

"You took me from my mother's womb."  Birth is no accident.  As Psalm 139 explains in detail, the LORD superintends even conception and formation.  People are born with a God-given purpose to fulfill.  The Psalmist cannot recall a time he did not "lean" on the LORD. 

2. From Youth. (vv.5, 17)

All during his days of growing up, the LORD provided for him in two strong areas.

-"For you, O Lord, are my hope."  No matter what happens in life, God never changes.  He is always there and has our future secured.

-"O God, from my youth you have taught me."  The only way to know and experience God's purpose of why we are here is be taught by Him.  It does not come to us naturally.  Time must be invested in knowing what God has said in His word.  "The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple." (Psalm 119:130)  As we invest that time, we discover the Holy Spirit helping us to make application for life-change in order to live in a way that pleases God.  "These things God has revealed to us through the Spirit.  For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God." (1 Corinthians 2:10) 

3. To Old Age. (v.18)

A lifetime of learning God's word and living according to His purpose has influence.  The charge is to tell the next generation of God's power, how He answered prayer, and how He intervened to provided refuge and rescue. 

"You who have done great things, O God, who is like you?" (v.19b)

Thursday, March 10, 2022

I need help and I need it NOW

 Read Psalm 70. 

Many of the Psalms were written as reminders to the nation.  They would sing them at particular times of travel, worship, or celebration.  This one was to be sung "for the Memorial Offering." 

1. The cry is for urgent help. (vv.1 and 5)

He needed deliverance and he needed right away. 

2. The cry is for protection from hurt. (vv.2-3)

His enemies sought his harm and even his life.  They ridiculed his faith.  The prayer was for God to deal with them and put them to shame. 

3. The cry is for victorious hope. (v.4)

He looked beyond his circumstances by faith.  "God is great!"  Indeed, God is greater than the threats.  God is greater than those who plot against him.  The victory is assured either way.  So, let the people of God rejoice, be glad, and sing. 

"When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles." (Psalm 34:17)

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Waiting for God to Act

 Read Psalm 69. 

David felt overwhelmed.  He cried until his throat hurt and his eyes were nearly swollen shut as he waited on God.  One his chief concerns was how this stress affected those around him.  He became alienated even from his own family. 

When he tried to worship or humble himself in prayer and fasting, his adversaries used those very things to mock him. 

Yet, through it all David's faith never wavered.  He trusted God to act on his behalf at exactly the right moment.  "But as for me, my prayer is to you, O LORD.  At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love answer me in your saving faithfulness." (v.13)  God will not be a minute late in providing His deliverance.  Waiting is the hardest part. 

When these circumstances become our reality, we are in the best company imaginable.  For so they treated Jesus.  No less than three verses in this Psalm were later identified in the Gospels with the persecution and sufferings of Christ.

Verse 4-John 15:25 "But the word that is written in their Law must be fulfilled: They hated me without a cause."

Verse 9-John 2:17 "His disciples remembered that is was written, 'Zeal for your house will consume me.'"

Verse 21-Matthew 27:48 "And one of them at once ran and took a sponge, filled it with sour wine, and put it on a reed and gave it him to drink." 

He could sing praises in the midst of the pain because of the certainty of God's love, care and plan.  This song was never meant to be a complaint but a testimony to others.  "You who seek God, let your hearts revive.  For the LORD hears the needy and does not despise his own people who are prisoners." (vv.32b-33)


Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Does God care about those in Need?

 Read Psalm 68. 

God helps those who cannot help themselves.  It is sinful pride that causes us to think we can live without dependence on the LORD. 

David wrote this song so that the nation would be reminded of God's power.  His enemies are powerless against Him.  They will be scattered, driven away, melted and will perish. 

Notice the specific groups of people in verses 9-10 who gain the LORD's special attention for defense and assistance.

1. Fatherless.  Those who have lost their parents or who have been abandoned by them can discover that God is available to meet their needs as a faithful heavenly Father.  Something many of them never had. 

2. Widows.  In several places in Scripture, there are reassurances, and even specific instructions, for the care of these women.  It is stated here that God is their protector.  Those who would mistreat or seek to take advantage of widows will in fact find themselves experiencing reprisals from God Himself. 

3. Solitary.   There are so many who live alone; single adults and the elderly.  They may and will experience times of loneliness, but no one is truly ever alone.  The LORD is omnipresent and is always available to those who seek Him.  His steadfast friendship supersedes what any other companion could supply. 

4. Prisoners.  As they pay for their crimes, they not only lose their freedom but their livelihoods.  Time is lost to produce any income for their future.  But when an incarcerated person who has paid their judicial debt is released they need help.  God can open doors of opportunity for them and restore those lost years. 

"In your goodness, O God, you provided for the needy." (v.10a)  

And, then to all of us we have these words of confidence for everyday:

"Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears us up; God is our salvation."


Monday, March 7, 2022

4 Reasons to praise the LORD today

 Read Psalm 67. 

The source of all blessings is God's grace.  He extends to us what we do not deserve and what we cannot earn.  In the first verse, the psalmist reminds us that His grace to us is personal and relational.  He sees our need and our capacity in light of His purposes for us and responds...with His smile ("his face to shine upon us.") 

While this song is one of praise, to be accompanied by stringed instruments, it is also missional in nature.  He called for everyone in the world to sing along. 

Why should the LORD be praised?

1. God's saving power is extensive.

The personal knowledge and worship of God was not limited to Israel.  This wonderful "good news" is available to everyone.  As the promise was made to Abraham in Genesis 12, "in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."  The prophets preached that the Gentiles would worship the LORD.  Jesus' charge to His followers is that we are to teach all the nations. 

2. God judgment is equitable.

He will correct every wrong.  When the LORD judges sin He does it "right."  Ultimately, all wrong-doing and evil is against God.  He keeps accurate records of all disobedience of words, thoughts and deeds.  His justice will prevail.  Unless there is personal repentance of these and faith in the blood of Jesus for forgiveness, there is eternal punishment waiting. 

3. God's guidance is effective.

He will lead us to do what is right.  It may seem that the nations are out of control.  Certainly, Satan and his demons are at work to bring degradation and upheaval worldwide.  But the LORD is sovereign and all these things are working toward the climax of God's purposes.  His plan has been given to us in writing to know and to encourage us. 

4. God's provision is evident. 

Our mental and physical strength to work comes from Him.  The opportunities to earn come from Him.  The blessing upon our work for income and increase are His.  He not only has promised to meet our needs, He does! 

Praise HIM!

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Here is the Test-imony

 Read Psalm 66. 

"There is no testimony without a test."  The psalmist has come through the test and made an "A".  In verses 10-12, he described it as coming through a fire, like a carrying crushing burden, and making it through a flood of water.  He saw the results of his prayers. 

The word "awesome" (ESV) has to do with reverential fear and respect.  In Scripture it is how mankind is to react to the person and power of God.  The jaw drops in astonishment and we declare Him to be full of "awe." 

In verse 5, we are invited to witness the mighty hand of God at work.  He performed miracles in the past by drying up the Red Sea for Israel.  He is active now as He observes and is aware of every move of people in all the nations (v.7). 

"Yet" (v.12b).  The purpose of the test was not in the fire, the burden, or the water.  The purpose was that by coming through those things he would see the faithfulness of God and give Him glory. 

God is good.  And, as a result of passing the test "you have brought us out to a place of abundance." 

How did the psalmist respond?

He wrote a song so we could sing along with him and praise God.

He presented a special thank offering to God.

He recommitted himself to fulfill his promises and live for God.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Reasons to rejoice and keep your Promises

 Read Psalm 65. 

Everywhere David looked he found another reason to praise the LORD.  It was this all-encompassing awareness of God that motivated him to keep his promises to the LORD. 

The key reason people make vows to God and do not keep them is they have no awareness of His involvement in their lives and feel no accountability to Him.  At important junctures in life such as weddings, the birth of a child, a life and death situation, or in times of a major need, it is normal for people to pray and make promises.  God hears those prayers (v.2).  Then, as life moves on, they tend to forget and treat those words as unimportant.  However, God does not forget us or what we said we would do.  Indeed, He reminds us of His presence everywhere. 

How does God show Himself to be present and powerful?

He forgives our sins. (v.3)

He satisfies our souls in worship. (v.4)

He created the mountains. (v.6)

He created the seas. (v.7)

He paints the sunrises and sunsets. (v.8b)

He controls the water cycle of earth. (vv.9-10)

He provides the growth of crops. (v.11)

He provides the multiplication of the animals in the pastures. (vv.12-13) 

Why is the God of heaven so personally involved in these details?  "So that those who dwell at the ends of the earth are in awe at your signs." (v.8a)


Friday, March 4, 2022

Don't let evil discourage You

 Read Psalm 64. 

Do not be discouraged by what unbelievers say and do.  Do not waiver in your faith. 

David prayed for God's protection from wicked people who plotted against him.  He described their lies and threats as weapons of war, swords and arrows.  He was innocent, yet they ambushed him with their words. 

Even more, these evil enemies had taken time to carefully devise their plans to kill him.  They thought they could execute the perfect crime against David and go undetected.  Obviously, David found out. 

"But God."  Not only did David know, but God knew.  This prayer looked to God for action.  The LORD could destroy evil-doers with their own devices. 

When God punishes sin, there are two results in verses 9-10 that bring Him glory.

1. Among all people.

The purpose of God's judgment is to strike fear in the hearts of all people.  No one will get away wrong-doing.  Such accountability for personal sin should cause everyone to stop and think about their own fate.  The response should be one of repentance toward God and faith in Him. 

2. Among believers.

God's judgment is a reminder to believers that He will eventually deal with all injustices.  That truth alone should cause rejoicing in the midst of persecution.  In the meantime, we take refuge in Him.


Thursday, March 3, 2022

For those who are Lonely, Thirsty, and Hungry

 Read Psalm 63. 

The inscription of this song indicates that David was in a southern wilderness area of Israel.  Looking out over the "dry and weary land" provided a perfect analogy of how he felt spiritually. 

1. Lonely

Being in the desert, he was away from the place of worship in Jerusalem.  The isolation created within him a desire for the presence of God.  He may have been surrounded with his men and other followers, but no one else could fill that spiritual emptiness inside.  In verse one, he sought the LORD "early" or "earnestly".  The root word in Hebrew is "dawn".  Spending time with God was the first thing on His agenda for the day. 

2. Thirsty

Waking up in the morning in an arid environment, his body craved water.  But in a very similar manner he had a thirst for God's presence, His power, and His glory.  Jesus called it "living water" in John 4:10. 

3. Hungry

Traveling in the wilderness, food supplies were somewhat limited.  A sumptuous feast would have been a pleasurable thought.  Yet, only God could satisfy the hunger of his heart.  And, it was not just in the morning time that he prayed and meditated on God's goodness to him.  At night, in bed (v.6), when things were quiet, his thoughts reviewed how the LORD had helped him and how God had protected him. 

Why did he feel this way toward God?

"Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips shall praise you." (v.3)

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

There is power in Silence

 Read Psalm 62. 

David was teetering on the edge, just about to fall.  Surrounding him were scoundrels ready to push him over.  But he understood full well "that power belongs to God" (v.11).  So, he waited.  Twice he stated that he waited in silence for the LORD to deliver him. 

Waiting in silence may be the most difficult of all the Christian disciplines.  Suffering in quiet can be agonizing.  It is natural for us to gripe and complain, argue and defend when being mistreated.  We want to bend the ear of anyone who will listen just to be heard.  

Kenneth Boa in his classic book, "Conformed to His Image" wrote, "Silence is at odds with the din of our culture and the popular addiction to noise and hubbub.  This discipline relates not only to finding places of silence in our surroundings but also to times of restricted speech in the presence of others." (p.83) 

Waiting on God is not just being quiet.  Having poured one's soul out to God in prayer, we then must listen with expectation to what He has to say to us in solitude, from the Scriptures, or from encounters with others.  It involves trusting that He is active on our behalf, even when we cannot see any movement at all.  Our hope must be in Him, not in the circumstances that are seen.  The real power belongs to the LORD. 

"He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength....but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." (Isaiah 40:29, 31)

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Feeling Overwhelmed?

 Read Psalm 61. 

Even as the great King of Israel, there were times when David felt overwhelmed.  Life happens and sometimes causes the heart to "faint."  He needed a safe place for his soul, one of peace, a dependable spot that did not change with circumstances.  David found that security in God.  Notice the multiple descriptions he used. 

1. God is a Rock.

To some Jesus is a rock of offense and rejected.  Psalm 118:22 states, "The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone."  The Apostle Peter wrote in 1 Peter 2:6 that this "stone" is Jesus.  He is the Rock of our faith.  As the Cornerstone, all the rest of life's construction is measured from Him. 

2. God is Strong Tower.

In ancient times, cities built walls for protection with towers for various reasons.  Some towers were only watchtowers for lookouts.  However, a "strong tower" was a place where people could run if the city was being invaded.  It would be built out of stone so the enemy could not burn it down or penetrate it.  To be there was to be safe.  In Psalm 144:2 David wrote: "He is my steadfast love and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield and he in whom I take refuge." 

3. God is a Shelter.

He described this particular covering as one of a mother bird with open wings where her young could huddle for protection and comfort against a threat.  Who can read this and not think of Jesus' words of lament concerning the city of Jerusalem?  "How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!" (Matthew 23:37) 

William O. Cushing penned the text that later Ira Sankey put to music:

"Under His wings, O what precious enjoyment!

There will I hide till life's trials are o'er;

Sheltered protected, no evil can harm me,

Resting in Jesus I'm safe evermore.