Saturday, September 29, 2018

Praying when Defeated

Read Psalm 60.

2 Samuel 8:14 states, "And the LORD gave victory to David wherever he went," but not this time.

While David engaged in battle in the north, an invasion occurred in the south.  Defeat was not in something he experienced very often.  Because he depended upon God for decisions and direction, this failure pointed to a spiritual problem.

1. His feelings. (vv.1-5)
In prayer, David poured out his honest emotions.  He felt God had rejected the nation.  He sensed God was angry with them.  The circumstances were hard and stunned them.  The LORD knew all this a long time before David realized it.  Prayer is not for God's benefit but for ours.  It is a good thing to release those emotions to God.  But to stop there is mere complaining against the LORD and not helpful.  There was more to his prayer.

2. His facts. (vv.6-8)
David knew the word of God.  He was able to quote God's own words back to Him in prayer.  Praying according to God's will is dependent upon knowing what God has said.  "And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.  And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him." (1 John 5:14-15)

3. His faith. (vv.9-12)
If God does not intervene there is no one else to whom he can turn.  He prayed for help.  He prayed for deliverance.  He prayed with confidence that the LORD would lead them to victory.

No matter how bad the situation, there is always hope for those who have placed their faith in the LORD.
"With God we shall do valiantly."

Friday, September 28, 2018

How can you sing at a time like This?

Read Psalm 59.

It is hard for most people to imagine the stress of living under the threat of assassination every day.  Saul sent hit men to watch David's house and wait for an opportunity to kill him.  David was Saul's son-in-law and the house was where Saul's daughter lived.  How insane Saul had become!

In his prayer, David revealed his understanding of all involved.  He had done nothing wrong to warrant this.  The root sin of his pursuers was pride (v.12).  They breathed out lies and accusations believing that there would be no accountability for their words or actions.

"But you, O LORD..." (v.8). God did not miss a word.  He witnessed everything.  The LORD never lost control of the situation for them, nor for the surrounding nations that rejected accountability to Him.

Thoughts of God's care and concern caused David to begin to rejoice in verses 16-17.  How could he sing at a time like this?  What was there to be glad about?

1. God's power.
The enemy is no match for God.  Our hope is not in our strength and ability but His.  We reach a point where we say, "I cannot handle this."  That is when we gladly lay down our concerns at His feet and cast our total dependence on Him.

2. God's love.
His love is steadfast, faithful, and does not change.  His love for us is not dependent upon our circumstances or our behaviors.  Even when we were sinners and estranged from Him, it was His love that sent Jesus to die and pay for our sin.  We are His very own twice; once by creation and second by redemption.

3. God's protection.
When He allows us to experience some difficult days, they should remind us of our inability and to depend upon His all-sufficient grace.  The LORD is more than able to take care of His property.

"I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning."  Now, that is the way to start a new day!

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Can morality be Legislated?

Read Psalm 58.

The purpose of law is not to legislate morality but to protect the nation from immorality and injustice.  Originally, judges and those who make decisions on behalf of the people were ordained by God to be His representatives on earth.  Pretending to be neutral, or amoral, will lead to the destruction of a society 100% of the time.  It is only when right judgments are made that the people benefit and the nation is spared.

Without belief in accountability to God, without knowledge and adherence to His word, decision-makers are left to themselves and their passions to deem what is right or wrong for the culture.  Depending upon the culture, laws to govern judgments are made by fiat from a ruler, a type of majority from a legislature, or a majority of votes from the people.  This can have devastating results for those who have been mistreated, criminalized, or who merely wish to live quiet, peaceful, unhindered lives.

Anything goes.  Everything becomes acceptable...unless you are a committed follower of Jesus.  Christian worldviews are publicly denounced as unacceptable and ridiculed.  Why does this happen?  Behind immorality and injustice is the Evil One who energizes and directs all things against the knowledge of God.

Humanism depends upon the so-called innate goodness of mankind.  The Bible teaches us the opposite.  In David's descriptions of these unjust judges, he denounced them as devising wrongs, creating violence, and that they were wicked from birth.  As judges, he declared them to be deaf and dangerous.  His graphic and brutal prayer was that God would stop their mouths, de-fang their power, and cause them to suddenly be gone.

In verse 11, David reaffirmed the certainty that the righteous before God will be rewarded and that God is the ultimate Judge of all things.

"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8)

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

What to pray in a Crisis

Read Psalm 57.

David found a remote cave where he would be safe from the pursuit of King Saul and his army.  But this hiding place could not provide the inner peace and security he truly needed.  For that he turned to God.

1. He prayed for mercy. (v.1)
Mercy is not receiving what we deserve.  God is a God of mercy.  In His loving-kindness to us He forgives us and protects us.  Not because we deserve it but because that is who He is.

2. He prayed for God to fulfill His purpose. (vv.2-4)
This situation did not catch God by surprise.  He is able to use the evil deeds of others to complete His purpose and plan for our lives.

3. He prayed for God to be exalted. (v.5, 11)
The ultimate purpose of life and every circumstance is to bring glory to the LORD.  We do not always know how that will happen or when.  The quest for the believer is do nothing that would distract from God receiving His rightful glory and full credit for the outcome.

In the meantime, David reaffirmed his personal commitment to the LORD.  While outside there was the threat of death, inside his faith was stable.  He began to sing praises to God.  In addition, he wanted everyone around him to hear what God had done for him.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

When there seems no way Out

Read Psalm 56.

This song recounts the time David ran from Saul's attempts to kill him, only to find himself taken captive by the Philistines (1 Samuel 21).  As the enemy held their prize catch, they daily waited and plotted how they would destroy him.

Afraid?  Yes.  Humanly speaking, he faced certain death.  The mighty warrior cried.

In those times when our faith in God is all we have we discover (or learn anew) that God is all we need!

Here are some of his insights from having gone through this near death experience.
1. Fear and Faith. (vv.3-4)
These are opposites and in the middle of a crisis a believer can have both at the same time.  Fear causes us to focus on all the bad stuff that could happen and destroy our hope.  Faith looks beyond the circumstances to what the all-powerful God of heaven can do.  David's commitment was, "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.  In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid."

2. Tossing and Tears. (vv.8-11)
Picture him pacing in his imprisonment during the day, tossing and turning at night, weeping over the situation.  Yet, his faith in the LORD strengthened him with two truths.  First, God sees the personal suffering of people and keeps exact records.  The imagery is that He counts every tear and stores them up for that day of reward and rejoicing in His presence.  Second, God is not mad at him.  God is not the enemy.  He is on our side.  Nothing happens in the life of the believer that does not come through the filter of the Father.  His goal is our good and His glory.  (Romans 8:28)

3. Light and Life. (vv.12-13)
What can a person do who is feeling, or perhaps literally, trapped?  David discerned there were a several important things for him to practice while he waited on God.
-"I must perform my vows to you, O God."
It was time to behave like one who believed in the LORD.  God expected it of him.  He needed to do it.  Others were watching to see how he would respond.
-"I will render thank offerings to you."
It was time praise God, even when he did not feel like it.  Three times in this psalm he wrote, "in whose word I will praise."  In the book of Acts, Paul and Silas sang praises to the LORD when they were jailed and God performed multiple miracles as a result.  There is power in praise.
-He visualized his deliverance, not his demise.  Notice how he speaks of his deliverance in the past tense as if it already took place.  That is confident faith.  And, why would God deliver him?  So that this faithful man could continue to live for God.

Hard circumstances?  Yes.  But we keep on going, not somehow, but in His strength, in His light, in His life.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Peace in a time of Crisis

Read Psalm 55.

Someone once said, "Adversity on all sides in one of God's ways of getting our full attention."

Everyone has experienced what David describes in this Psalm as he pleads for mercy.
-I am restless
-I moan
-My heart is in anguish
-The terrors of death have fallen upon me
-Fear and trembling come upon me
-Horror overwhelms me

His wish is that he could escape by just flying away to some safe place of peace.  But running from problems only compounds and complicates them.  David is being painfully honest about his feelings, but that does not move him at all from his faith in the LORD.  God will deal with those that caused the problem.  In the meantime...

1. "Cast your burden on the LORD..." 
Literally, that means to "throw it down".  When someone says, "I cannot handle this", they are correct.  When life is too much for us, it is not too much for Him.  We must cast our dependence on the One is who bigger than our problems.  Our human nature keeps straining to pick them back up.

2. "...and he will sustain you."
God is more than able to take care of that which concerns us.  He will provide not always what we want but what is needed.   His plans are designed to bring glory to Himself through us.  The process, though painful, is an opportunity for us to grow spiritually and demonstrate to others what true faith in God looks like.

3. "...he will never permit the righteous to be moved."
The Apostle Paul urged believers to not be anxious about anything but to pray instead.  He wrote that the result would be "the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:7)  When this is true, people will look at us and say, "I do not know how you can be so calm during this crisis."  It won't make sense to them.  That is an open door to share our faith.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

What to do when trapped in Distress

Read Psalm 54.

Do not miss the inscription of the song.

David ran for his life from King Saul.  He found refuge in the Wilderness of Ziph.  In this rugged terrain of mountains and hills, there were natural caves.  The Ziphites were of the tribe of Judah, like David.  Surely, he would be safe surrounded by kinfolks.

But in 1 Samuel 23:19-20, the Ziphites went straight to Saul to report David's hiding place, complete with directions on how to get there!  King Saul wasted no time in pursuing and surrounding David.  If ever there was a time to feel betrayed and panic, this would have been it.

What did David do when it looked as if there was no way out?  He looked up.  God is more powerful than any army.  He is able to overrule any and all human authorities.  It was a simple matter for the Lord to cause a Philistine uprising at that exact same time, prompting Saul to retreat.

1. David cried out to God. (vv.1-3)
His first response to the crisis was prayer.

2. David knew that his life was ultimately in God's hands. (vv.4-5)
In a battle it helps to have an army.  But the help he truly needed was not more warriors on his side.  "God is my helper."  It was his faith in the LORD that sustained him.

3. David took action steps in response to God's deliverance. (vv.6-7)
How many times God has answered prayer for someone only to see them go back to life as usual?  This robs God of His glory!  Not so of David.
-He presented to the LORD a freewill offering.  He called it a sacrifice.  This was over and above his tithe.
-He publicly expressed his gratitude to God for this answer to prayer and for what the LORD had done.
-And, he wrote this song for the entire nation to sing.

Today, over 3,000 years later, we read and identify with him.  When surrounded by problems and distress, the God of heaven waits for our dependence on Him.

"Call to me and I will answer you..." (Jeremiah 33:3)

Friday, September 21, 2018

A response to those who think they do not need God

Read Psalm 53.

The atheists’ national holiday must be April 1 according to King David.  So, what does life look like apart from God?  And, what should be the prayer of those who believe?

1. The Pervasiveness of Sin. (vv.1-3)
Without God there is no ultimate accountability for life and personal actions.  A person deems themselves as their own master, their own god, and can make up their own rules for life.  In doing so, one becomes a fool in morals and philosophy.  Corruption and injustice are the results.  "There is none who does good, not even one."  The Apostle Paul quoted these verses in Romans 3:10-12.  Sin separates us from God and motivates us to make foolish decisions.

2. The Perplexity of Sinners. (vv.4-5)
Without God people live lives of paradox.  On one hand they are ever seeking "to know," but on the other hand they are never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.  On one hand they want so-called intellectual freedom, but on the other hand they reject and mock God's word and anyone who believes it.  The Apostle Peter called this type of thinking willful ignorance (2 Peter 3:5 KJV).  In John 14:6 Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me."  There are not multiple ways to heaven; there is one.  Jesus is truth personified.  To reject Him is to exist without ever understanding life.

3. The Prayer of the Believer. (v.6)
David looked forward to the day of God's deliverance, not only for himself but his nation.  That would be a day of restoration and joy.  Fortunately, believers today can read and know how this story will turn out.  While the world continues to erode in their foolishness, it is all in preparation for the revealing of Jesus in His power and glory.  What a day that will be!

"Come, Lord Jesus!" (Revelation 22:20b)

Thursday, September 20, 2018

When evil people Attack

Read Psalm 52.

How do you respond when people say bad things about you?  How do you feel when those same people hurt others whom you love? 

In 1 Samuel 21-22, David ran from King Saul's death threats.  Along the way he stopped for a visit with the priests at Nob for food and weapons.  Doeg, who worked for Saul, witnessed this and reported it back to the King.  Then, Saul slaughtered every priest, man, woman, child and animal in Nob.  Surely, Doeg was rewarded and promoted as a result.

David, in writing this song of remembrance, looked beyond the personal betrayal and the resulting holocaust with a spiritual perspective.

1. What was David's perspective of Doeg?
He was not only a betrayer, he was evil; a pawn in the hand of Satan.  This evil man boasted about what he had done.  His mind loved to plot evil and to destroy.  He trusted in his abundance of money as a refuge.

2. What was David's perspective of God?
Doeg and these disasters did not change the character of God one bit.  His love continued to be consistent and unmoved (v.2a).  God did not miss, nor overlook, Doeg's doings.  Severe judgment would come (v.5).

3. What was David's perspective of himself?
He could have blamed himself and wallowed in guilt, but none of this was his fault.
-He used this time to grow spiritually. (v.8a)
-His trust in the LORD never wavered. (v.8b)
-He expressed thanks to the LORD for taking care of this evil. (v.9a)
-He waited upon the Lord but not in solitude.  He surrounded himself with other believers. (v.9b) 

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

2 Demonstrations of Forgiveness

Read Psalm 51.

All sin is ultimately against the LORD.  The penalty for our sin was paid for by the blood of Jesus on the cross.  Therefore, true forgiveness is available only from God.

Guilt is designed to prod us to seek God's forgiveness.  Inside, we feel dirty, unclean, even damaged.  The inscription refers to 2 Samuel 12.  King David was guilty of adultery, murder, and a cover up.  But God loved David too much to allow him to get away with sin.  Notice the words David used to describe his need of God's mercy and help.
-wash me (v.2)
-cleanse me (v.2)
-purge me (v.7)
-heal me (v.8)
-create in me a clean heart (v.10)
-renew a right spirit within me (v.10)
-restore me (v.12)
-uphold me (v.12)
-deliver me (v.14)

Now forgiven, notice also that David looked forward to serving God once again with a clear conscience.
1. "Then I will teach transgressors your ways." (v.13)
Forgiven people want others to experience what they have.  Every believer in Jesus has an authentic story to tell of what God has done for them.

2. "Then will you delight in right sacrifices." (v.19)
Even in the Old Testament, sacrifices and offerings were to represent a humble, repentant, and grateful heart.  Merely going through the motions of ritual was never acceptable to God.  But when our hearts are clean, our offerings delight Him.

Telling and giving are two ways we demonstrate that we have been forgiven by God.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

God is talking. Listen in.

Read Psalm 50.

All day long, God is speaking.  He is not silent.  What is He saying? (vv.1-4)

1. Concerning the Owner (vv.5-11)
Everything belongs to Me.  What you are offering to Me is only what I gave you.

2. Concerning the Offering (vv.12-15)
I am self-sufficient.  I do not need anything.
What I want from you are expressions of your appreciation and thanks.  Then, your offerings will mean something and your prayers will be answered.

3. Concerning the Others (vv.16-21)
Because of your rejection of Me and your sinful behavior, you have no rights.  Therefore, I rebuke you and charge you in judgment.

4. Concerning the Options (vv.22-23)
If you continue to disregard Me, there is only severe and eternal punishment waiting.
If you choose to live a life of thanksgiving to Me for who I AM and what I have done, there is eternal deliverance for you.

Are you listening?

Monday, September 17, 2018

What money cannot Buy

Read Psalm 49.

The psalmist was bothered by some people of wealth who had cheated him.  Evidently, they thought they could buy their way out of any difficulty.  Money had given them power.

So, this song was written to provide a perspective of wisdom and understanding to life.  Money cannot buy and control everything.  Exhibit A is death.  At that final moment, it will not matter who the person was or what they had accumulated.  Like all living things on earth death is certain.

Therefore to build one's life on temporal values that one day will all be left behind is called "foolish confidence" (v.13 ESV).  In Hebrew that means stupidity, folly, silliness.  Why would anyone place their faith in things that will not last?  There is not a shred of wisdom in ignoring eternity and accountability to God!

Wise people know better.  "But God" (v.15).  He stepped in and paid the price of our ransom from the captivity and bondage of sin.  "In him (Jesus) we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace..." (Ephesians 1:7)

The root problem with all man-made, demonic inspired faith systems is pride.  Some put their faith in government.  Some choose to trust philosophies.  Some depend upon religious traditions.  All think they know better than the One who created them.  All of them willfully choose to ignore their sin problem and that one day they will stand before the LORD.  There will be no excuses then.

Job reminds us, "Naked I came from my mother' womb, and naked shall I return."  Hebrews 9:27-"And just as it is appointed to die once, and after that comes judgment."

We have this one life to do what is right and respond to God's love and forgiveness.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Take a look Around

Read Psalm 48.

The praise continues into this song.  But what or who is being praised?  The view moves back and forth.

1. Taking a temporal look.
The beauty and setting of the city of Jerusalem literally stopped people in their tracks.  The writer tells of enemy forces marching against the city from as far away as Tarshish (Spain).  But when they came to the mount and look up, the shear splendor of the walls, towers, and structures caused them to turn back.  The nation sang about the blessings they enjoyed.  They praised God for their buildings.

2. Taking an eternal look.
Yet, it was not the bricks and mortar that thrilled the people of Jerusalem.  They knew that all the walls in the world could not protect them.  It was the unbelievers who saw only the temporal things.  The believers in the LORD had a spiritual perspective.  They praised the God of heaven for His provision of the beautiful structures, but even more they exalted His power and authority that protected them.  The LORD had made Himself known in their city (v.3).

3. Taking a personal look.
Prior to the historical incident involved, they had heard of the power of God, but now they had seen it with their own eyes (8).  What they had heard was true.  He all-powerful, no one can successfully come against Him.  He puts to flight every false way.  He is worthy of praise.  But their concern did not stop there.  They wanted to be sure the next generation knew and placed their faith in the LORD.

Look around today. Where have you seen God's protection?  Where has He provided?  Be sure to let others know about it.

Friday, September 14, 2018

3 good reasons to be Loud!

Read Psalm 47.

This is going to get loud.  For generations, clapping and shouting were not considered a part of traditional worship.  But as Ecclesiastes reminds us, there is a time and place for everything.  The very first verse of this song exhorts the congregation physically and vocally to respond with joyful volume!

1. "For the LORD, the Most High, is to be feared..." (vv.2-4)
Those who refused to respect and respond in obedience learned the hard way.  God "subdued" them at His command.  The people who fear God enjoy His love.  Clap and shout for joy!

2. "For God is the King of all the earth..." (vv.5-7)
He is sovereign and in control of this world.  "The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; in the turns it wherever he will." (Proverbs 21:1)  It may not seem like it as we view world events, but the worsening turmoil is leading to a climax and revealing of the King of kings (Revelation 19).  We can read the end of the Book and know how the story will turn out.  Clap and shout for joy!

3. "For the shields of the earth belong to God..." (vv.8-9)
In the meantime, the LORD is our protection.  This world, including us, is His property.  "The earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein." (Psalm 24:1)  Our security is assured by the One who loves us and gave Himself for us.  This is worthy of some clapping and shouting!

Make some noise for God today.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Oh, how we need Him!

Read Psalm 46.

A mighty fortress is our God.  He is our refuge and strength.  The need for protection causes us to seek a refuge.  Weakness motivates us to find a source of strength.  Without problems, we will not sense a need for those things.

We say our trust is in God.  We believe that God is sovereign and in control.  We sing the songs of our confidence in Him.  But, how we respond when disaster strikes is the real proof of our faith.

The psalmist claimed that even if the entire physical world crumbled and went into upheaval, his faith would stand firm.  Politically, morally, spiritually, economically our world is crumbling day by day.  War and violence are escalating on every continent.  Peace talks for the most part only allow factions to rearm themselves.  Increasingly, around the world from Littleton, Colorado to Nairobi, Kenya people are being killed only because they are Christians.

Where is the peace?  Where is the fortress?

Dr. Crawford Loritts presented the following simple outline of this Psalm to grasp its message:
1. We need help
2. We need hope
3. We need Him

Our help and our hope are not in negotiated world peace.  Our help and our hope are not in the improvement of our circumstances.  Regardless of what our culture and even the devil himself may throw at us, our eternal confidence is in Him.

"Be still and know that I am God.  I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!"

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Here comes the Groom

Read Psalm 45.

The songwriter is literally "bubbling over" with excitement and he cannot wait to tell about it.  This psalm anticipates a royal wedding.

The Groom. (vv.2-9)
In American culture the attention at weddings is on the bride.  In eastern tradition, all eyes are on the groom.  How handsome he is!  How blessed by God he is!  He is a mighty warrior, motivated by truth, humility and what is right.  He is referred to as God.  In the historical context, those in ultimate authority were to serve in God's stead.  They were to rule and make judgments as God's representatives on earth.  In several places human judges and kings are referred to as God (Elohim); see Exodus 21:6.  And, this "God" has a God in heaven who has appointed him to this position of king (v.7).

The Bride. (vv.10-15)
She is beautiful and told to leave her father's house to become the desire of her husband.  Bowing and submitting corresponds to Ephesians 5:22.  The young woman is colorfully dressed, wearing gold jewelry.  It is a joyous occasion.

The Future. (16-17)
They look forward to a large family that will carry on the royal dynasty in praise "forever."  In Samuel 7, the Lord made such a promise to David.

But the Bible does not stop there.  Jesus was born in the royal line of David and has a right to the throne of Israel.  The writer of Hebrews details who Jesus truly is in the opening verses of chapter 1.  He is fully God in the flesh.   Then, in 1:8-9, he quotes Psalm 45:7 and states that Jesus is the fulfillment of that verse.  The Apostle John wrote that one day Jesus will enter as a groom for His bride, the Church, and celebrate in a marriage feast (Revelation 19).

Get ready for the wedding!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Failure is not Final

Read Psalm 44.

It is easy to praise the LORD when everything is going well.  But what we think, say and do when circumstances do not turn out in our favor demonstrates our true faith.

In the middle of this Psalm we learn of a national defeat.  The enemy triumphed.  Embarrassment, confusion, and humiliation were the emotional results.  In addition, their very lives were at risk.  Weren't they God's people?  Were they not doing what He wanted them to do?  The answer to both questions was, "Yes!"

Then, why weren't they experiencing victory?   Verse 22 provides the most graphic description of their plight.  "Yet for your sake we are killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered."

That verse is quoted by the Apostle Paul in Romans 8:36 to remind believers that life is not always health, wealth and happiness.  Real life is full of challenges.  The greatest tests are beyond the physical, financial and emotional tough times.  How we respond to God in the midst of difficulties is a test of faith.

Exhibit A of this truth is that fact that this same verse is quoted two additional times in Scripture to refer to Jesus!  In Isaiah 53, the prophet predicted that the Messiah would suffer and die for "the iniquity of us all" and quoted Psalm 44:22.  When Philip spoke with the Ethiopian official in Acts 8, he explained that Jesus fulfilled what Isaiah predicted.

So, how can we not only endure tests of faith but actually grow through them?  Here are three things we can do today.
1. Remember God delights in you. (vv.1-3)
Self-esteem and self-worth can hit bottom in the middle of a test.  Psalm 44 opens by remembering that God delivered His people because He delighted in them.  When the LORD delivered David out of a tight spot, he wrote, "He brought me out into a broad place; he rescued me, because he delighted in me." (Psalm 18:19)  As believers, we are children of God.  We are members of the family of God.  God not only loves us, He likes us!

2. Remember all the good things God has done for you already. (vv.4-8)
Speak about how we came to faith in the first place.  What has God done since us since we placed our faith in Him?  Let others hear us giving thanks to the LORD "continually."

3. Remember God knows our hearts. (vv.17-21)
Stay true to your commitment to the LORD.  The Psalmist could say, "we have not been false to your covenant.  Our heart has not turned back, nor have our steps departed from your way."  Refuse to give in to temptation just because you feel bad.

The cross was not final.  In His sufferings, Jesus knew that resurrection was coming.  He trusted the Father to bring Him through it.  And, so can we.  Our deliverance is on its way.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Where is your God?

Psalm 42-43.

The insides of the songwriter were churning.  Something happened to cause his emotions to hit bottom and even to struggle with his faith.  This appears to be a mix of prayer and a good dose of self-talk to encourage himself in his faith.

In his distress, the unbelievers (43:1) ask, "Where is your God?"  Where is this One you say you trust when you need Him?

These two Psalms were most likely one song originally.  Three times he wrote, "Hope in God".  His hope was not in his circumstances.  His future was not based on things getting better.  His faith caused him to believe that God had a plan and a purpose that would one day cause him to "again praise Him."

How can we endure such tests?
1. Only God can truly satisfy us. (42:1-5)
His soul was parched.  There is no thirst on earth like the longing for God to intervene at a critical moment in life.  He was panting for God, crying out to Him day and night.  What sustained him were the wonderful memories of worshiping the LORD in the past.

2. Only God can truly secure us. (42:6-11)
In the midst of overwhelming despair, he looked to God for stability.  He called God "my rock."  William B. Bradbury wrote in the old hymn The Solid Rock, "When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay."

3. Only God can truly show us clear direction. (43) 
The way out of tough times is directed by two provisions from the LORD.  First, He gives us "light".  When darkness closes in and we cannot see our next step, God can help.  He can turn the light on with insight and wisdom to follow Him successfully out of the test.  Second, He gives us "truth" that does not change with the shifting sands of culture and time.
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." (Psalm 119:105)

Sunday, September 9, 2018

3 Principles that will meet Needs

Read Psalm 41.

1. "God helps those who help themselves."
That old adage is not a quote from the Bible, yet it is true that God has ordained that our needs be met by our labor.  The Apostle Paul wrote, "...we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat." (2 Thessalonians 3:10)

2. "God helps those who cannot help themselves."
Concerning how to attain eternal life Jesus said, "With man this impossible, but with God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26)

3."God helps those who help others who cannot help themselves."
And then we come to Psalm 41.  David was in need of help.  Apparently he suffered from some life-threatening ailment.  His enemies waited for him to die.  Even his friends turned against him.  How serious was this offence by the so-called friends?  The words of verse 9 were quoted by Jesus to described Judas!

The basis of David's appeal to God was his integrity (v.12).  He had come to the relief of the poor.  He came to the rescue of the needy.  And, now when he was in need, he prayed to the One who ultimately heals and delivers.

Opportunities abound everyday to work, to depend on God, and be ready to help others in need.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

It is time for your Check-up

Read Psalm 40.

Regular check-ups are part of maintaining a healthy life.  While physically we may undergo an annual examination, the believer in Jesus needs a spiritual one everyday.  Too often we wait until something is wrong to visit with the doctor and run the tests.  David felt overwhelmed by sin (v.12) and threatened by enemies (v.14).  He turned to the Great Physician for a complete analysis.  Here is the checklist for all of us.

1. My feet. (v.2)
He had been bogged down in a pit and was sinking.  When we get away from God, we dig a hole for ourselves that can only lead to self-destruction.  But God brought him out of it and put his feet on solid ground.  The steps of his life were now secure.

2. My mouth. (vv.3-6)
God looks beyond our words to the source inside.  What is in the heart and thinking comes out of the mouth.  We need regular cleansing.  When a person places their faith in the LORD, He puts a new set of words within us.  They are words of praise to God and everyone around us hears them.  So much so that they want the faith that we have.

3. My ears. (v.6)
Figuratively, God had to dig out David's ears so he could hear what God wanted done.  This world can plug up our listening ability and drown out what God is trying to say to us.

4. My heart. (vv.8,10,12)
A healthy spiritual heart begins with a commitment to do God's will, instead of our own.  What God wants becomes the guiding desire of life.  It pumps life and energy throughout everything we do.  Sin causes us to causes spiritual heart failure.

5. My lips. (v.9)
A speech analysis of our vocabulary and tone demonstrates clearly the purity of what is inside of us.  We must get rid of words that displease the LORD.  Our new speech proclaims the good news of what God has done for us.

6. My head. (v.12)
His sense of a guilty conscience and feelings of being overwhelmed prompted this check-up in the first place.  Jesus offers cleansing through the forgiveness of sins.  The result is clarity of thinking and peace of mind.

The Doctor is always in and waiting for us.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Evidence you belong to God

Read Psalm 39.

This song continues a similar theme as Psalm 38.  David tried to ignore his sin and not talk about his feelings.  But his stress only increased.  Stuffing one's emotions eventually leads to an eruption.

Reading into Psalm 38 and 39 only slightly, it appears he suffered from some debilitating physical ailment.  He hurt inside and out.  This caused him to consider how short life truly is.  Note his descriptions of human life.
-a few handbreadths
-nothing before God
-a mere breath
-a shadow
-all the gain will be left behind

While those things are true, he did not stop there.  What else did he know?
1. God was the source of his hope. (v.7)
This is the difference-maker.  If in this life only we have hope, our time here will prove to be empty and without lasting meaning.  Without genuine eternal hope many will behave foolishly, fall into depression, or worse.  Faith in God provides a very different perspective on life and eternity.  The brevity of life should cause one to live with eternity's values in view.

2. His sin was the source of this suffering. (v.8)
He came to realize that there was no one to blame but himself.  His guilt was good in that it led him to agree with God about his sin and to seek restoration.

2. God was the source of this discipline. (vv.9-10)
The pressure he experienced came from God.  One of the evidences that we belong to the LORD is His discipline.  A parent does not discipline the neighbor kids.  Parents are responsible to discipline their own.  God's love and eternal commitment to us is demonstrated as He pursues us in restoring our relationship with Him.

"My son, do not despise the LORD's discipline or be weary of his reproof, for the LORD reproves him whom he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights." (Proverbs 3:11-12)

Thursday, September 6, 2018

When guilt is Good

Read Psalm 38.

He brought this on himself.  It was his own foolish decision.  David had sinned.  Many scholars believe that this is one of several songs written after Nathan confronted him in 2 Samuel 12.

The inscription states "for a memorial".  David did not write this to remember his sin, but that he would never forget the consequences.  All sin carries a price to pay.  Convicting individuals of their sin is one of the ministries of the Holy Spirit (John 16:7-8).  God brings the full weight of guilt upon us to bring us back to Himself.

1. The guilt caused him to look inward. (vv.1-10)
He paid a price physically and emotionally for what he did.  He lost his health (v.3).  It was as if he had been wounded.  The wounds festered and began to stink.  The pain became so great he lay flat on the floor in agony.
"And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account." (Hebrews 4:13)

2. The guilt caused him to look outward. (vv.11-14)
He paid a price relationally.  To say, "I'm hurting no one but myself" is not true.  Sin carries consequences for everyone around us.  He paid a great price in lost relationships.  His family and friends backed away from him.  Those closest to us may feel anger, embarrassment, and disappointment when we mess up.  Then, his enemies started plotting against him.  With his reputation and position weakened, they became emboldened to attack.
"When my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me." (Psalm 27:10)

3. The guilt caused him to look upward. (vv.15-22) 
He paid a price spiritually.  The convicting work of the Holy Spirit is not merely to make us feel bad.  It should motivate us to come clean with God and to restore our fellowship with Him.  It was when he looked up that he made the following commitments:
>He turned to God for hope. (v.15)
>He confessed his sin to God. (v.18)
>He renewed his direction to do good. (v.20)

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

6 things we need when life does not go our Way

Read Psalm 37.

A believer in Jesus may tithe and be driving a car that needs to be replaced.  Meanwhile, the local drug dealer buys a new luxury car.  We may work hard at our jobs and try to stay ahead.  Meanwhile, a co-worker lies, inflates their numbers, and gets promoted.  How are we to respond?

Three times David admonished not to worry about evil doers and the wicked who prosper (vv.1, 7-8).  If our focus is only on temporal gain, we will become discouraged.  But the believer's perspective looks at the end.  This life is as good as it will get for the unbeliever and has only eternal punishment ahead.

Here is the principle: "Better is the little that the righteous has than the abundance of many wicked" (v.16).

So, what are we to think and do?
1. "Trust in the LORD." (v.3)
"Those who seek the LORD lack no good thing." (Psalm 34:10)

2. "Do good." (v.3)
Our job is to continue to be honest, faithful, and helpful, adding value to everyone around us.  We are not to allow any envy of evil gain to taint our thinking or behavior.

3. "Delight yourself in the LORD." (v.4)
Literally, "keep your heart soft for God".  If we are not careful, the cares of this world can harden our hearts and cause us to be cynical.  He knows what we need.  Our greatest need is to keep our eyes and attention on Jesus.  Our eternal future is where the true rewards are being stored up for us.

4. "Commit your way to the LORD." (v.5)
Surrendering one's self to God is the starting point of a successful life.  Give it all to Him and follow through by obeying His word.  "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success."  (Joshua 1:8)

5. "Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him." (v. 7)
This is where our faith is put to the test.  If we truly trust God and have committed our lives to His plan for us, then how do we behave when things do not go our way immediately?  Waiting on God's timing, waiting while He works in the lives of those around us, waiting while He works mightily in us is part of the process in spiritual growth.

6. "Refrain from anger." (v.8)
We cannot allow our emotions to control us when we experience injustices and things are not resolved on our time table.  That is why we need numbers 1-5 above in place first.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

For those who want to live on their own Terms

Read Psalm 36.

Here is a contrast for all to consider.  Does it make a difference if a person chooses to live independently of God?  Do those who live for God truly experience something better?

Those living independently of God
-They have no fear of God. (v.1)
-They are self-focused. (v.2)
-They speak words that are deceitful. (v.3)
-They behave foolishly. (v.3)
-They have stopped doing good. (v.3)
-They lie awake thinking about their next sin. (v.4)
-They do not reject evil. (v.4)
-They fall and cannot get up. (v.12)

Those living dependently on God
-They know the immeasurable love of the LORD. (v.5)
-They experience the faithfulness of God. (v.5)
-They are taught what is right. (v.6)
-They trust in God's ultimate justice. (v.6)
-They have been delivered by God. (v.6)
-They have a refuge in His care. (v.7)
-They enjoy the abundant blessings of God. (v.8)
-They have a personal relationship with the very source of all life. (v.9)
-They can see and understand the world around them. (v.9)

As he begins the conclusion of his assessment, David asks God to keep pouring it on.
"Oh, continue your steadfast love to those who know you, and your righteousness to the upright in heart!"

Monday, September 3, 2018

Betrayed by so-called Friends

Read Psalm 35.

In bad times one discovers who their true friends are.

We are not told what took place, but in David's life there was "stumbling" (v.15).  The Hebrew word has to do with a "limping".  Perhaps, it was a slip-up on his part.  Was it an innocent mistake or a weak area in his life?  Whatever happened, there were those who could not wait to pounce upon him.  "Aha!" they proclaimed (v.21), as if they finally caught him in a weak moment.  The lying, gossip, and plotting of evil began.  They turned on this good man without just cause.

Even worse, these were the same people that David had helped in the past.  When they were sick and in need, he had come alongside them, hurt with them, and prayed for them (v.13).

Feeling betrayed by the very ones who should have been his support, he prayed again.  He asked God to deliver him.  He also asked God to deal with those who were fighting against him so they would feel ashamed and that their plans would be disappointed.

Surely, all of us have experienced disappointment in the behavior of those we trusted.  Retaliation or withdrawing in self-protection are natural inclinations.  Harboring anger and bitterness will only hurt us.  Sadly, some refuse to release the hurts of the past.  There is a better choice, however.

In Romans 12:9-21, the Apostle Paul provided strict instructions regarding how we are to treat one another.  “Never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God.”  (v.19)  The list of our positive actions includes love, hospitality, "rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep", and "overcome evil with good."  Putting that list into practice is the only path that will lead to the praise that David sings at the end of this song.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

The assurance of answered Prayer

Psalm 34

In 1 Samuel 21 David was literally running for his life.  Saul and his army were trying to hunt him down.  David crossed the border into Philistia to hide, but he was recognized and captured.  Fear of torture and death ran through his mind.  So, he feigned insanity and prayed to God for deliverance.  This psalm is a song of thanksgiving to God answering his prayer that day.

At least three times, he wrote:
I prayed.
The LORD heard.
He delivered me.

In the middle (vv.8-11), he extended an invitation for others to experience the same joy of answered prayer.
1. "Taste."
Try it for yourself.

2. "See that the LORD is good!"
God delights in showing Himself strong on behalf of those who fear Him.

3.  "Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!"
Blessings come when we seek God as our place of safety and help.

4. "Fear the LORD, you his saints."
This is a surrender of life.  God alone is awesome.  We stand in holy reverence and bow in humility before Him.

5. "Those who seek the LORD lack no good thing."
He knows what is best for us.  He is trustworthy in the most perilous times.  God knows how to provide for us and protect us.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

The music never Ends

Read Psalm 33.

Shouting, praising, giving thanks by playing instruments and singing!  Why?  What brought on this exuberance?

The answer is so simple to some of us that we may miss it.  We can easily take for granted the daily evidences of God's presence and power.  Not David.  He wrote this song for the entire nation to sing so they would not overlook and never forget the goodness of God.

1. The word of the LORD is right. (v.4a)
When God speaks, it is correct and without error.  Many who reject God's word have never read it for themselves.  Those who have read it and reject it want inexplicably to continue in going their own perilous way.  Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life." (John 6:67)

2. The work of the LORD is faithful. (v.4b)
He is trustworthy.  What He says He will do.  What He commands will be done.  Exhibit A in this Psalm is the creation of the heavens and the earth.  It was accomplished at His spoken word, by "the breath of his mouth".  All these things were brought forth instantaneously with His voice.

3. The watch of the LORD is personal. (vv.13-15, 19)
He sees.  He looks.  He "fashions the hearts" "and observes all their deeds."  Why is the God of the universe paying such close attention to us?  So that He may "deliver" and "keep" us.

With that kind of attention and care from Almighty God, we should be audibly rejoicing all day, everyday.