Sunday, July 30, 2023

Do you hear the music God is playing?

 Read Matthew 11.

John the Baptist lingered in prison, unable to continue his ministry.  What he did not know was that he would soon be beheaded.  Under such pressure, this once bold and brash cousin of Jesus was now in need of reassurance.  Some of John's followers came asking if indeed Jesus is the Messiah.  The response pointed to His authority, His power, and His message of good news.

At that Jesus turned to the crowds and spoke concerning John and his ministry.  John was not a rich and famous man but a messenger whose ministry was to prepare the way for the Messiah.  Jesus quoted Malachi 3:1 and applied it to John as fulfilling the role of the prophet Elijah with this condition, "if you are willing to accept it."  They were not willing.

How could they not respond in faith?  In a comparison, Jesus said the reason they were not dancing was they could not hear the music God was playing.  They were spiritually blind and deaf.  Yet, even their lack of repentance was in the plan of God.  And, speaking of the lack of response, Jesus went on to condemn some of the cities where he had preached (11:1).  "They did not repent" (v.20).  Do not miss that Jesus indicated that there are degrees of eternal punishment.  Sodom experienced the temporal judgment of God in Genesis 19, but eternal judgment waits.  Some, like the unrepentant people of Capernaum, will suffer even more than the people of Sodom in eternity.  Why?   They were given greater opportunity.  Here stood Jesus, God in the flesh.  They saw the miracles.  They heard but without response to His call to believe in Him.

Still, Jesus extended another invitation in verses 28-30.
1. "Come to me."
He viewed the people in 9:36 as being "harassed and helpless."  Here, he saw them as burdened down and tired of carrying their load in life.  His offer is rest.

2. "Take my yoke upon you."
As two oxen are joined in a yoke for work, Jesus invites us to personally link up with Him.  It is not a 50/50 assignment.  His yoke is light and easy because life must lived in His strength and power.

3. "Learn from me."
Merely knowing Jesus will not lighten the load.  There is no discipleship without discipline.  The picture of the yoke implies that there is work to be done.  We must intentionally be trained in God's word and His ways to be able to live a life that pleases Him and benefits us.

The result is rest for our souls.  Peace with God.  Peace from God.


Saturday, July 29, 2023

6 marks of those who serve Jesus

 Read Matthew 10.

At the end of chapter nine, Jesus revealed His view of ministry to people.  He saw it as a plentiful harvest.  Ecclesiastes 3:2 states that there is "a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted."  This was a time to reap.  But also in Jesus' view the harvest was in serious need of laborers.  So, He asked those closest to Him to pray that God would send out workers to minister to the needs of the people.  Then, He sent the very ones whom He asked to pray.

What follows are the details of the authority Jesus gave to these twelve men.  It becomes obvious that such authority and empowerment was unique to those named in verses 2-4.  They not only were given the ability to cast out demons but "to heal every disease and every affliction," including raising the dead (v.8).  And, they were to serve without pay (vv.9-10).  However, there are elements of serving the Lord that apply to every Christian.

1. See. (9:37)
Serving the Lord begins with seeing the world as God sees it.  The needs of people are everywhere and overwhelming.  How do you see the people around you?

2. Pray. (9:38)
Jesus' prayer request to His followers was to pray for the harvest of people, and specifically, that the Lord would send out laborers into that harvest.  How are you praying for the harvest?

3.  Listen. (10:1)
He personally called them to Himself.  All service for God begins with a call to a personal, growing relationship with Jesus.  To whom are you listening for life direction?

4. Go. (10:5-24)
When Jesus called their names, they were ready to be sent.  He gave them instructions as to what to say and what to do.  He warned them of the problems and dangers ahead.  Are you ready to go wherever God wants to send you?

5. Commitment. (10:25-39)
Serving Jesus could cost them their lives and will cost them relationships.  Believers are in a spiritual war.  Proclaiming that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and that no one goes to heaven without faith in Him is divisive.  "Everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven."  He encouraged them to not fear because their spiritual work was more important than what may happen to them physically or socially.  How committed are you?

6. Rewards. (vv.40-42)
At the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10), followers of Jesus will be rewarded for their service.  That is the only true evaluation of the success of any laborer in the harvest.  There are various types of rewards, but the greatest will be to hear the Father's voice saying "Well done, good and faithful servant" (Matthew 25).  Is that your overarching life goal?


Friday, July 28, 2023

Does God help those who help Themselves?

 Read Matthew 9.

Jesus continued to publicly display His power and authority as God in the flesh.  What began in Matthew 7:28 with His teaching authority of  the Scriptures was now plain for all to see in every area, including the natural elements, physical maladies, satanic powers, and the forgiveness of sin.  As He confirmed His identity, Jesus had compassion on the people "because they were harassed and helpless" (v.36).

The questions asked were all good ones.  But not everyone liked the obvious answers. 
1. Question #1. (vv.1-8)
In verse 3, the accusation was blasphemy.  The question, unasked in Matthew's account, was "Who can forgive sins but God?"  The answer from Jesus was "that you may know that the Son of Man has the authority on earth to forgive sins" he healed the paralytic man. 

2. Question #2. (vv.9-13)
"Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?"  Jesus answered that He did not come "to call the righteous, but sinners."  The self-righteous critics felt no guilt for their sin and no need of a Savior.  But those that did sense and admit their need found an eternal friend in Jesus.

3. Question #3. (vv.14-17)
John's disciples asked, "Why do we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?"  The answer compared being with Jesus as a time for celebration.  No one fasts on joyful occasions.  But in anticipation of the cross and His ascension back to heaven, Jesus indicated that an appropriate time for fasting will come when He is gone.

4. Question #4. (vv. 27-31)
This question was asked by Jesus of the two blind men.  "Do you believe that I am able to do this?"  They replied, "Yes, Lord."  Then, Jesus healed them both.

The paralytic could not help himself.  His four friends had to carry him to Jesus.   

The ruler of the Synagogue could not help his daughter.  She died of unstated causes.  But he cast his hope on Jesus, even confessing that he believed Jesus could raise her from the dead.

The bleeding woman could not find anyone to help her after twelve years of trying.  She put her faith in Jesus and he healed her instantly.

The two blind men lived without a cure, but they came to Jesus for help.

The man in verses 32-34 was oppressed by demons and mute.    Someone brought him to Jesus.  Not only did the demons flee but the man began to speak.

Each of these illustrates that God helps those who CANNOT help themselves.  It is when a person realizes that casting one's dependence on Him is the only means of deliverance.  Help is available for those who come to Jesus in faith and total dependence on Him.


Thursday, July 27, 2023

Where does Jesus get His Authority?

 Read Matthew 8.

Crowds of people began following Jesus as He preached.  This chapter begins the documentation of a series of healings and miracles that Jesus employed to validate His message and identity as the Messiah.  He certainly did not use the healings to draw a crowd.  They were already there.

It is interesting to note that there is no formula in the Scriptures concerning these healings.  The leper came to Jesus, expressing his faith in the Lord's ability.  However, Jesus went to Peter's mother-in-law to heal her.  The centurion was a Gentile and Jesus did not go to see his daughter but merely spoke and it was done.  Some He touched.  Some He did not touch.  In verse 16, He cast out demons "with a word."  And, in that same verse we are told that He "healed all who were sick," not just some.  These lives were instantly changed!  One can only imagine what stories they communicated about Jesus for the rest of their lives.  They had been physically helped (temporal) and spiritually transformed (eternal).

The crucifixion was still more than a couple years away, yet the Holy Spirit had Matthew cite part of Isaiah's prophecy at this point in His life.  From Isaiah 53: "He took our illnesses and bore our diseases." (v.17)  Indeed, Jesus was fulfilling the predictions concerning the Messiah.

All of these signs of the Messiah were meant intentionally to demonstrate His full authority as God in the flesh.
1. Authority in His teaching. (7:29)
The Scribes, who were the scholars of the day, took the Scriptures and added rabbinical teachings.  They argued among themselves as to which rabbi was right and what behavioral applications should be required.  But, instead of presenting the opinions of men and options of thought, Jesus declared the truth of God's word.  They were not used to hearing such.  After all the Scripture is the written word of God. 

2. Authority over evil spirits. (8:16)
The Temple priests, Rabbis, and other religious leaders had no cure for one obviously possessed by demons.  Some tried to deny the existence of Satan and evil spirits.  Others thought only to protect themselves by treating them as outcasts.  Instead, Jesus cast out the demons.  Though believers can resist the Devil and he will flee (James 4:7), only God has true authority over Satan and his hordes.  Even Michael, the archangel, when he fought against Satan, as recorded in Jude 9, said, "The Lord rebuke you."  God did, can, and will judge the Devil and his demons.  To prove He was God, Jesus did it in verses 16 and 31-32.

3. Authority over creation. (8:27)
Colossians chapter one is clear that Jesus is the Creator of all things.  He created hydrogen and oxygen.  He commanded them to fuse together and form the waters.  It was not something unusual, then, for Jesus to command the movements of the winds and the Sea of Galilee.  Yet, the disciples "marveled."

No one had ever seen anything like this before.  "What sort of man is this?”, they asked.  He is Immanuel, God with us.


Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Evaluating our Relationships

 Read Matthew 7.

This third chapter of quotes from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount contains three foundational keys to evaluating relationships and responding to others. 

1. Practice what you preach. (vv.1-5)
To have and maintain any relationship with another person begins with self-examination.  This paragraph does not say, "Never judge."  Many have used verse one for their own purposes and chosen to ignore the rest of the chapter.  The intent of the admonition here is to first judge yourself.  Saying one thing and doing another is the practical definition of hypocrisy.  The Apostle Paul wrote, "But if we judged ourselves truly, we would not be judged." (1 Corinthians 11:31).

A good understanding of our own imperfections and sin should cause us to live humbly with others.  Knowing how God has treated us with His grace, mercy and forgiveness should stimulate us to extend those same qualities to others when they do wrong.

2. Treat others the way you wish to be treated. (v.12)
Dr. John Maxwell wrote an intriguing little book entitled, "There's no such thing as 'business' ethics."  His premise is that all ethics are personal and that Matthew 7:12 is the foundation.  In Philippians, believers are told to demonstrate how Jesus sacrificially treated others.  "Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." (Philippians 2:4) 

3. Don't believe everything you see and hear. (vv.15-23)
If the earlier point had been not to judge others, Jesus would not have included these verses in His message.  We can know the authenticity of another person by looking at the results and evaluating them according to God's word.

His chief example concerns false teachers.  They look and sound religious.  They may say they believe in Jesus.  Today, they may even hold up a Bible and quote from it.  But often their genuineness is not in what they say but in what they do not say.  It is not only in their public lives but in their private behaviors where the real truth lies.  The religious pretenders and scoundrels are many.  And, it is not just those on the platform but also those sitting in the seats.  Many espouse that they are Christians because of their family, their culture, or even their good works.  Yet, without a personal repentance of sin and faith in Jesus as their Savior, on that day of God's judgment He will say, "Depart from me."

Interestingly, the text segues into evaluating the foundation of one's life in verses 24-27.  The most important part of any structure is the foundation.  The Apostle Peter quoted Isaiah 28:16 and proclaimed that Jesus is the Cornerstone of our faith. "Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame."


Monday, July 24, 2023

From the inside Out

Read Matthew 6.

Jesus continued instructing His followers how to live for God and with each other.  In this chapter, He taught on the subjects of giving, praying, fasting, and investing.  While it may seem to be a broad range of topics, there is a common thread to them.  What is done in private God will make known publicly.  That statement will either spring up hope within us or a dread of exposure.

The emphasis here is not maintaining religious rituals but guarding our motives for participating.  This is not an escape from practicing these spiritual disciplines.  However, we must do them for the right reasons.  If our spiritual activities are for the purposes egoism, to be seen by others and appreciated by them, then there will be no spiritual benefit.  Indeed, such will only be a pretense of religiosity.

What God is looking for are hearts that are so grateful for His goodness that they cannot wait to give and invest in His work.  What God is looking for are hearts that so recognize their utter dependence upon Him that they seek to be alone with Him in prayer and fasting.  It is in the privacy of one's heart that the Holy Spirit sees our true motives and meets our deepest needs.  Our outward activities are to be the responses of gratitude.

Our Heavenly Father is eager to reward in His way and in His time those who faithfully obey Him.  This does not preclude people knowing or seeing some of the things we may do for God.  Rather, it is a self-judgment of why are we doing them.

At the root is the question of one’s priorities.  If we honor God, he will honor us.  If we do not, we cannot expect Him to bless us.  But we tend to worry about when and how the blessing of God may come, if at all.  That is why, I believe, the closing message in this chapter addresses that issue.  It begins with the belief that God knows our needs and that He will be faithful to us.

"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." (v.33)  Maturity in the Christian life is work done from the inside-out.


Saturday, July 22, 2023

3 underlying questions for red letter People

 Read Matthew 5.

With the exception of four verses, every word in Matthew chapters five through seven are quotations from Jesus in what has become known as the Sermon on the Mount.  He covered a wide and diverse range of subjects that pertain to nearly every area of our spiritual, personal, and relational lives.  For this reason, several well-known phrases have emerged. 

1. "Just live by the Sermon on the Mount."
This statement comes from those who are asking how a person should live to please God.  In other words, if we behave and treat others as prescribed in these three chapters, then God will surely see our good works and accept us into His heaven.

The question is, "How does a person get to go to heaven?"
It is not by our good works.  It is only when one places their personal trust in Jesus for forgiveness of their sin.  Jesus said (also in red letters), "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me."  Good works is the proof of our genuine faith, not how one becomes a follower of Jesus.

2. "I only trust the red letters of the Bible."

A German by the name of Louis Klopsch (1852-1910), wondered if publishing a Bible with the words of Jesus printed in red ink was a good idea because there were no quotation markings in the King James Version.  In 1901, with the encouragement of T. De Witt Talmage, he did just that.  Over time, some have erroneously taken those red letters to be of more importance than the black ones.  That was never the intent of the Holy Spirit, the writers of the Scriptures, and the publishers.


The question is, "What is the Bible?"
Jesus said in 5:18, "For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished."  That reference is to all the Law and the Prophets; in other words, the entire Old Testament.  His mention of every single detail demonstrates Jesus' belief in the inerrancy of all Scripture. 

3. "Jesus never said anything about that."
This statement has become a mantra of sorts by those who do not know the Bible very well in order to justify some sinful behavior or false doctrine.  In an effort to be politically correct in an ever-challenging and changing culture, the attempt is to ignore the parts of the Bible that are undesirable.  Mainline denominations and their leaders continue to relax their beliefs and their standards so they may be popularly accepted by the rebellious.

The question is, "How are we to evaluate current issues and events?"
The Holy Spirit guided the Apostle Paul to pen, "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."  Instead of changing one's behavior to align with God's word, culture will always want to change the teaching to rationalize their conflicting behaviors.

But for those who are committed to the words of Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount, a warning is included.  "Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called the least in the kingdom of heaven..."  (v.19a).


Friday, July 21, 2023

Overcoming personal Temptation

 Read Matthew 4.

In preparation for the launch of His earthly ministry and the selection of the twelve apostles, Jesus invested time in solitude, with prayer and fasting.  It was in this time of human weakness, having gone over a month without food, that Satan made a series of personal attacks.

Three of those temptations are listed here.  Each illustrates the mind and character of Christ.  Each of them encourages us in our times of similar temptation.  Naturally, we are selfish, self-protecting, and self-serving.

1. Overcoming Selfishness. (vv.1-4)

It surely was not selfish on Jesus' part to be hungry.  And, yes, He could have provided food for Himself at any time.  It was an intentional choice to deny His body this basic need for an extended time of spiritual concentration.  The response of Jesus was that feeding the soul with God's word was more important than feeding one's stomach.  It is easier for us to starve our soul than our stomach.  For a daily habit and health, we need to feed both body and soul.

2. Overcoming Self-protection. (vv.5-7)
The cross proved that the human body of Jesus could be harmed, bleed, and die.  So, the threat was potentially a real one.  And, like at the crucifixion, Jesus could have summoned myriads of angels to deliver Him.  But, on that occasion He did not.  It was a time for self-sacrifice for the sin of the world.  Here, when Satan tempted Jesus to display His power it was for the purpose of self-protection.  It was a dare.  This was not the time, not the method, and certainly not the reason for Jesus to die.  Nor would Jesus allow Satan to manipulate Him for entertainment purposes. 

Believers who live within the will and plan of God may be assured that they are protected until that exact moment the LORD has completed their purpose for being here on earth.  Concerning the ministry of angels, the writer of Hebrews put it this way, "Are they not ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?" (Hebrews 1:14).  Guardian angels, we call them.  But, woe to those who choose to live in disobedience.  Their protection may be removed and life cut short.  1 Corinthians 11:29-30 provides just one New Testament example. 

3. Overcoming Self-service. (vv.8-11)
There are multiple incongruities in this one.  First and foremost, Jesus created all things and is already the Owner.  Satan has been given temporary ability to be the "ruler of this world" (John 12:31).  There is coming a day when he will be cast out and King Jesus will rule and reign on earth.  Second, for Jesus to assume control of "all the kingdoms of the world" before the appointed time would have thwarted the eternal plan of God, the Father.  Our human flesh wants immediate gratification rather than waiting for the fulfillment of God's will for our lives in His time.

The consistent weapon Jesus used to diffuse the temptations was quoting the appropriate Scripture.  In spiritual warfare, the word of God is our only offensive weapon (Ephesians 6:10-18).  This passage lets us know that enemy can quote the Bible also. But he dismisses the parts he does not like and only uses pieces of the Scriptures in an attempt to proof-text his own agenda, not God's.  It also underscores the need not only to know the Bible verses but to obey them.

"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect was tempted as we are, yet without sin.  Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:15)


Thursday, July 20, 2023

Publicly introducing Jesus

 Read Matthew 3.

Each of the gospels emphasizes a different perspective on the life of Christ.  The Gospel of Matthew is written to prove that Jesus is King.  After providing some details concerning His birth, the Holy Spirit had Matthew skip thirty years ahead to the public introduction of Jesus.

In Luke chapter one, we are told that John the Baptist was the son of a godly, elderly couple.  His father, Zechariah, was a Levitical priest, and Elizabeth, was a relative of Mary.  So, humanly, there existed a family relationship between John the Baptist and Jesus.

Under normal expectations, John, being of the tribe of Levi, would have served in a similar manner as his father.  But his calling and ministry stood in great contrast to the Temple and the religious establishment.  The nation had been led in rituals without a heart committed to God and obedience to the Scriptures.  True faith in God had been turned into empty, and even sinful, practices.  The message was simple and clear.  Repent!  Repentance is not merely feeling sorry for doing wrong.  The Greek word literally means to turn around. 

When the people heard this preaching, the Holy Spirit pricked their consciences and they confessed their sins against God (v.6).  With the admission of their sin and agreeing with God about their disobedience, they publicly declared their commitment to change the direction of their lives.  To confirm this, they were willing to be publicly immersed in the Jordan River as an outward identification with this message.

Then came Jesus.  He did not come confessing sin because He had none to confess.  However, He obviously desired to publicly identify with the message.  When Jesus appeared, John felt the same as the prophet Isaiah when he saw God in Isaiah 6.  Next to holiness, John and Isaiah felt unclean and humbled.  But Jesus said that being baptized by John was the right thing to do (v.15).

As Jesus came up out of the water, all three persons of the Trinity were present.    The Holy Spirit visibly alit upon Jesus.  Those looking for Messiah would have been reminded of Isaiah 11:2.  The Father declared His pleasure aloud.  This was the first of three times in the New Testament where the voice of God, the Father, was heard audibly.  Each time it was to confirm that Jesus is none other than God, the Son.  As the angel announced in Matthew 1:23, Jesus is Immanuel, "God with us."


Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Who were the wise men Seeking?

 Read Matthew 2.

Matthew's account of Jesus only briefly mentions that He was born at the end of chapter one.  The Holy Spirit moved Matthew on in the story-line to confirm the true identity of Jesus and the next major events.

Who is Jesus?  Who were the wise men looking for?  Who did the prophets say would come?
Note the four terms that are used to identify Him. 

1. He is King of the Jews. (v.2)
This was the statement in the opening verse of the book.  "The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David (the King), the son of Abraham (the Jews).  The wise men were looking for the earthly king of the Jews that the prophets said would come.  "...and the government shall be upon his shoulder..." (Isaiah 9:6).  Many have been confused by either ignoring this still future earthly rule of Christ, or by spiritualizing the thousands of Biblical prophecies concerning Messiah's earthly reign from Jerusalem, or by attempting to combine those prophecies with the kingdom of heaven.

2. He is the Christ. (v.4)
Jesus is the long awaited Messiah.  There existed many opinions about Him then, as there are now.  But the most important question of all time is one's personal response to Jesus when He asked, "'But who do you say that I am?'  Simon Peter replied, 'You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.'" (Matthew 16:15-16)

3. He is a ruler. (v.6)
The Jews looked for Messiah to oust the Romans and rule over Israel in His first coming.  In John 6:15, the crowd intended to force Jesus to be their king right then.  But prophecies concerning His first coming included Messiah's suffering and dying for sin (Isaiah 53).  After the resurrection, even the disciples asked, "Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?" (Acts 1:6).  He will do just that when He returns to earth in power and glory as the King of kings and the Lord of lords (Revelation 19-20).

4. He is a shepherd for Israel. (v.6)
This is one of four quotes or references to the prophetic writings in this chapter.  Micah 5:2 named the place of His birth and the millennial leadership He will provide hundreds of years in advance.  Jesus said, "I am the good shepherd.  The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." (John 10:11) 

Some time had lapsed between the birth of Jesus and the arrival of the wise men.  The thought of a king being born for the Jews threatened King Herod and his dynasty.  Herod's question regarding "what time the star had appeared" seems to be an attempt to ascertain the child's age.  In verse 11, the wise men found Jesus as a child in a house, not a babe in a manger.  This explains why Herod killed all the children two years of age and younger.

As Jesus fulfilled hundreds of prophecies in His first coming, the Scriptures have substantially even more promises concerning His second coming.


Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Introducing the real Jesus

 Read Matthew 1.

The overarching distinctive of Matthew's gospel is to present Jesus as the King.  Of utmost importance to being crowned as a king is one's birthright to the throne.  That is why chapter one begins with the human genealogy of Jesus. This is proof of His lineage as it traces His earthly heritage from Abraham to Joseph.

Much of the Old Testament's story-line is behind the names listed here.  Do not miss the unusual mention of four women by name (plus, Bathsheba is simply called “the wife of Uriah) among all the forefathers.  They each had stories of tragedy and redemption. 
-Tamar (v.3) conceived twins from Judah, her father-in-law.
-Rahab (v.5) was a Gentile prostitute of Jericho, who came to believe in God.
-Ruth (v.5) a widow, also a Gentile, who embraced the faith of her mother-in-law.

-Bathsheba (v.6) committed adultery with King David and gave birth to Solomon.
-Mary (v.16) an unmarried, young virgin who miraculously became pregnant with Jesus.

There are five unmistakable claims in this chapter as to who Jesus is.
1. He is the son of David. (v.1a)
According to the covenant that the LORD made in 2 Samuel 7, David’s descendants are the perpetual royal family of the Jews.  Jesus is the fulfillment of this promise.  "He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever." (2 Samuel 7:13)

2. He is the son of Abraham. (v.1b)
The unconditional covenant God made with Abraham and his descendants in Genesis 12:1-3 is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus.  "...and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." 

3. His human birth is of the Holy Spirit. (vv.18-20)
Though the earthly family is emphasized in the opening verses, twice we are reassured here that Joseph was not the father of Jesus.  Otherwise, Jesus would have been a sinner by birth (Romans 5:12).  Mary conceived as a result of the special work of the Holy Spirit in her body.  This was a miracle conception and a fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy.  "Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." (Isaiah 7:14a)

4. He is the Savior from sin. (v.21)
The name Jesus means savior or deliverer.  In the Old Testament, the equivalent is the name Joshua.  However, the angel's declaration is specific as to the mission in saying that this Jesus "will save his people from their sins."  To downplay awfulness of sin and the individual need for a personal savior is to discredit the very purpose of the first coming of Christ.

5. He is God in the flesh. (v.23)
Completing the quote from Isaiah 7:14, the angel declared that Jesus will be known as Immanuel, "(which means, God with us)."  Those who deny that Jesus was God in the flesh either do not know or simply do not believe the Scriptures.

How important is it to know and place one's faith in the real Jesus?
Jesus claimed that those who believe in Him "may have eternal life." (John 3:15)


Monday, July 17, 2023

Preparing for the return of Christ

 Read Malachi 4.

The day of the LORD contains two aspects.  It will be a time of judgment followed by joy.  In this closing chapter of the Old Testament, we are told that the power and works of all evildoers will be destroyed.  Like a devastating fire, all the influence of those who rejected God will be reduced to nothing.

Then, joy will be the experience of those "who fear my name."  When Christ returns, His righteousness will shine everywhere as the noonday sun.  What follows is a word of encouragement and two admonitions.

1. Restoration is coming. (v.3)
The righteous and holy rule of Jesus from Jerusalem will result in a healing of the people and for the land.  So great will be the blessings of this time, the people will be jumping for joy.

2. Remember to obey God's word. (v.4)
In the meantime, those who revere and respect the LORD are to know and put into practice His expectations of how to live.

3. Review the signs of His coming. (v.5)
Those who chose to ignore 17 books of the writing prophets miss more than 25% of God's word.  In addition, much of the New Testament provides hope and confidence in our faith with details of the future from Jesus, many statements in the Epistles, and the book of Revelation.  As a result, they live incomplete and unprepared lives.  

The Holy Spirit through Malachi prompted Judah to be on the lookout for one who would prepare the coming of Messiah.  "I will send you Elijah the prophet." 

Preparing the First Coming:
Concerning the birth of John, the Baptist, an angel of the Lord appeared to his parents and declared, "...he will go before him in the spirit and power of make ready for the Lord a people prepared." (Luke 1:17)  Then, Jesus commented concerning John, the Baptist, "...and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come."  (Matthew 11:14)   However, Israel rejected Jesus, as a nation.  But the offer was there.

Preparing the Second Coming:
Some time after John, the Baptist had been beheaded, Jesus took Peter, James and John up on a mountain.  There the curtain of His humanity was pulled back so these three could see the Deity of Christ.  Appearing with Jesus in that moment was none other than Moses and Elijah.  The disciples asked about the statement in Malachi about Elijah.  Jesus responded, "Elijah does come, and he will restore all things."  Then, he referred back to what He previously stated in Matthew 11:14.

In Revelation 11, as the Great Tribulation moves toward its climax, two powerful witnesses come upon the scene.  They will preach for 1260 days.  When reading their characteristics, it is hard not to see the descriptions of Moses and Elijah.

Jesus said, "I will come again" (John 14:3).  His appearing will be visible, personal, and powerful as He returns to set up His earthly kingdom.  And, "we reign with him for a thousand years" (Revelation 20:6).


Saturday, July 15, 2023

Where is the God of Justice?

 Read Malachi 3.

At the end of chapter two, the people expressed confusion about evil doers who seem to enjoy the blessings of God while they themselves do not.  But God had plainly presented their own unfaithfulness and their hypocrisy in even asking the question.  But they cried out further, "Where is the God of justice?"  Of all things people should not be asking for God's justice for themselves but mercy from the LORD.   God has an answer.

He is sending "my messenger and he will prepare the way before me."  Jesus quoted Malachi 3:1 and identified this messenger to be John, the Baptist (Matthew 11:10).  This was during Messiah's first coming.  The scene abruptly changes as the descriptions jump to His second coming.  Then, Jesus will "come to his Temple."  It was not His Temple the first time Jesus came.  This is another indication that the Temple in Jerusalem must be rebuilt.  Next, we learn that His coming will be as a Judge.

The first priority of the second coming of Christ to earth will be to establish holiness (Zechariah 14:20-21).  Two analogies of His purification are given.  That day will be like a refining fire is to precious metal and soap that cleanses.  Jesus will not come as a babe in a manager and the suffering Savior.  In that day, He will mete out His earthly justice, "who can endure the day of his coming, and who can stand when he appears?" 

Who are these who will deserve God's justice?  (v.5)
-oppressors of workers, widows and the fatherless
-the inhospitable
-those who do not fear the LORD

The purpose is to establish a holy culture in which Jesus will rule and reign over the world for a thousand years.  Note this judgment on earth should not be confused with either the Judgment Seat of Christ, which if for rewarding believers (2 Corinthians 5:10), or with the Great White Throne Judgment that will eternally send unbelievers into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:11-15). 

Another indictment follows as God accuses them of robbing Him.  He is poised to bless them.  But their failure to bring both their tithes and their offerings in support of the work of the ministry at the Temple brought more of God's discipline.

The closing of this chapter reminds us that this God of justice keeps careful individual records of all wrong doing also keeps the same records of those who are faithful to Him.  "For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do." (Hebrews 6:10)


Friday, July 14, 2023

How God evaluates Faithfulness

 Read Malachi 2.

The Holy Spirit guided the Apostle Paul to write, "Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful."  The immediate context of that statement has to do with the stewardship of the God-given message and ministry.  Indeed, all of life is a stewardship from God.  And, each person will be held accountable for how well they managed all that God gave to them.

Malachi presents a series of indictments directly from God.  Chapter two addresses three areas of failure to be good and faithful stewards.

1. Faithful to God. (vv.1-9)
After revealing the sloppy and sinful manner in which the business of the Temple was being conducted, God next spoke pointedly to the priests.  "This is a command for you."  God's name had been treated with disrespect.  His word was not followed.  These priests had violated their calling and charge.  The LORD established the priesthood with the tribe of Levi.  He made a "covenant of salt" (Numbers 18) with instructions on what they were to do and how it was to be done.  Instead, these men treated it as a job and went through the motions, disregarding God's word and expectations.  Their service was to flow from a heart that desired to "honor my name" (v.2).

In great contrast, the LORD reviewed the qualities of one who would serve Him faithfully.
-"He stood in awe of my name."  The very mention of God's name should strike a holy respect.
-"True instruction was in his mouth."  They were to teach God's word and not vary from the truth with the changes in culture, personal opinions, or what others thought.  See also verse 9.
-"...walked with me in peace and uprightness."  This refers to how one lives their personal life.  Living for God will be visibly evident to everyone.
-"He turned away from iniquity."  Sin in one's life is not to be rationalized on any level.  It is not to be tolerated.  It is a spiritual cancer to be shunned.

2. Faithful to one another. (vv.10-12)
This nation of Jews shared a physical and spiritual heritage.  By creation, God was their Father and they had a human obligation to each other.  By calling and covenant, they traced their family tree to Abraham.  They obviously were not treating each other as family.  The LORD had provided specific instructions concerning their behaviors toward one another, but they ignored them.

In the New Testament, the family of God is determined by mutual faith in Jesus.  The term "one another" appears repeatedly in the instructions about Christian behavior.  The true Christian life is lived in dependence on and serving each other.

3. Faithful to one's spouse. (vv.13-16)
They questioned God as to why He did not bless them after all they did for Him.  He responded with their lack of faithfulness to their marriage vows.  First and foremost, they had intermarried with those who did not have a mutual commitment to the LORD.  This is forbidden in both the Old and New Testaments and shows a lack of faithfulness to God.  Marriage is a covenant relationship of a man and a woman before God for life.  The NIV translates verse 16 this way: "'I hate divorce,' says the LORD God of Israel."

Each time, the indication is that their worship and offerings were meaningless and rejected due to their lack of obedience in these areas.  May we daily live throughout each day faithful to the assignment and relationships He has given to us.


Thursday, July 13, 2023

When ritual is not Worship

 Read Malachi 1.

The people began to question God's promises and plans.  They wondered if serving God was worth it.  Their practices of worship became cold, routine, mechanical observances while ignoring God's requirements.  So, the LORD employed a series of indictments against them to pierce their hard hearts.  And, each time the response was, "Who us?  Wherein did we ever do that?"  Forty-seven of the fifty-five verses in Malachi are spoken by God.

Indictment #1: I have loved you. (vv.2-5)
That does not sound like an accusation until you read the response.  The LORD made the statement because He was not receiving any love return.
Response: How have you loved us?
Answer: I chose you. 
It was His own sovereign decision to establish an everlasting covenant with Abraham and his descendants.  The choice of Isaac was due to being the sole son of Sarah.  Then, He chose Jacob over Esau.  From there the twelve sons of Jacob and their families carry the promise of the covenant.  God presented that evidence as exhibit A for proof of His love for them.

Indictment #2: You have despised my name. (vv.6-14)
God compared His name and reputation to that of an earthly father and an authority in their lives; both names demand due respect.  A child carries the father's last name for life and has a responsibility to protect the family reputation.  So important is the protection, use, and glory of God’s name that it is mentioned five times in these fourteen verses.
Response: How have we despised your name?
Answer: By offering polluted food upon my altar.
Response: How have we polluted you?
Answer: By saying the LORD's table may be despised.
This exchange is particularly directed at the Temple priests.  They knew the demands of the Law regarding acceptable sacrifices.  Yet, they deliberately sinned against God ("is that not evil?").  The sacrifices brought by the people were to be the best, the finest, without spot or blemish.  These disobedient priests allowed animals to be offered that no one wanted and had little value; the blind, lame, sick, or even taken by force from someone else.  The LORD stated concerning those who try to offer Him less than their best, "Cursed be the cheat."

Shockingly, God said in verse 10, if this type of behavior continued it would be just as well that the doors of the Temple be closed and, therefore, there would be no need to build a fire for the sacrifices.  Stop all these rituals that disregard God's word!

This should give us all pause to think about how we approach worship today.  Worship is to be a demonstration of one's love for God and an obedient lifestyle.  Otherwise, repentance is required.  Coming before Him unprepared to give one's best is unacceptable.  Worship and giving are inseparable.  So let us be prepared...
1. To give Him glory and praise.
2. To give Him ourselves.
3. To give Him the first and best of our resources.


Wednesday, July 12, 2023

12 characteristics of Jesus' 2nd Coming

 Read Zechariah 14.

In the last days, pressure upon Israel will be unprecedented.  It will not be merely one nation that will come against them.  It will be a world-wide coalition.  Verse two explains that the LORD "will gather all the nations against Jerusalem."  Things will get a lot worse before they get better.  The armies will converge at Armageddon and the Jews experience up to 50% in losses. 

As the prophecy of Zechariah concludes, the Holy Spirit had him write down no less than a dozen items that will characterize "that day."
1. Jesus will appear to fight for Israel. (v.3)
The Apostle John described even more of the prophetic scene.  "Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse!  The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war." (Revelation 19:11).  He will not be alone-"...and all the holy ones with him" (v.5).  The army of heaven will be with Him, along "with all his saints" (1 Thessalonians 3:13).

2. Jesus will stand on the Mount of Olives. (v.4)
This is the very place where He ascended into heaven after the resurrection.  At that time, angels appeared to declare, "This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven." (Acts 1:9-12)  His return will be earthly, visible, personal, and powerful!

3. Jesus will split the Mount of Olives. (v.4)
This division will create a new valley and, apparently, be used to aid the Jews in escaping the battle.

4. Jesus will demonstrate His control of the universe. (vv.6-7)
It will be a very strange day as far as the environment is concerned with supernatural wonders.  Jesus, the Creator, in the beginning said, "Let there be light."  Therefore, it is not unusual that all the elements of His creation are at His command. (Colossians 1:16-17)

5. Jesus will provide "living water." (v.8)
Water will flow from Jerusalem in two directions, east and west.  It will provide year around nourishment for agricultural production the world has never seen.  Other prophecies indicate that there may be medicinal properties in the water, as well.

6. Jesus will reign as king over all the earth. (v.9)
On that day, He will be universally recognized and as the Kings of kings and LORD of lords.

7. Jesus will change the topography of the land. (v.10)
Israel's land will be flattened, except for Jerusalem.  The city with the new Temple will be an even more exalted location.  

8. Jesus will end all threats against Jerusalem. (v.11)
After centuries of persecution culminating with Armageddon, the Prince of Peace will rule.  No longer will Israel suffer threats of annihilation.

9. Jesus will destroy all the enemies. (vv.12-15)
Those who have come to do battle against the Jews will find themselves destroyed by panic and by plague.

10. Jesus will give the spoils of the war to Israel. (v.14)
The world's wealth that resourced the war against the Jews will then provide for their abundance.

11. Jesus will be worshiped. (v.16)
Even Gentiles families will come to bow before Christ.

12. Jesus will be treated with honor everywhere. (vv.20-21)
"Holy to the LORD" will not be limited to worship at the Temple.  He will be honored everywhere and in everything.

For us today, the Apostle Peter admonished believers in Jesus to "...honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect." (1 Peter 3:15)


Tuesday, July 11, 2023

5 prophetic statements from God, the Father

 Read Zechariah 13.

From Zechariah's view, all future events blended into one continuum.  Today, we can see the separation of those prophecies as they have been fulfilled and will unfold.

"On that day" the people of Israel will experience personal cleansing from sin according to verse one.  Then, the LORD will cleanse the land of all false worship.  Radical change is always an indicator of true repentance.  All false prophets and evil will be removed.

The rest of the chapter (vv.7-9) is a poem recapping the first and second advents of Christ.
1. God, the Father, called the Messiah "my shepherd."
Throughout the Old and New Testaments this analogy is used for God's care, provision, and protection of His people.  Today, church pastors have the human responsibility to watch over the local flock of God.  But the Apostle Peter looked forward to that future day "when the Chief Shepherd appears" (1 Peter 5:4).

2. God, the Father, called the Messiah "the man who stands next to me."
This is a term found elsewhere in the Old Testament and refers to one who is a relative, kinsman, and in unity.  It is a statement of the deity of Christ and His eternal nature.  Of Jesus, the Apostle John wrote, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1)

3. God, the Father called for the Messiah to be killed.
The crucifixion was God's plan all along to pay for sin once and for all.  "...we esteemed him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.  But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace; and with his wounds we are healed." (Isaiah 53:4b-5)  In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus faced the agony of the cross praying, "Not my will but yours be done." (Luke 22:42)

4. God, the Father, predicted that Messiah's followers would desert Him.
When Jesus prepared the disciples for the sobering events that would shortly take place, He quoted this very verse from Zechariah in Matthew 26:31.  That was when Peter rose up and declared, "Though all fall away because of you, I will never fall away."  But he did, along with the others, just as the prophecy said.

5. God, the Father, predicted a time of future of refinement for the Jews.
The horrendous loss of life that will take place during the Great Tribulation is compared to the purification process of gold.  The remnant will be a godly nation who will enjoy a personal relationship with the LORD.  He will be theirs and they will be His.

For us today, the Apostle John wrote this encouragement to believers in Jesus: "Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is." (1 John 3:2)


Monday, July 10, 2023

What will happen on that Day?

 Read Zechariah 12.

This chapter may be the most compact prophecy concerning the Jews in the entire Bible.  It is "the word of the LORD concerning Israel."  The trigger phrase is "on that day," which is repeated throughout this oracle, and refers to those future events surrounding the second coming of Christ.

Overarching the prophecy is the reminder that God is not only the Creator of all things but He is also the Almighty Controller.  And, it is personal.  He even "formed the spirit of man within him" (v.1).  Therefore, the LORD's ability to raise up and put down entire nations is without question for the Omnipotent God of the Bible.  As He is Omniscient, He can accurately communicate in advance here what will take place then.

1. All nations of the earth will gather against Jerusalem. (vv.2-9)
As an example, one can imagine what would happen if suddenly Israel took over the Dome of the Rock, destroyed it, and began building a new Temple.  Or, if Israel began reclaiming all the territory promised to Abraham and his descendants as listed in Genesis.  Whatever the cause, the nations of the world will one day unite in an attempt to fight against Israel and to destroy Jerusalem.  This is the battle of Armageddon.

However, the collective military might of the world will utterly fail.  It will not be because of Israel's military superiority or cunning.  "The LORD will give salvation to the tents of Judah..." (v.7).  The Jews will be supernaturally empowered to fight.  "...the feeblest among them on that day shall be like David" (v.8).  God states, "...I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem" (v.9).  Jesus will appear with His heavenly armies and crush all the enemy forces (Revelation 19:11-16).

2. Israel will experience a period of deep repentance. (vv.10-14)
When Jesus reveals Himself in the heavens, the Jews will "look on me, on him whom they have pierced."  The weeping and mourning will be traumatic for every person as they realized that Jesus really is the Messiah.

3. Israel will be cleansed from all sin. (13:1)
The Jews will welcome the forgiveness, paid for by Christ on the cross.  That fountain of His shed blood alone has the power to "cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9).

William Cowper penned the old and graphic hymn.
"There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Immanuel's veins;
And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, lose all their guilty stains."


Sunday, July 9, 2023

A tale of two Shepherds

 Read Zechariah 11.

In his most famous song, King David wrote in Psalm 23, "The LORD is my shepherd."  A good shepherd leads and feeds his sheep.  He cares for and defends the flock against any and all who would harm them, even to the point of sacrificing his own life.  It is a common metaphor in the Bible depicting God's love and faithfulness to His own people.

When Jesus, the Good Shepherd (John 10) appeared, He was nationally rejected.  Verse 8 tells how deep the rejected would be, "They also detested me."  This echoes what Isaiah wrote of Israel's response to the Messiah in His first coming: "he was despised and we esteemed him not" (Isaiah 53:3b).  The reference to thirty pieces of silver (the price of a slave) would be offensive to a faithful shepherd.  It is an unmistakable prophecy fulfilled by Judas' betrayal in Matthew 26:14-16.  Therefore, the Good Shepherd of the Jews will remove Himself from them as a nation for a time.  He will not provide for them nor protect them.  "I will no longer have pity" (v.6).

To illustrate the message, two named shepherd staffs are used.  Each of them is said to be broken.
1. Favor. 
God's favor in verse ten refers to His "covenant" with the Gentile nations that kept them at bay and provided protection of Israel.  If God withdraws that protection, the Jews indeed would be like lambs headed for the slaughter.  The Holy Spirit had the Apostle Paul call this spiritual period as "a partial hardening has come upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in." (Romans 11:25)

2. Union.
In verse fourteen, the second named staff refers to the oneness of Israel and Judah.  They divided into two kingdoms after the death of Solomon.  After the scattering of the north and the exile of the south, reuniting the two would have been a desirable goal.  But the Persian Empire controlled them. Then, the Greeks rose to power.  Finally, the Romans moved in to dominate and once again destroy Jerusalem along with the reconstructed Temple in A.D. 70. 

The Jews will turn to "a foolish shepherd" (v.15).  He will do nothing but harm them for his own advantage.  Revelation 13 and the following chapters describe how God will fulfill His dealing with this false spiritual leader.  All of these will be preparing the Jews for the second coming of Messiah.

The good news is that individuals have, can, and will place their faith in that One Good Shepherd who indeed gave His life for us.  While we await His return, we may cast all our "anxieties on him, because he cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7)


Saturday, July 8, 2023

Words of compassion from the Good Shepherd

 Read Zechariah 10.

The prophecy looks forward to a complete and prosperous restoration of Israel.  It will come about after a horrendous fight and the arrival of the Messiah in His second coming.

During those days, people will be looking for help and guidance.  The leaders will be taking the nation away from the LORD with the worship of false gods, lies, false dreams, and "empty consolation" (v.2).  All of those things will prove to be nothing more than "utter nonsense" (v.1).  In response, God will pour out His anger against those who influenced His people into sin.  Why?  Because these are His chosen people and like a good shepherd He "cares for his flock" (v.3).

Verse four gives a fourfold description of the Messiah.
1. The cornerstone
Jesus is the starting point of building one's faith.
2. The tent peg
Jesus is the anchor that holds secure through every circumstance and change in life.
3. The battle bow
Though Israel will fight the enemies, it is God's power that will bring the victory.  Jesus will appear ready to do battle, unleashing "the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty" (Revelation 19:11-16).
4. The ruler
Jesus, the Prince of Peace will reign from Jerusalem on the throne of David "and the government shall be upon his shoulders" (Isaiah 9:6).
Israel will be victorious coming out of the Great Tribulation "because the LORD is with them" (v.5).

There are four comforting statements here regarding that future restoration of Jews.
1. "I will bring them back." (v.6)
God will do this out of His great compassion for them and will treat the Jews "as though I had not rejected them."
2. "I have redeemed them." (v.8)
The requisite for restoration is redemption.  The nation will repent and be saved by Jesus (Romans 11).
3. "I will bring them home." (v.10)
This is a geographical return for the Jews.  They will enjoy the land God promised to Abraham and his physical descendants "till there is no room for them."
4. "I will make them strong in the LORD." (v.12)
Then, as a godly people, they will walk in obedience to Him.

These last four highlighted statements is God's desire for every person of every nation.  He wants everyone to experience His forgiveness and restoration.  He wants everyone to repent and "come home" to Him.  That is when people find new life and the Holy Spirit's power to live for the LORD.


Friday, July 7, 2023

History in Advance

 Read Zechariah 9.

True prophecy is history in advance.  Now, the anticipation builds.

Two prophetic announcements comprise the closing chapters of the book of Zechariah.  The first focuses primarily on the first coming of Messiah (chapters 9-11).  The second presents the Messiah in His second coming (chapters 12-14).

While Zechariah lived and wrote this book during the days of the Medo-Persian Empire, this prophecy foretells of the next empire.  Amazingly, Greece is even named in verse 13.  This corresponds exactly to Daniel's prophetic interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream.  God used Alexander the Great to fulfill the conquering judgments against Syria and Philistia, whose cities are mentioned here.  Though Jerusalem could also have been a target of the Grecian invasion, the LORD promised to personally protect the city.  "Then I will encamp at my house as a guard, so that none shall march to and fro..." (v.8a).  For obvious reasons, the second part of verse 8, with its promise that "no oppressor shall again march over them," seems to refer to God's ultimate protection of the Jews during the Millennium. 

There will come a time when the LORD will "stir up" the Jews to fight against Greece (v.13).   This is most certainly a reference to the inter-testament revolt by the Maccabees.

Like so many Messianic passages, the two advents of Christ are melded together. 
Two powerful prophecies:
1. The first advent of Jesus.  (v.9)
The announcement that the "king is coming to you" depicted Him as riding on a donkey.  Hardly the picture of a royal entrance.  Messiah is described in three ways: righteous, a deliverer ("having salvation"), and humble.  He offered Himself to Israel.  This verse is quoted in Matthew 21:4-5 as Jesus rode into Jerusalem as a fulfilled prophecy in what is commonly called the triumphal entry.  Though a public celebratory welcome took place at first, the week ended with rejection and crucifixion.  The Jews officially spurned Him as their king.

2. The second advent of Jesus. (v.10)
It is when Jesus comes again that He will rule and reign as the Prince of Peace.  Implements of war will be "cut off."  The land and people of Israel will be abundantly restored ("double").

Knowing these things and more, the Apostle Peter asked believers in Jesus, "what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming day of God..." (2 Peter 3:11-12)


Thursday, July 6, 2023

Imagine a time when...

 Read Zechariah 8.

The overarching purpose of Zechariah’s messages was for the people to complete the work in rebuilding the Temple.  The motivation was to prepare themselves spiritually and behaviorally for the plans God has for this nation.

Chapter eight contains the conclusion of a series of four messages that came directly from the LORD.  These cast vision of what the future will include for the Jews.  They served to encourage the people during Zechariah's time but looks forward to the coming reign of Messiah on earth.

Message #3: The Restoration of Jerusalem (vv.1-17)
Just as sure as the disaster came, so will God bring "good to Jerusalem and to the house of Judah" (v.17).  He paints a beautiful picture where young and old can enjoy safety in the streets (vv.4-5).  The LORD made three promises:
1. His presence will be there. (v.3)
This is not referring to His Omnipresence but the geographical presence of His glory.  God removed Himself from the Holy of Holies in the Temple before it was destroyed.  This reassured the people of the return of His glory.  In the near term, He would again occupy the Holy Place.  In the Millennial Kingdom, Jesus will sit on the throne of David.
2. His peace will be there. (v.12a)
After all the wars, the Jews can finally live in their homeland and be about the business of rebuilding.  However, in context, they are still under Persian control.  In the New Testament, they were under Roman domination.  This promise has an eye toward that future time when the Prince of Peace will be in charge.
3. His prosperity will be there. (v.12b)
When God disciplined His people, He withheld blessings upon the land.  But here is the promise of a time of wonderful production for the people.

Imagine a time in Jerusalem when there is no fear (v.15b).  When the word of God gives specific places and people, there is simply no way to spiritualize these prophecies and maintain Biblical integrity.  All will be fulfilled.

Message #4: The Rejoicing in Jerusalem (vv.18-23)
Verses 18-19 answer the question the delegation asked in 7:3 concerning their self-imposed time of fasting.  In that future day, all fasting and mourning will be turned into feasting and celebration.  The Pharisees asked Jesus about why His disciples did not practice ceremonial fasting.  "And Jesus said to them, 'Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them?  The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.'" (Matthew 9:14-15)

Imagine a time in Jerusalem when Jesus returns and all Israel worships Him.  There will be no more fasts.  The Gentiles from all the nations of the world will want to come to Jerusalem to seek God's favor.  Instead of being despised by so many, then people will be asking Jews, "Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you" (v.23).

While we wait, imagine that the world would seek out believers in Jesus today because they "heard that God is with you."


Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Why am I doing This?

 Read Zechariah 7.

Revisiting our routines can be a healthy exercise; mentally, emotionally, and perhaps, spiritually.  Reexamining our motives is a good thing.  Too often people trap themselves into doing the same things the same way and become unable to explain why.  Thinking people eventually will ask themselves, "Why am I doing this?"

The reconstruction of the Temple in Jerusalem was underway.  It would require four years to complete.  About half-way into the project, a question was asked about fasting.  This particular fast was self-imposed and not ordered by God.  It began with the sincere motive of memorializing the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians.  But that was over seventy years ago.  Now, they questioned whether or not they should continue the practice.

This chapter begins a series of four messages marked by "the word of the LORD came."  It is interesting to note that God did not provide an answer to their question in this first message.  He addressed it in message #4 (8:18-19).  God had something else He wanted to say to them first.

Message #1: 3 Questions (vv.1-7)
Each of God's questions was meant to drill down to their real motives for fasting or feasting.  The "why" they were doing it was more important to the LORD than the "what."  This is the danger of religious rituals. 

Merely showing up, going through the motions, and reciting certain words by rote does not mean anything happened that pleased God.  For instance, most liturgical practices began with the good motives of teaching, training, and remembering specific Biblical truths.  But over time, Bible teaching ceased to be the priority and routine became a substitute for the true worship of God.  The people know the routine without being able to open their own personal Bible and explain why.

Contemporary churches have nearly as many routine practices and requirements as liturgical ones, though most do not realize it.

The purpose of fasting is to humble oneself before God, usually in repentance and/or grief.  One either loses their appetite for food due to an adversity or they may discipline themselves to spend that time in prayer instead of eating.  God had ordered certain fasts under the law.  But again, the fast mentioned in this chapter was not one of them.

God's question to them was, "Are you doing this for Me or for yourself?"

Message #2: 3 Reminders (vv.8-14)
While He had their attention, God reviewed a bit of history for these questioners.  If they were going through the ritual of fasting for memorial purposes, what do they remember?  Do they remember why Jerusalem was destroyed?  Do they remember how faithful God was to send His messengers, the prophets, to warn the people?  Do they remember His admonishments to them?

Rituals and remembrances have their places, but what pleases the LORD is when Biblical beliefs are demonstrated in our behaviors.  Verse 9 is reminiscent of Micah 6:8. 
1."Render true judgments,
2. show kindness
3. and mercy to one another."


Tuesday, July 4, 2023

The coming King

 Read Zechariah 6.

The word of the LORD was revealed to Zechariah in a series of eight visions in a single night.  Their purposes served to give encouragement in the near-term and hope for the nation's future. 

Vision #8 concerns four horses of different colors.  Their assignment is to "patrol the earth" (v.7).  Except for the mention of the chariots, these appear to fulfill the same role as those mentioned in chapter one (1:8-10).  It underscores the fact that beyond this physical realm, God is at work.  There is a spiritual war that constantly takes place.  "The LORD of all the earth" (v.5) has full knowledge of what is happening everywhere.  His angelic messengers are on patrol to protect, to intervene, and/or mete out God's judgment.

The north and south are the only directions mentioned here.  Presumably, the immediate objects of attention are Babylon in the north and Egypt in the south.

Four horses of the same colors are seen again in Revelation 6.  There, each of them has a rider.  During the Great Tribulation, they will be instrumental in implementing God's judgment upon the earth.  This will be done to deal with the enemies of God, to prepare the Jews to be a holy nation, and to introduce Jesus in His second coming.  Then, He will establish His earthly kingdom, as promised.

In order to give tangible hope for the advent of Messiah's reign, Zechariah was told to make a king's crown of gold and silver.  The precious metals were received from a delegation of Jews who just arrived from Babylon.  The crown was then placed on the head of the High Priest.  Three items to keep in mind to understand what is happening and what is not happening here.
1. They were not reestablishing the kingdom of Judah.
The "holy land" (2:12) was part of the Persian Empire and fully under that control.  Reestablishing another kingdom would have been viewed as rebellion against the empire and resulted in a swift military reprisal.
2. Joshua was not qualified to be king of Judah.
He was a Levite, a priest, and held the office of High Priest.  One must be of the tribe of Judah in the lineage of David to serve as king.
3. Therefore, this was a ceremonial gesture pointing to the Messiah.
Verses 12-13 are prophetic statements.  The real King is one "whose name is the Branch."  He is a branch of the royal family tree.  Matthew 1:1-"The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham."  This is a clear and certain statement that Jesus has a legal right to be King of the Jews.  The crown was placed in the Temple as a hope-filled reminder.  One day the Messiah will rule and reign from the Temple in Jerusalem.  He will serve as both priest and king, just like the order of Melchizedek.  See Genesis 14 and Hebrews 7.

With all of these encouragements of the blessings God has stored up, the chapter ends with a challenge to "diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God."  


Monday, July 3, 2023

Purity comes before Blessings

 Read Zechariah 5.

Throughout the night, the visions kept coming to the prophet concerning God's work in Israel.  The term "day of the LORD" has two aspects: judgment and joy.  The previous three chapters have majored on the good news to come for the nation and two of its leaders.  Chapter 5 focuses on God's dealing with sin in the future.

1. Vision #6: Personal sin shall be judged. (vv.1-4)
There are two particular individual sins named.  We are not told why only these two, but they must have been rampant enough among the people to warrant such mentions of judgment.
-Stealing.  Not only was this a sin, but it specifically violated the eighth commandment (Exodus 20:15).  Taking what does not rightfully belong to us is a sin against God, against the other person(s), and damages our character.  There is no benefit.  A healthy culture depends upon the respect for the property of others.
-Lying.  This seems to indicate falsely swearing.  Perjury, telling a lie under oath, especially in misusing the LORD's name, is condemned in Exodus 20:7.  Mostly this is done for self-protection.  But publicly lying before God and witnesses is nothing but cruel, deliberate harm.  An indicator of a culture's deterioration is the loss of the value of words and their definitions.  "Let no corrupt talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." (Ephesians 4:29) 

2. Vision #7: National sin shall be removed. (vv.5-11)
Sin is personified as a woman in a basket with a heavy lid.  This is a picture of God loading up all the evil the Jews picked up in exile and escorting it right back to Babylon from which it came. 

A key purpose of the Great Tribulation will be the cleansing and preparation of Israel for the Millennial Kingdom.  As foretold in Revelation 17-18, a rebuilt Babylon will be the center of the world's evil.  God's judgment in that day will be decisive and severe.  God's purposes always begin with purity first.  This is true personally and nationally.


Sunday, July 2, 2023

3 leadership challenges Answered

 Read Zechariah 4.

It had already been a night filled with wonder and the prophet had fallen asleep.  The angel woke him up to deliver Vision #5.  Chapter 3 was a message to Joshua, the High Priest.  Here, God delivered a word for Zerubbabel, the appointed governor of Judah.

Under the encouragement and resources of the Persian Empire, tens of thousands of the Jews in exile returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple.  The governor faced three leadership challenges and needed God's help in overcoming them.
1. Disappointment: The expectation of the people.
No leader wants to disappoint people.  When the foundation was laid and the altar erected, there were mixed reactions of great joy and great weeping.   It saddened a good portion of the people when they realized they would not be able to duplicate the beauty of Solomon's Temple.  See Ezra 3 and Haggai 2.  By comparison, the project seemed to be so much less that it disappointed them.

Their focus was on the physical building rather than the spiritual reasons for its existence.  It was the place to come, to offer their sacrifices and offerings, to be taught, and to worship the presence of the LORD.  What the people needed was hope for the project's completion and the full exercise of their faith.  Such re-casting of the vision would help turn their disappointment into hope-filled anticipation.  "For whoever has despised the day of small things shall rejoice..." (v.10).

2.  Discouragement: The completion of the project.
Few things discourage a leader like delays with no resumption in sight.  Neighboring nations had stirred up opposition to the Jews' return and lodged official complaints, full of false accusations, with the Persian government.  This stopped the construction for some fourteen years.  Most people apparently quit thinking about the project and went to work on their own stuff (Haggai 1).  Would the Temple ever be rebuilt?  If so, when?

God provided promises to encourage him.  “The word of the LORD" was that Zerubbabel would indeed complete the work (v.9).  In fact, he would place the capstone on the Temple (v.7).

3. Development: The motivation of the process.
How will this leader be able to organize and inspire the people to get back to work and finish the job?  Some leaders will utilize force.  Some use the power of their personality.  But God's man doing God's work must depend upon God if anything is to truly honor Him.

Verse 6 is one of the most often quoted verses from Zechariah.
"Not by might (coercion, like the armed forces)
nor by power (personal strength or ability)
but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts."

Without dependence upon the Holy Spirit, the work will prove to only be a temporal accomplishment.  There is no greater power than His.  "Be filled with Spirit" (Ephesians 5:18b) is a command to be obeyed.



Saturday, July 1, 2023

O what a Day!

 Read Zechariah 3.

Among those leading the return of the Jews from Babylon was Zerubbabel, the appointed governor of Jerusalem, and the High Priest, Joshua.  Vision #4 reveals God's plan for the eventual spiritual cleansing and restoration of the Jews when Messiah comes to reign as king.

The rampant and unrepentant sins of Israel and Judah brought their downfall.  Scattering the northern tribes and sending the southern kingdom into exile did not make them perfect.  So, when God's plan to initiate their return began to unfold, Satan himself hurled accusations against the Jews.  One can only imagine the diatribe.  How could God work with such disobedient people?  Since the Jews had forsaken their commitments to the LORD, why should He keep His promises to them?

The name Satan means opponent, adversary, or accuser.  Any purpose or people of God has and will experience this opposition.  It is in fact a non-stop spiritual war.  Revelation 12:10 refers to him as "the accuser of our brothers...who accuses them day and night before our God."  In addition to attacking our weaknesses and failures, he will plot against those who live godly lives.  See Job 1.  But he is a defeated foe and he knows it.  All he can do is to wreak havoc and create questions against the truth.

God rebuked Satan (v.2).  He knows the Jews are not perfect.  He called them "a brand plucked from the fire."  The LORD is in the rescue business.  It is the exercise of His grace that saves people who do not deserve it.  That would include all of us.  Joshua spiritually represented the nation.  As he stood before the LORD, his garments were dirty.  What the LORD rescues, He cleanses.

Beyond the immediate applications of restoring the Jews to their homeland, there are promises of the prophetic restoration of the nation in verses 8-10.
1. "I will bring my servant the Branch,..a single stone with seven eyes." 
Jesus, the Messiah is coming.
"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many." (Mark 10:45)
"Behold the man whose name is the Branch: for he shall branch out from his place, and he shall build the temple of the LORD...and shall sit and rule on this throne." (Zechariah 6:12-13)
"Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame." (1 Peter 2:6)

2. "I will remove the iniquity of this land in a single day." 
This looks forward to an eventful occasion when "the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.  And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it is written, 'The Deliverer will come from Zion, he will banish ungodliness from Jacob; and this will be my covenant with them when I take away their sins.'" (Romans 11:25-27)

3. "Everyone of you will invite his neighbor to come..."
In response, Israel will be the welcoming place for the nations to come to under the umbrella of Messiah's leadership and to worship Jesus on His throne.