Saturday, April 30, 2022

A glimpse of the 2nd coming of Jesus

 Read Psalm 110.

Amazing!  Just imagine, David was allowed to overhear a conversation in heaven among the Godhead.  Literally, verse 1 states, "Jehovah said to Adonai," "my LORD said to my Lord," or "God, the Father, said to God, the Son."

The psalmist was reassured by revelation of the Holy Spirit that the Messiah would one day come to judge and rule over all the nations on earth.

A few hundreds of years later, Isaiah famously prophesied concerning the Messiah, "the government shall be upon his shoulders...of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom..." (Isaiah 9-6-7)

In Mark 12:36, Jesus quoted Psalm 110 and quizzed religious leaders concerning the eternal nature of the Messiah.

Peter quoted this Psalm and used it to proclaim that Jesus is both Lord and the Messiah.

Hebrews chapter 1 quotes Psalm 45 to declare Jesus is God and includes Psalm 110:1.

Jesus now serves as our eternal High Priest.  But when He returns He will be the conquering King of kings and Lord of lords so vividly described in Revelation 19.  All believers will rule and reign with Him.  "Your people will offer themselves freely on the day of your power..."(v.3)

We will join those loud voices of heaven in singing the Hallelujah chorus that Handel could only imagine.  "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever. (Revelation 11:15)


Friday, April 29, 2022

Handling hurtful Words

 Read Psalm 109.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" is a false statement!  Words can hurt.  And, they may hurt worse with more lasting effect than any physical pain.

There simply is no substitute for having faith in the God.  Believing that He will execute justice and ultimately right every wrong relieves us when we are helpless.  He is the God of all comfort.  When there is no remedy for our pain believers can experience the ministry of the Holy Spirit and have His peace that surpasses all understanding.

Here was David's prayer in the midst of his suffering.
1. The Cause. (vv.1-5)
He found himself surrounded by evil people who lied about him and said hateful things.  What made this hurt even more was that these were people that he loved and had helped.
2. The Curse. (vv.6-20)
In pouring his heart out to God, he presented an entire list of vengeance that could be brought upon these enemies. 
3. The Cry. (vv.21-26)
"But you, O God my Lord."  Now, the turning point. Once the lies, rumors and gossip spread, it is difficult for one to defend themselves.  David asked the LORD to intervene on his behalf.   Meanwhile, he paid an awful price suffering physically from these attacks.  He cast himself on his faith in God and His steadfast love for him.
4. The Contrast. (vv.27-29)
They curse; God blesses.  They will be put to shame; David will be glad. 
5. The Confidence. (vv.30-31)
His prayer was not whining or mere venting.  Being full of faith, he prayed with thanksgiving and praise, knowing that the God of heaven was poised to step in and help.

"Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, 'Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.'" (Romans 12:19)


Thursday, April 28, 2022

David’s daily Devotional

 Read Psalm 108.

King David's heart was right before God and he stood firm in his faith.  Therefore, he could pray and worship the LORD with great confidence.  The evidence is in his repeated statements of commitment.  Four times (ESV) he declared "I will."

1. "I will sing."
How he worshiped.  "With all his being" would indicate that his song was full of energy and volume.

2. "I will wake the dawn!"
When he worshiped.  He woke up early in the morning ready to boisterously worship God.  It does not seem that his daily devotions would be called a "quiet time."

3. "I will give thanks."
The beginning of his worship.  He did not initially approach God with his list of requests.  The first item was to thank the LORD for what He had already done.  And, the thanksgiving was not only in prayer but he wanted others to hear how good God had been to him.

4. "I will sing praises to you among the nations."
The extent of his worship.  Those who do not know the LORD need to hear these praises and thanksgivings from those who have experienced His wonderful love and faithfulness.  David’s worship continued throughout the day as he encountered other people.

Question: How does my personal worship compare to David's practice?


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Let's sing all four Stanzas

 Read Psalm 107.

The call is for all who have personally experienced God's redemption to say so.  Extolling His powerful rescues and breakthroughs are the messages of our lives.

Four examples are given by the psalmist.
1. Those who were in physical desperation. (vv.4-5)
Wandering around in life with no sense of direction, they became unable to support themselves.  They were homeless and destitute, without hope.
2. Those who were in affliction. (vv.10-12)
These people choose to rebel against God's word.  When they refused to listen, they suffered the consequences.
3. Those who brought misery on themselves. (vv.17-18)
Their own foolish, sinful decisions turned on them.  They endured such suffering that they could not eat and thought they would die.
4. Those who faced perilous storms. (vv.23-27)
They did not do anything wrong to bring on this trouble.  They merely endeavored to conduct their business and to earn their living when things turned bad.

In each instance, they came to the end of themselves.  That is when they called out to the LORD for help.  Four times the refrain is repeated (vv.6, 13, 19, 28) and each time he delivered them.  Four times the chorus includes the words, "Let them thank the LORD for his steadfast love."

If you have reached the end of trying life on your own, call on the LORD for His deliverance today.

If you have experienced one of God's miraculous breakthroughs in your life, tell someone else today.  “Let the redeemed of the LORD say so.” (v.2)


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Praising God for His Goodness

 Read Psalm 106.

The song recounts a few of the nation's turning points of faith.  God's character and commitment to those who belong to Him are evident.  Though the people rebelled, the LORD was faithful.  When they saw God's goodness, they sang His praise.

1. The Red Sea (vv.7-12)
For 400 years, the Jews were slaves in Egypt.  Even after witnessing God's power in the ten plagues, they rebelled in fear when cornered.  "Yet he saved them for his name's sake." It was His name and His reputation that was being questioned.  Moses had intervened.  The destruction of the Egyptian army was all about God, His plans, and His promises.  "Then they believed his words; they sang his praise."

2. The Wilderness (vv.13-23)
During the 40 years in the desert, God provided for them every day.  But His provision was not good enough for them.  They rebelled and wanted more.  "He gave them what they asked, but sent a wasting disease among them."  They paid a high price for their discontent.  Next, the Person of the LORD was not enough for them.  They wanted more.  So, they rebelled and made up their own so-called gods.  Had it not been for the intercession of Moses, the nation was doomed.  God spared them in answer to prayer.

3. The Promised Land (vv.24-46)
God kept His promises to them, but it was not enough.  They complained, disobeyed and turned from the LORD to demonic worship.  God sent a plague.  "Phinehas stood up and intervened, and the plague was stayed."  But the cycle continued.  "Many times he delivered them" (v.43).  "For their sake he remembered his covenant" (v.45).

In spite of our many failures, God does not change.  His mercy and forgiveness are available to all.
"Praise the LORD!  Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!"


Monday, April 25, 2022

The needs of Israel yesterday and Today

 Read Psalm 105.

The psalmist taught the nation the word of God and its history through song.

1. Genesis (vv.8-24)
The nation of Israel began with the LORD's unconditional covenant with Abraham.  God promised a land, innumerable descendants, and blessing upon them forever.  The covenant passed from Abraham to Isaac to Jacob and so on.  The book of Genesis concludes with Joseph's rise to power and all the Jews moving to Egypt. 

2. Exodus (vv.25-43)
After 400 hundreds years, the Jews had heavily populated the best of the land of Egypt.  They became a threat to Pharaoh.  His response was to put them in slavery.  But God raised up Moses and Aaron to demonstrate His power in the ten plagues.  The Jews left Egypt "with joy and singing."

3. Joshua (vv.44-45)
Joshua had been mentored by Moses.  He was the obvious choice as the next national leader.  He led the Jews in taking back the land God promised Abraham and his descendants.  Why did God want them on that land of promise?  So "that they might keep his statutes and observe his laws."  In other words, this was the place for them to live and worship the LORD in freedom and obedience.

That was history.  What did the nation need now? (vv.1-5)
-Give thanks
-Call on His name
-Make known His deeds
-Sing to Him
-Tell of His wondrous works
-Glory in His name
-Seek the LORD
-Remember who He is and what He has done

This list provides the elements of worship for all of us who know the Lord Jesus Christ.
For Israel today, "Brothers, my heart's desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved." (Romans 10:1)


Saturday, April 23, 2022

Do you see what I See?

 Read Psalm 104.

God's personal and detailed creative acts are the bases of this song of worship.  The shear greatness of God is seen everywhere.  But there is more.  It is His continued sustaining of the creation that should cause us to break out in praise with this songwriter.

1. When he looked at the sky with its lights and clouds, he saw the splendor and majesty of God. (vv.1-6)
Some only study the movements of the heavens and never open their hearts to the Creator and Controller of all things.

2. When he looked at the earth with its rivers and oceans, he marveled at God's control. (vv.7-9)
Verse 9 is a direct reference to Genesis 9:15.  God promised never to destroy the entire earth again with a flood.  The rainbow is a reminder of that promise.

3. When he looked at the birds, animals, sea life, and mankind, he realized how lovingly God provides for all of them. (vv.10-26)
The LORD did not just begin the world and then let go on its own.  He is personally involved in the care and feeding of His creation.  "These all look to you, to give them their food in due season" (v.27)

"O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made,
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
They pow'r throughout the universe displayed.
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee;
How great Thou art!"
-Stuart K. Hine


Friday, April 22, 2022

Rethinking the benefits of our Faith

 Read Psalm 103.

King David shouted in song, "Bless the LORD, O my soul."  Then, he encouraged everyone else to join him. 
Praising the LORD expresses our great gratitude for all that God has done and is doing.  This is not a church exercise, but a personal attitude that flows into each moment of the day.  No matter how great the stress or loss, one cannot be negative or depressed with this heavenly perspective.

Here is David's list of benefits in living for the LORD.
1. He provides our health. (v.3)
Each breath is a gift from God.  As long as He allows us to be here, He has a purpose for us.

2. He satisfies with His goodness. (v.5)
God is good.  It is His nature.  Therefore, He is good to us.  When a person opens their hearts to Him, they realize this truth and He fills it to overflowing with His goodness.  There is no other contentment like this.

3.  He does what is right and just. (v.6)
These character qualities of the LORD are repeated throughout the Bible.  Sooner or later, the hand of God will always do what is right and correct every wrong.

4. He extends His grace. (v.10)
God "does not deal with us according to our sins".  It is His grace to us that provides all these benefits of our faith.

5. He forgives our sins. (v.12)
"As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us."  

6. He gives love and mercy. (vv.13-14)
God does not give us what we deserve, but as a loving father shows compassion.

7. He offers eternal redemption. (vv.15-16)
Without His intervention of salvation in Christ, we have no hope.  Notice the temporal contrast later in this psalm.

Now, that is David's list.  What is on your list today?  Take time to tell the LORD in prayer and thank Him for all His benefits to you.


Thursday, April 21, 2022

There is hope for the Future

 Read Psalm 102.

This is the prayer of one who was hurting.  Physically, the psalmist ached so badly that he would forget to eat.  As a result his body suffered even more.  The restlessness prevented sleep.  On top of that there was emotional suffering from enemies.  He felt that he would soon die at a much earlier age than expected.  That was his reality.

"But you, O LORD..."  His hope was not in his physical, nor his emotional, well-being.  It was his personal faith in God that gave him confidence about the future.

1. He had hope in God regarding his nation. (vv.13-16)
The land had been given to the nation of Israel by God's unconditional promise.  Though circumstances may appear bleak for the moment, the writer knew that one day the LORD Himself would rule and reign from Jerusalem.  Then, all nations will worship Him.  The future is secure.

2. He had hope in God regarding his prayers. (v.17)
To be destitute is be stripped of everything.  It is more than being needy.  With no means or ability to help oneself, to be destitute is to be totally dependent.  That is the relationship God wants from each person.  God helps those who cannot help themselves.  Casting our inability upon His limitless power and plan is the starting point of a blessed life. 

3. He had hope in God for the coming generations. (vv.18-22)
"So that a people yet to be created may praise the LORD."  That includes us some 3000 years later.  How can we praise God when all around us appears to be getting worse by the day? 
-"God is enthroned forever" (v.12).  He is in control and step by step He is unfolding His future plans.
-God "hears the groans" and will "set free those who were doomed to die" (v.20).  Not only does He hear our prayers and see what we are experiencing, but He has all-power to deliver us.
-God will take care of the next generation, just as He has provided for us (v.28).

"Many things about tomorrow I don't seem to understand.
But I know who holds the future and I know who hold my hand."
-Stuart Hamblen


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

9 disciplines of godly People

 Read Psalm 101.

David not only served as shepherd, a mighty warrior, and king, but he was called "the sweet psalmist of Israel."  Music gained him entrance into the service of King Saul and continues to be a major part of his legacy.  In this song he made nine commitments using the words "I will."  These do's and don'ts express the need of all who desire to live a life that pleases the LORD.

1. I will sing.
This is the new song of praise to God for His personal love and His concern to bring about justice.
2. I will make music.
His praise was not limited to his voice.  He also used instruments to worship God as well.
3. I will ponder the way that is blameless.
Doing what is right requires thinking and considering what God wants us to do.  Thoughtless words and deeds lead to sin.
4. I will walk with integrity.
Incongruity is hypocrisy.  A double-minded person behaves one way when people are watching and another privately.
5. I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless.
Our choices of what books and magazines we will read or not read, the television, movies and internet sites we will view or not view are tests of our integrity.  These are character decisions. 
6. I will know nothing of evil.
Often, it is curiosity or the popular thing to do that leads us to explore or experience sinful things.  Sin is never victim-less.  Everyone involved and everyone around those involved are affected.  Evil is always energized by demons.
7. I will destroy slanderers.
When gossip and slander is allowed dissension will be the result.  These are cowards who use words to talk about others instead of speaking with them in love. 
8. I will not endure pride-filled people.
God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.  Tolerating an egoist will hinder the grace of God in every situation.
9. I will look with favor on faith-filled people.
If you desire to live a godly life, then surround yourself with godly people.  Watch.  Listen.  Learn from them.


Monday, April 18, 2022

6 commands about our Worship

 Read Psalm 100.

Worship is not the building or the style but the praise of the person of God Himself.

1. Make joyful noise.
The call to worship is for everyone.  Worship has its solemnity and dignity but our attitude is to be one of joy.  It is an absolute privilege to know and honor the God of heaven.

2. Serve the LORD with gladness.
This has to do with work related to worshiping God.  Some lead worship.  Some are designated singers.  Some play an instrument. Some speak.  Some greet.  Some usher.  All are to participate.  Our faces, body language, and words are to reflect a glad heart.

3. Come in singing.
Not just the musicians but everyone is to vocally participate. 

4. Know the focus.
He is God!  Worship helps us refocus from the distractions of this world to remember where we came from and whose we are. 

5. Enter with thanksgiving.
Often we come to God wanting something from Him.  Worship is a time to thank Him for what He has already provided.

6. Bless His name.
It is His reputation that we praise and honor.

Why?  Because of His goodness, love and faithfulness.
"Oh, taste, and see that the LORD is good!  Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!" (Psalm 34:8)


Saturday, April 16, 2022

3 things most people do not know about God


Read Psalm 99.

Singing has always been a part of worship.  The psalmist wanted everyone to understand to Whom they were singing.  This was not a casual chorus but praise for the One called great and awesome.

1. The LORD is to be feared. (vv.1-3)
To fear God means much more than reverential respect.  The very thought of the holy LORD on His throne should cause the people to tremble and the earth to quake.  What a contrast to what most people experience in worship!  Usually, God has to scare us to near death before we tremble before Him.

2. The LORD sits in the seat of judgment. (vv.4-5)
If someone were to ask what two things does God love, how many would respond with justice and equity?  But this One in heaven is concerned with the statutes of behavior He has prescribed.  He watches the processes and procedures of how decisions are made.  He loves it when matters are handled rightly.  His holiness will not tolerate wrongdoing by anyone.

3. The LORD hears the prayers of obedient believers. (vv.6-9)
Notice what preceded their prayers.  God spoke.  "They kept his testimonies and the statute that he gave them."  They prayed.  God answered.  Knowing God's word and obeying it are precursors to asking Him for anything.  Disobedience requires repentance and forgiveness.  Experiencing God's forgiveness allows us to forgive those who sin against us.

There is nothing like a clean heart to move us to correctly worship our holy God.


Thursday, April 14, 2022

Time to stop and count your Blessings

 Read Psalm 98.

The psalmist is counting his blessings and calling everyone, including all nature, to join in singing praises to God.  The LORD had done marvelous things and he could not be silent.  This is a new song, much different than those estranged from God can sing.  Everyone on earth enjoys the blessings of God moment by moment throughout all of life.  But stopping to give credit and honor to the One to whom it is due requires time, thought, an open heart as well as an open mouth.

1. God had demonstrated His power. (v.1)
Where did God demonstrate His power to you this week?

2. God had made known His salvation. (v.2a)
How have you responded this week to His deliverance of you?

3. God had revealed His righteousness. (v.2b)
When this week did you see that God was right?

4. God had shown steadfast love. (v.3a)
What happened this week where God's love was evidenced to you?

5. God had been faithful. (v.3b)
In what ways did God show His faithfulness to you this week?

"Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love."
Thomas O. Chisholm


Wednesday, April 13, 2022

3 Questions every person must Answer

 Read Psalm 97.

This wonderful song is a universal call to praise the One and only God.  The psalm is full of theology and answers some basic questions to which every human being must respond.

1. Who is God? (vv.1-5)
Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the writer provides a view of the LORD on His throne.
The visuals are further described in Isaiah 6 and Revelation 4.  Note also the sounds and power that emanate from His presence.  His rule is founded upon the character qualities of righteousness and justice.  These two qualities are emphasized in light of His coming judgment upon the earth. 

The Apostle Peter gave a matching preview of this coming in judgment.
"But by the same word the heavens and earth that now exist are stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly...then the heavenly bodies will burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed."  (2 Peter 3:7-10)

2. What about other beliefs? (vv.6-9)
Don't we all worship the same God?  The Creator of all things, the eternal God, claims absolute exclusivity.  The Bible does not mince words concerning other belief systems.  All others will be put to shame and even now are worthless.  There is an invitation here for all those so called gods to worship the LORD alone.
When the Philistines placed the Ark of God before their idol Dagon, that false god fell to the ground before the Ark and broke in pieces. (1 Samuel 5)

Jesus could not have been clearer on this point.  "I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6) 

3. What should we who know Jesus do about this spiritual warfare? (vv.10-12)
-Hate evil.  Believers must not tolerate personal sin, nor be complacent about the sin around them.
-Know that God delivers His own from evil people.  Indeed, the enemy of our souls has already been defeated. 
-Rejoice and give thanks.
"For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world.  And this is the victory that has overcome the world--our faith." (1 John 5:4)


Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Faith needs to be Heard

Read Psalm 96. 

There are times to be silent.  There are times to worship the LORD in quietness.  This Psalm is not of one of those times.  Notice some key words: sing, bless, tell, declare, ascribe, say.  The praise of God in this song is vocal, audible and loud so as to be heard around the world. 

1.     We are to Sing. (vv.1-6)

Our song is a new song.  It is different than what the world sings.  The words tell how great God is and what He has done.  In contrast, all the false gods of this world are worthless. 

Question: How is my music different because of my faith in Him? 

2.     We are to Speak. (vv.7-10)

Our words to this world are to include declarations of God’s glory and honor due to Him.  It is a call to come and worship the LORD because of His sovereignty and our accountability to Him.

Question: What am I saying in my daily conversations that demonstrate this? 

3.     We are to Celebrate. (vv.11-13)

Our mission is to spread the message.  This is a call to all of creation to join us in celebrating our faith with joy and gladness.  God is right.  He is faithful.  He will judge.

Question: How will those around me today see and hear my celebration of joy and gladness? 

“Come thou fount of every blessing,

Tune my heart to sing thy grace;

Streams of mercy, never ceasing,

Call for songs of loudest praise.”

-Robert Robinson

Sunday, April 10, 2022

An Invitation to Sing

 Read Psalm 95.

This song is an invitation for all to join in singing.  Some may feel they cannot "carry a tune" and have no capacity.  But the writer encouraged making a joyful noise.  Whether you can sing or not, make it loud.  Some may feel they have no need to sing to the LORD.  So, the writer reminds us of several reasons for this call.

1. A call to sing praises to God. (vv.1-5)
"Oh come..."  Why?  Because Jehovah is a great God and King above any other persons or objects of worship.  He is the Creator and Sustainer of all things.  There is no one like Him.
"I am God, and there is no other; I am God and there is none like me." (Isaiah 46:9)

2. A call to worship God. (vv.6-7a)
"Oh come..."  Why?  Because the LORD is not only God, but He is our God.  We are His people. 
"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want." (Psalm 23:1)  The eternal, life-changing word in that verse is the little word "my".  He is ours and we are His, forever.

3. A call to listen to God. (vv.7b-11)
" not harden your hearts."  Hearing God's voice requires a soft heart; one that is open to receive what He has to say.  Every moment the LORD wants to give us direction, guidance, and wisdom.  Those who close their hearts toward Him are on their own and pay an awful price.
"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you."
(Psalm 32:8)


Saturday, April 9, 2022

4 provisions needed to overcome Injustices

 Read Psalm 94.

The psalmist cried out for vengeance upon the wicked that had come against God's people.  He described them as "proud" and using "arrogant words."  They had no mercy on the most defenseless of all, murdering widows, travelers, and fatherless children.  Their thought was that God does not exist.  And if He does exist He does not see nor care about what they are doing.

The LORD of heaven not only sees, He hears, He disciplines, and He knows the thoughts of all people.  He does not forget His people.  He is a God of justice and He will eventually right every wrong.

In the meantime, while living with such injustice, how can a righteous person endure?  Living under the threat of physical death is the ultimate test of one's faith.  What kept the songwriter going?

1. The help of the LORD. (v.17)
Day by day, moment by moment God came along side to strengthen him.

2. The love of the LORD. (v.18)
It was the assurance that God loved him, even if no one else did, that caused him to stand firm in his faith.

3. The comforts of the LORD. (v.19)
When he was hurting or feeling badly about the awful things taking place around him, God was there to cheer his soul.

4. The stability of the LORD. (20)
The faithful, unchanging character of God provided a place of spiritual and emotional refuge and safety.

Without this hope, there would have been nothing left but despair.  With a confident faith in Christ, one’s perspective rises above earthly things to trust the Lord.

"For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world.  And this the victory that has overcome the world--our faith.  Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?" (1 John 5:4-5)


Friday, April 8, 2022

The contrast of the King of Glory.

 Read Psalm 93.

Earthly royalty, sitting on their thrones, are truly awe inspiring.  Their robes and crowns, their positional honor and power, cause everyone to cease what they are doing in order to hear what the monarch has to say.  The unnamed psalmist envisioned the comparisons and contrasts of the King of Glory as the ultimate ruler of all things and everyone.

1. His robe.
He is not clothed in expensive furs, but with majesty itself.
2. His belt.
He is not girded with gold, but what surrounds His personage is omnipotence.
3. His rule.
There are no shouts of "long live the king" because He has eternally been in control and always will be.
4. His power.
It is not merely the forces of an army and the exercise of might against opposing nations that He controls but the very forces of nature are under His command.
5. His word.
The rulers of this world may declare their edicts.  Sometimes those decisions prove to be false promises or simply wrong.  God's word is totally reliable, sure and faithful.
6. His habitation.
John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton wrote in part, "Absolute power corrupts absolutely."  The kings of this world have been notorious for their immorality, greed and/or abuse of their position.  But the overarching characteristic of the presence of the LORD is His holiness.

Isaiah was allowed to see firsthand what this psalmist penned.
"In the year King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple.  Above him stood the seraphim.  Each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.  And one called to the another and said: 'Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!'" (Isaiah 6:1-3)


Wednesday, April 6, 2022

A Song for Thanksgiving

 Read Psalm 92.

For those who love the LORD, every day is one of giving thanks.  We praise Him in the morning and at night.  It is with voice and on instruments.  While we are thankful for family, friends, those who sacrifice to keep us safe, and for blessings, ultimately all thanks belongs to God Himself.

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights..." (James 1:17)

1. We thank Him for who He is. (vv.1-4)
-His love is steadfast.
-His faithfulness is new every morning.  (Lamentations 3:22-23)

2. We thank Him for what He has done. (vv.5-11)
His wonderful works extend from Creation to our Redemption to bring us to today.  This requires spiritual insight.  The natural person does not understand.  He sees what God has done and ascribes it to something or someone else.  This robs God of His rightful glory and thanksgiving.

3. We thank Him for what we have. (vv.12-15)
Flourish is a relative term.  We may not have all we want, but today the LORD has supplied much more than we need.  As people grow older, they slow down or cease their professions or work.  But those who know the LORD can continue to grow spiritually and bear fruit in ministry to others.

Two anchors of our faith in God:
He is right.  We are thankful to know the truth and to be on the winning side.
He is our Rock.  We are thankful to have such unchangeable stability in our lives.


Tuesday, April 5, 2022

When trouble troubles You

 Read Psalm 91.

Dr. Lee Roberson preached a powerful sermon on the subject of trouble.
1. Trouble energizes.  We are lazy.  It stirs us to action.
2. Trouble clarifies.  It gives us vision.
3. Trouble magnifies our weaknesses in light of the power of God.

This psalm encourages believers that we have no cause for fear when trouble comes our way.  For those who place their faith in God, He is our shelter, a shadow protection over us, a refuge, a fortress, a cover, a shield, a buckler, our dwelling place.
And, if that were not enough, "He will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways." (v.11)

How does the LORD respond to those who trust Him in times of trouble? (vv.14-16)
1. I will deliver him
2. I will protect him
3. I will answer him
4. I will be with him
5. I will rescue him
6. I will honor him
7. I will show him my salvation
Seven quotes from God Himself.  We need nothing more, nothing less, and nothing else.


Monday, April 4, 2022

What to do about the brevity of Life


Read Psalm 90.

Here is song from Moses.  He began by extolling the eternal nature of God.  He is from everlasting to everlasting.  God does not exist in time.  He is not limited to space or matter.  As Creator, He is the Owner of life.  And, He is the believer's refuge and final home.

Human life is the exact opposite.  We are here only for a while and then gone into eternity.  Earthly life is described like dust, as if swept away by a flood, a dream, grass, a sigh.  It may last 70 years, maybe 80, then soon gone.  This is an interesting statement from a man who lived to be 120.

Facing this temporal reality, how should we be praying and what should we be doing?

1. Learning wisdom. (v.12)
Teach us to number our days.  It is human nature to avoid thinking about our days being numbered, let alone wisely planning our lives according to its sure brevity.  Today matters.  This understanding and learning causes us-
-to be urgent in what we do
-to be right in what we do
-to be prudent in what we do

2. Being content with God's love for us. (v.14a)
If He was all you had in this life, would you be satisfied?  Is He enough for you?

3. Rejoicing through it all. (v.14b-15)
Afflicted?  Yes.  Experienced evil?  Yes.  The secret to being "glad all our days" is being content with God and His love. 

4. Seeing God's power at work. (v.16)
Praying is one thing.  Our faith is built up as we intentionally take notice of God at work all around us every day.  He is active every moment.  Don't miss it.

5. Experiencing God's favor in all that we do. (v.17)
He is the One who opens doors of opportunity and blesses us.  It is His good hand upon us that makes all the difference in life and leaves a legacy of honor for those behind us.


Saturday, April 2, 2022

What happened to God's Promises?

 Read Psalm 89.

Ethan, who wrote this song, is mentioned in two other places in the Old Testament.  He was Levite and considered to be a very wise man.  But here he was conflicted.  On one hand, Ethan praised God for His many character traits such love and faithfulness.  Then, on the other, He felt God had abandoned the nation in anger.  He even accused the LORD of renouncing His covenant with David (v.39).

Indeed, the very basis of his prayer is the Davidic Covenant found in 1 Samuel 7:5-16.  There the LORD made these eternal promises to David and his descendants.
1. I will make your name great.
2. I will appoint a place for my people Israel and will plant them, so that they may dwell in their own place and be disturbed no more.
3. I will give you rest from all your enemies.
4. I will make you a house.
5. I will raise up offspring after you.
6. I will establish his kingdom forever.
7. Your throne shall be established forever.

The context of this psalm, however, appears to have been prompted by an enemy invasion and the king's loss of control over the nation.  So, what happened to all those promises?  God did not change; Israel did.  Their disobedience resulted in them losing the blessings of those promises for a time.  With their national repentance and in God's timing He will restore and fulfill all His word.  Ultimately, Jesus, a direct and royal descendant of David (Matthew 1) will sit on that throne in Jerusalem and rule.

We must be careful not to evaluate life based upon temporal emotions.  God's word and His faithfulness do not change.  He is "the same yesterday, today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8).  When life does not make sense, God's word is still and always trustworthy.


Friday, April 1, 2022

Suffering in the will of God

 Read Psalm 88.

When one hears the name Heman, we think of a person with unusual strength, stature, and ability.  But as Heman wrote this psalm, we discover a man who was suffering, crying, and on the brink of death.

He prayed day and night, but up to this point the LORD had not answered his prayers.  Indeed, things became worse.  His "soul is full of troubles."  His health had brought him to the point of death.  All his friends had abandoned him.  There seemed to be no way out.  And, there is no happy ending to this song.

The basis of his prayer was that in death he would not be able to demonstrate the power and character of God's deliverance.  Notice the appeal to the character of God.
-"your steadfast love"
-"your faithfulness"
-"your wonders"
-"your righteousness"

Everyone, sooner or later, experiences the agony of praying with the feeling that God is not listening.  Our evaluation is based on the fact that nothing is happening to help us.  But our faith reminds us that God does see what we are going through and He hears our cries.  Further, the foundation of our hope is that the LORD is working His plan and purpose on His timetable, not ours.  It is our trust in Him that is being tested.

Suffering is as much a part of the human experience as breathing.  It may take different forms from various causes.  Suffering due to our own sin is God's design to lead a person to repentance.  But there are times in life when suffering is within the will of God to test the believer and to mature them in their faith.

Two reminders from the Apostle Paul's personal suffering in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10.
1. In our weakness, we learn that God' grace is sufficient for us.
2. In our weakness, we learn to be content.