Monday, August 6, 2018

Looking at the state of the Nation

Read Psalm 9.

The King of Israel took time to write a song concerning the state of the nation.  As he counted all the blessings of God, he could only give thanks.

Though David provided the leadership in governmental affairs and to the army, he gave God full credit for what had taken place.

-It was God who protected the nation and pushed back the enemies. (vv.3-6)

-It was God who meted out justice for the people. (vv.7-8)

-It was God who ultimately cared for the people. (v.9)

The line is clearly drawn here between two types of peoples or nations:
1. Those that put their trust in in the LORD discover that God is their refuge in times of oppression, trouble, need, and poverty.  He does not forsake them.  He sees their plight and answers their prayers.  Though they experience hardships for a time, God blesses them and gives them a reason to sing.

2. Those that trust in themselves face an awful fate.  "The wicked perish; you have blotted out their name forever and ever" (v.5).  Instead of blessings, they receive God's judgment.  "The wicked shall return to Sheol and all the nations that forget God" (v.17).

The solution is found in David's prayer at the end.  "Let the nations know that they are but men!"  It is when a person humbles themselves before this Sovereign LORD that they find His grace.

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