Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Do we need a powerful national Defense?

Read Isaiah 31.

Everyone should know that might does not make right.  But might does not insure success either.  A powerful national defense is always desirable for the protection of a country.  However, if that is what the people and the leaders are depending upon for their future, their faith may be sadly misplaced.

God continued to give Isaiah messages for Judah.  They thought if they could amass a big enough allied force, the kingdom would be delivered from the Assyrians.  The problem was not military preparation but trust.  If Judah's national trust was in Egypt and their army, the plans would fail.  And, they did.

The LORD tried to teach them to "look to the Holy One of Israel or consult the LORD!" (v.1).  God's power and His plan always supersedes human efforts.  So, why not ask Him what He wants done?  Why not ask His help?  And, then living in obedience to what He wants done, why not trust Him for the outcome?

God had already announced through Isaiah that He would protect Judah against this enemy.  So, what should they be doing?

1. Turn to him. (v.6a)
The people of Judah had rebelled against the LORD and His expectations of them.  Their sin had brought the pending punishment on themselves.  God proves His mercy and His grace to us by faithfully calling the wayward to change directions.  By coming to Him, they would find forgiveness, peace, and the protection they desired.

2. Cast away false beliefs. (v.6b)
In their rebellion against God, the people had turned to other sources for direction and decisions.  They even placed their faith in inanimate objects they had made with their own hands and prayed to them for help.  Such thinking borderlines on insanity.  Instead, why not trust the One who created the elements and controls the universe?

"And yet he is wise and brings disaster; he does not call back his words." (v.2a)
No human is a match for God's wisdom.  His word is absolute.  Trust Him and see.

Monday, April 29, 2019

What are you waiting For?

Read Isaiah 30.

Living in fear as they awaited the Assyrian invasion, the southern kingdom of Judah looked to Egypt for help and protection.  But Egypt was no longer a strong world power.  Representatives of Judah were dispatched anyway to secure an alliance.  The result would be "shame and disgrace" (v.5).

God had already made it clear that the northern kingdom of Israel would be conquered and the people scattered.  However, God also promised to use the Assyrians to punish Judah, but not conquer them.

How did they get into this mess?  They decided that they knew better how to run their lives and their nation than the God who created them and brought them this far.  "Stubborn children," He called them, making their own plans, seeking alliances and protection from everyone and everything except Him.  In doing so, they "add sin to sin" (v.1).

The people did not want to hear what was right.  They wanted someone to flatter them and help them feel good about themselves.  In other words, they deliberately sought to believe in fantasies instead of the truth (v.10).  None of those false ways dealt with the root issue of their sin and guilt.

God's gracious offer to them remained.  "In returning (repentance) and rest you shall be saved: in quietness and in trust shall be your strength" (v.15).  Making a U-turn toward the LORD, accepting His forgiveness, and trusting Him alone would bring them peace and the provision they needed.  All along, the LORD wanted to be their Teacher, showing them how to live (v.21).  One day Israel will listen to Him.  At that point, they will get rid of all the false ways they used to trust with a simple "Be gone!" (v.22).

In the middle of the chapter is the invitation.  "The LORD waits to be gracious to you and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you.  For the Lord is a God of justice;"  But there is more.  "Blessed are all those who wait for him" (v.18).  Who are you trusting today to meet your real needs?  God is waiting.  What are you waiting for?

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Why can't they see the Truth?

Read Isaiah 29.

This chapter could be labeled as bad news- good news.  First, the "woe".  Ariel is a direct reference to Jerusalem, the city of David (v.1).  The city would come under siege by the Assyrians.  Indeed, Sennacherib surrounded Jerusalem in 701 B.C. but was unable to conquer it.  Notice in verse 3, that God takes personal credit for putting the city under such pressure.  And, He will protect the city this time.  Like a person with a bad dream when awakened, the frightening thing was not there.  The whole reason for God's judgment was to motivate them to repent.  But they did not.

Why could they not see what God was doing?  Why could they not hear the prophet's message and change their ways?

Their sin had caused them to become spiritually insensitive to the things of God.  They had blinded their eyes from seeing the truth and stopped their ears hearing what God was saying to them.  Their so-called spiritual leaders could not make sense of God's word.  Even reading the messages did not make sense to them.  They were religious (v.13) but their words of worship were empty because "their hearts are far from me."

Believing they had no accountability to the LORD, they took full credit for their lives.  Their thoughts toward the Creator included: "He did not make me" (v.16).

And now the good news.  What a change, "in that day," when the Messiah will return to rule the world from the city of Jerusalem.  "In that day" the Jews will hear the message and see the truth.  Justice will come to the oppressed and upon the "ruthless."  As a nation of God's people, they will acknowledge who Jesus is and give Him full credit for their lives.

As the Apostle Paul looked forward to the day of Israel's national repentance, in Romans 9 he wrote of the same potter and clay comparison.  In Romans 11, he wrote of Israel's spiritual blindness and deafness.  His point was that this opened wide the door for the Gentiles to be "grafted" into God's plan of redemption.  As individuals, he wrote in Romans 10:12-13- "For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him.  For 'everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'"  

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Is the message too simple for You?

Read Isaiah 28.

Woe to the northern kingdom of Israel!
The people prided themselves in their prosperity.  But having rejected God, they became like a fading flower.  The LORD would use the Assyrians to trample upon them without mercy.  Meanwhile, the people and their leaders were depicted as drunkards, staggering, confused, and unable to make right decisions.

They even mocked Isaiah's clear message from the LORD as being too simple, formulaic, and rote.  They rejected what God was saying to them as being childish, like teaching the ABC's (vv.9-10).  But when a person will not listen to God's word, He will send a stronger messenger to teach them.  If they refused to repent of their sin, then He would have an ungodly, foreign power instruct them about accountability and judgment.  They will "be broken, and snared, and taken" (vv.11-13)

In great contrast to the fading glory of Israel, there will come a day when the LORD will sit on the throne and be a "crown of glory" to His people (v.5).

Woe to the southern kingdom of Judah!
The leaders of the south were no better.  They, too, had rejected God and His word.  Openly, they had committed their lives to false gods, to lies, and trusted in them to protect them (vv.14-15).  In short, they tried to build their lives and the nation on a foundation of sinking sand.

In great contrast, the LORD said, "Behold, I am the one who had laid as a foundation in Zion, a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, of a sure foundation: 'Whoever believes will not be in haste.'" (v.16)

New Testament believers cannot read verse 16 without thinking of Jesus.  The Apostle Peter quoted Isaiah in 1 Peter 2:6 and applied it to Jesus.  The Apostle Paul wrote: "So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone." (Ephesians 2:20)

There are only two ways to build a life: trust in the shifting false beliefs of this world, or trust in the sure foundation of Jesus.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Israel's future and Ours

Read Isaiah 27.

True prophecy tells history in advance.  After the death of Solomon, the land divided into two kingdoms: Israel in the north and Judah in the south.  In Isaiah's day, the Assyrians were cruelly conquering every nation in their path.  The LORD told Isaiah to prophesy that Assyria would crush Israel.  As a result, Judah would experience great pressure but God would protect them a while longer.  Later, the Babylonians conquered Assyria and then captured Judah to take them away in exile (v.8).

Not since the time of Solomon had there been a single nation of Jews on that land under its own rule until 1948; roughly, 3000 years.  Still, the world has yet to see what God told Isaiah would ultimately happen.

Four times the phase "in that day" or "in the days to come" appear.  Most often, that is a trigger phrase concerning the time of Christ's return and events that will follow.  Here is some history in advance.

1. The LORD will slay his enemies. (v.1)
This is the exact picture of Jesus in Revelation 19:11-16.  The sword of the LORD is the word of God.  As we are told in Genesis 1, He spoke creation into existence.  So, in His return at His command, all the enemies of God will be defeated.

2. The LORD will restore Israel spiritually. (vv.2-6)
The spiritual picture of God's relationship with the Jews is one of taking care of His vineyard.  Previously, the message to Isaiah was that the vineyard produced only wild grapes, so God would remove His protection of His people.  But these verses look forward to a day when the Jews will "blossom" "and fill the whole world with fruit."

3. The LORD will forgive the sin of Israel. (vv.7-11)
God had to deal with their sin of unbelief and blatant false worship.  The exile of Judah that took place in 586 B.C. as predicted.  To this day, the world has not seen the fulfillment of this national removal of sin and restoration.  There is only one solution to sin and that is the forgiveness God alone offers through the shed blood of Jesus, the Messiah.  By faith the godly of the Old Testament looked forward to the day of ultimate atonement.  We look back to the cross in faith for our complete and final atonement.  One day, the Jews will embrace Jesus as the Messiah and know this forgiveness personally and nationally.  The Apostle Paul wrote clearly concerning this in Romans 9-11 and even quotes Isaiah several times to prove his case.  He then concluded, "And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it is written..." (Romans 11:26)

4. The LORD will be worshiped in Jerusalem. (vv.12-13)
The entire region that is in such turmoil and terror today will "in that day" be sacred territory.  Jesus will reign for 1,000 years from Jerusalem and the world will come to bow before Him.

The good news is that anyone may experience God's personal forgiveness and life-restoration right now by calling on Jesus.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

A promised peace with a Price

Read Isaiah 26.

In the last chapter, Isaiah wrote prophetically what believers in Jesus will say "in that day."  Here, now, is the song we will sing when Messiah rules and reigns.

Notice all the benefits of the redeemed.
1. A perfect peace because our trust is in the unchanging and sovereign LORD. . (v.3)

2. A clear and smooth path for life because God takes care of the consequences of our obedience. (v.7)

3. A living Savior. (vv.13-14)

4. A joyful resurrection. (v.19)

In the meantime, the Apostle Paul encouraged:
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." ( Philippians 4:7)

"The price tag of renewing the mind with Scripture is time and discipline, but the benefits are always disproportionate to the expenditures.  If we are shallow in the Word, we will be superficial in our knowledge of God and less effective in our relationship with others."-Ken Boa

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

A hope worth the Wait

Read Isaiah 25.

Knowing the truth about God's judgment against unbelievers may cause distress.  In the previous chapter, Isaiah felt the weight of the message and cried out, "I waste away, I waste away.  Woe is me!"  But for those who have placed their eternal faith in the LORD, there is hope and joy in our future.

Isaiah wrote this beautiful song to praise the LORD as he looked forward to that day when God would once and for all deliver His people.

There is no mistaking the fact that this speaks of an earthly kingdom where Messiah will rule and reign.  That will be when the Prince of Peace will rule and all the nations will glorify Him.  Don't miss all the descriptors of how the LORD will protect those who love Him.  It will be a time of great celebration.

From the prophet's view, all of the future events blended into one picture.  The New Testament provides many details, filling in some of the gaps the prophets could not see and did not know.  It is always best when we have the Scriptures commenting on other Scripture, enlightening our understanding.  For instance, the same wording of verse 8 appears in Revelation 22:4.  After the Millennial kingdom on earth, Revelation 22 explains that there will be a new heaven and a new earth.  In that eternal place, there will be no tears and no such thing as death.  We will never say good-bye to our love ones who are with us because of our mutual faith in Christ.

Like us, how Isaiah longed for that day!  In verse 9, he even wrote what we will be saying: "It will be said in that day, 'Behold, this is our God; we have waited for him, that he might save us.  This is the LORD; we have waited for him; let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation.'"


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Worldwide judgment is Coming

Read Isaiah 24.

There is decided shift in Isaiah's messages from the LORD, beginning here and continuing into the next several chapters.  No longer is the predicted judgment directed against individual neighboring nations and the obvious threat is no longer the immediate Assyrian invasion.  The subject now is a worldwide devastation from God Himself.

During this unprecedented time, everyone on earth will suffer loss and devastation. Why?  Verse 5 explains that the earth is defiled by human sinfulness.  God's laws, statutes, and His eternal covenant have been violated.

This will be followed by a period of time when the nations from the ends of the earth will "sing for joy; over the majesty of the LORD" and "give glory to the LORD" (vv.15-16).  But then, there will come a time of final judgment.

Since sin entered the Garden of Eden, God has always been implementing His plans of redemption, judgment and cleansing the earth of its corruption.  In Noah's day, He sent a worldwide flood to cleanse the earth.  "But by the same word the heavens and earth that now exist are stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly." (2 Peter 3:7)

These descriptions and their sequencing fit perfectly with the Biblical understanding of the Great Tribulation (Revelation 6-19), then the 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth (Revelation 20:1-10), followed by the Great White Throne judgment (Revelation 20:11-15).

It should be remembered that God's wrath is not aimed at believers.  Just as in Noah's day, He provides protection and escape from such judgment for those who turn to Him.  Jesus said, "Whoever believes n the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him." (John 3:36)

Monday, April 22, 2019

Pride and God's Purpose

Read Isaiah 23.

Tyre and Sidon were two of the most important trading centers in the Mediterranean at the time.  Buying and selling with nations from Egypt to Spain, these merchants of Phoenicia became wealthy.  The people deemed themselves self-sufficient and sensed no need of God.  Like many port cities, they had become places known for carousing and open sin.  But their "pompous pride" and self-glorification were to come to an end.

To be sure, the Assyrians were marching in their direction.  The trade fell to the control of the Assyrian Empire for the 70 years, exactly as prophesied here, from 700 B.C. to 630 B.C.  However, behind the visible threat was the power of the invisible God.  There is a question in verse 8 with the answer in verse 9.  "Who has purposed this" destruction of these great cities?  "The LORD of hosts has purposed it."

A heart full of pride, the sense of self-sufficiency, and the actions of living life the way one wants are the very reasons Jesus was nailed to the cross.  Those form one of the key Biblical definitions of sin.

Isaiah later wrote, "Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.  But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.  All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned--every one--to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all." (Isaiah 53:4-6)

Though we are not told how, at the end of the chapter there will be a brief time of restoration of commerce.  But this time the prosperity will be dedicated, or holy, to the LORD.  And, isn't that what God is after all along?  His desire is for everything and everyone in His creation to bring Him glory.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Facing an impossible Situation

Read Isaiah 22.

God used the Assyrians to put pressure on Judah to repent.  But instead, they fortified Jerusalem's defenses.  They armed themselves with weapons (v.8).  Those who tried to flee were captured.  Judah was helpless to save themselves.  The LORD called to them to repent and turn to Him.  Instead of mourning and repenting, they feasted.

Shebna evidently was one who could have been in a position to negotiate with the Assyrians.  However, it seems he wanted to use this opportunity to make a lasting name for himself.  Therefore, God rejected him as an unfaithful "steward" and replaced him with Eliakim.  Eliakim served as a father figure to Judah, with the full royal authority that God place upon him.  In verse 14, he had God-given power to make things happen on behalf of his people.  But as secure as Eliakim's leadership was even it would one day come to an end.

At the heart of the problem was their unbelief that God could deliver them and that He wanted to deliver them.  That sin of unbelief "will not be atoned for..." (v.14).

The writer of Hebrews stated, "Without faith it is impossible to please him." (Hebrews 11:6)  When facing impossible situations, we first and foremost gladly cast our full dependence upon the God of the impossible.  He alone can forgive sin.  He alone can deliver us.

"Faith, mighty faith, the promise sees and looks to God alone;
Laughs at impossibilities, and cries it shall be done." -Charles Wesley

Friday, April 19, 2019

Protection from pending Disaster

Read Isaiah 21.

Judah looked to any nation that could possibly stay the invasion of Assyria.  In His faithfulness, God told Isaiah what was about to happen and then the prophet delivered the word of God.

Looking to the east, there were the desert peoples of Dumah (Elam), Media, and the city of Babylon.  Surely, one of these could help.

A rebellion against Assyria did take place from the area of the desert sea, now known as the Persian Gulf.  But while Isaiah emotionally and physically felt the awfulness of the coming battle, some sat down to feast as if nothing was going to happen.  Then, the prophecy stated the news would come that Babylon had been "shattered to the ground."  Isaiah described Judah's dashed hopes as grain that had been threshed.

The message from the LORD even included the time.  The rout of the region would happen within one year.

Though a similar wording is used concerning Babylon in Revelation 14 and 18, these are two distinct events.  Isaiah wrote concerning the Assyrians' defeat of Babylon.  Later, in Daniel's time, the demise of the Babylonian Empire took place at the hands of the Medes and Persians.  Then, prior to the return of Christ the new Babylon will be destroyed.

God will be faithful to Judah and protect them from the cruelty of the Assyrians.  The lesson here is that they needed to stop looking to other sources of help and turn to the only One who can truly protect them.  That is a good word for all of us today.

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say to the LORD, 'My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.'" (Psalm 91:1-2)

Thursday, April 18, 2019

The awesome consequences of Neglect

Read Isaiah 20.

In a graphic display, God instructed the prophet to deliver His message.  Assyria would cruelly conquer and humiliate the nations.  With hopes dashed for any regional alliance, Judah would have to stop and take stock about their future.  There is an evaluative statement and then a question that applies to everyone who ever lived.

1. The statement. (v.6a)
"This is what happens to those who ignore the LORD and put their hope in something else."
In predicting the demise of Cush and Egypt, God declared that they will evaluate what happened to them and why.  There proved to be no one to come alongside them to help.  They put their trust in the wrong place and in the wrong people.  They were sincere but sincerely wrong.

God provided all they needed for forgiveness, restoration and protection.  But His plans were not accepted.  They thought they knew better than God.  Therefore, they suffered the consequences.

2. The question. (v.6b)
"How shall we escape?"
Some will trust that there is no such eternal accountability.  They will not escape eternal punishment.
Some will trust in other beliefs.  They will not escape eternal punishment.
Some will trust in their own good works.  They will not escape eternal punishment.

There are not two answers to that question.  There is only one.  It is not a sectarian belief, but the gracious offer of the living God.  Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)

In a different context, the writer of Hebrews included the same question: "For since the message declared by angels proved to be reliable, and every transgression or disobedience received a just retribution, how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?" (Hebrews 2:2-3)

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

God's peace plan for Egypt

Read Isaiah 19.

The LORD continued to reveal His prophetic messages for the nations through Isaiah.  With Assyria threatening the entire region, it would have been natural to look to neighboring countries for defensive alliances.  If all the north will be overrun by the Assyrians, what about Egypt in the south?  They, too, will be conquered by the same cruel invaders.

God will use this enemy attack as His instrument.  In addition, He will withhold blessings so as to bring about Egypt’s total economic collapse.  Why?  Because the Egyptians had put their trust in false gods.  At its root, the battle is always spiritual.  Verse 3 gives some detail.  The nation prayed to idols they had made with their own hands out of resources God created and provided.  They turned to shysters who claimed to be able to interpret the stars or other omens.  Then, there were satanically aligned wizards and conjurers who offered demonic counsel.  But when the LORD intervened, they all proved be of no use whatsoever.  This was accomplished by Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, in 671 B.C.

The second half of the chapter looks beyond the immediate threat to a distant time.  Five times the phrase "in that day" appears, giving a glimpse of Egypt's spiritual future.  One day…

1. Egypt will fear Judah. (vv.16-17)
When the Messiah rules the world from David's throne in Jerusalem, all the nations, including Egypt, will demonstrate respect and respond accordingly.

2. Egypt will worship the LORD. (v.18)
The prediction is that there will be five key cities.  The nation will abandon all false gods and be fully committed followers of Jesus, the Messiah.

3. Egypt will have its own altar. (vv.19-22)
With its own altar to worship the LORD and a public monument of testimony, the nation will openly declare to the world its embrace of the Messiah.

4. Egypt will be at peace. (v.23)
Given the current internal strife of that nation, it is hard to imagine them being at peace among themselves, let alone with their historic enemies.  But when the Prince of Peace comes, these three-Assyria, Israel, and Egypt-will freely travel back and forth in peace.

5. Egypt will be blessed and be a blessing. (v.24)
One cannot read these words in verse 24 without remembering God's promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:3-  "I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Why is God waiting?

Read Isaiah 18.

When God acts on behalf of a nation or in judgment, it affects all the surrounding nations as well.  The same is true with individuals.  With infinite wisdom, He works in everyone's lives simultaneously, in His time, to fulfill His plans.

Chapter 18 is a "woe" aimed at Ethiopia.  Apparently, there was a quick effort to align themselves with Israel to fight against the Assyrians.  Isaiah wrote a terse response in verse 2: "Go home."  All the alliances in the world would not thwart the invasion.  God wanted to use Assyria as a penalty against the sin of Israel.  Later, He would deal with the Assyrians and their sin.

In the meantime, the LORD told Isaiah in verse 4, "I will quietly look from my dwelling..."  Quietly?  Waiting?

Isaiah knew what was going to happen, all the pieces seemed to be in place, but the LORD had not implemented the plan yet.  Indeed, the prophecy here looks even beyond Isaiah's day to the events that are still future to us.  In verses 7 and 8, all the nations including Ethiopia will make their way to Jerusalem to bring gifts the LORD.  The government will be upon His shoulders and the Prince of Peace will reign.

What is God waiting on?  All of us have asked that question at one time or another.  If He is control and knows what He is going to do, why does He not act now?
1. He waits to judge sin.
In Genesis 15:12-16, the LORD told Abraham that his descendants would be slaves in Egypt for 400 years.  The astounding fact is that he told him 500 years in advance!  What was God waiting on?  The sin of the Amorites.  To us, it seems that there is no connection.  But if God was going to move millions of Jews into Canaan, He needed to first deal with the nation living in the north.  Like falling dominoes, one movement in the plan affects everyone else.

2. He waits for individuals to repent.
2 Peter 3:9-10, "The Lord is  not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but hat all should reach repentance."  In His grace, He waits to allow every opportunity for people to change their minds about Him and His offer of forgiveness.  When He does bring judgment, there will be no excuse.

3. He waits to reveal things yet unseen by us.
Whether it is the eternal change of a life, the movement upon a person's heart to respond in a certain way, or the supply of a need, I believe God delights in surprising us with His goodness.  Even when we are certain what God wants done, it is a walk of faith to wait upon how and when He will act.  But each time, the wait will be worth it and our faith stronger.

Monday, April 15, 2019

When blessed people Forget

Read Isaiah 17.

The northern kingdom of Israel had turned to the Arameans, their neighbor, in an alliance to war against the invading Assyrians.  Damascus was the capital city of Aram, a region in central Syria.  But just as the prophecy against Israel predicted their destruction and scattering, so it was to be with Arameans.

Three times the phrase "in that day" appears in this chapter.  This is most often a trigger wording pointing to the future time of God's wrath and His ushering in unprecedented time of blessing and peace.  But the descriptions here are events that would have taken place in Isaiah's day.

God's dealings with people, as His character is, have not changed.  These are good warnings and reminders to all of us.

1. Humility in that day. (vv.4-6)
Israel will be brought low.  The first description is one of weight loss.  The war will bring a food shortage and starvation.  The second pictures Israel as crops after the harvest with little left.   No longer will they enjoy abundance.  What they had was from the hand of God, but they gave Him no honor or credit.  When one does not humble themselves before the LORD, God will eventually intervene.

2. Repentance in that day. (vv.7-8)
Someone said that when things go well, people play.  And, when things go bad, people pray.  When Israel would experience the terror of the Assyrians, they would turn to God.  In the crisis they would realize their man-made religion offered no help.  They would indeed return to their "Maker".  When a person gets a fresh glimpse of the Holy One, feelings of personal sin jump to the surface.  He alone could forgive them, deliver them, and give them hope for the future.

3. Judgment in that day. (vv.9-11)
Once the ruthless Assyrians were through, the entire region would be devastated, destroyed, and deserted.  Why?  Israel had become a godless nation.  They forgot the God of their fathers who promised the land to them and delivered them from slavery in Egypt.  They chose not to remember the miracles of God's protection of them and His countless provisions to them.

For us, let today be a day of remembering the goodness of the LORD and humbling living for Him.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

God's word stands Forever

Read Isaiah 16.

Moab had been attacked by Assyria in the previous chapter.  The people scattered and ran for their lives.  However, the reference to Sela in verse 1 seems to indicate they ran further south.  Judah would have been a safe haven for them.

1. Why did this happen to Moab?  (vv.6-7, 12)
As in each case of judgment, its root focus is spiritual and on the surface is arrogance.  Moab worshiped Baal and rejected the true and living God.  When the pressure was on, instead running to the safety of Judah, they ran in the opposite direction geographically and spiritually.  There was only silence in their vain attempts to pray to their man-made Baal (v.12).  The Moabites prided themselves in not needing God.  They had their own beliefs.  Selfishly and smugly they went their own way, deeper into sin.  They actually boasted about it.  The LORD dealt decisively with their insolence.

2. Where is justice against the oppressor? (vv.4-5)
In previous chapters, Isaiah prophesied the destruction of Assyria.  Notice how quickly in this context Isaiah mentions ultimate justice by the ultimate Judge.  One day, Messiah Himself will sit on the throne of David in Jerusalem.  His judgment will be characterized by love, faithfulness, and righteousness.

But that is not all.  God gave Isaiah an exact prophecy in verse 14 that what happened to Moab and their nation is only the first part.  "In three years" more destruction will come.  Isaiah served a very long time as a prophet.  If anyone wanted to, or could, discredit the veracity and reliability of God's word and using Isaiah to deliver His messages, this could have done it.  Three years later, God's word and Isaiah's ministry continued to be totally reliable.

"Forever, O LORD, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens." (Psalm 119:89)

Thursday, April 11, 2019

A lesson learned the hard Way

Read Isaiah 15.

Moab was the son of Lot (Genesis 19), the result of incest with one of his daughters.  The Moabites settled on the southeast side of the Dead Sea.  Spiritually, they worshiped Baal, not the God of Abraham.

During the Exodus, the Moabites refused passage to the traveling Jews.  The LORD prevented Moses from attacking them.  Ruth was a Moabite.  She married into a family from Bethlehem.  When her husband died, she moved to Israel and embraced the true and living God.  She then became the great-grandmother of King David.  Saul and David warred against the Moabites and defeated them.

At the time of Isaiah's writing some of Moab's key cities had already been destroyed.  Those not killed fled in humiliation looking for a place of safety.  Even Isaiah was impacted emotionally (v.5) by what had happened.

The rest of this story continues into chapter 16.

There is an old saying, "The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine."

Because the LORD chooses not to immediately strike a person dead over their sin, some believe they got away with it.  Or, worse, they come to believe there is no God who is holding them accountable.  Moab learned this lesson the hard way.

The beauty of God's grace is that He has taken the initiative to deliver us.  "For there is no distinction: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." (Romans 3:23-24)

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

What prophecy reveals about God's Character

Read Isaiah 14.

This is a power packed series of prophecies for five different target audiences.

To Israel (vv.1-2)
The northern kingdom would be invaded and taken by the Assyrians.  However, all is not lost.  There is a future and a hope.  The LORD said that He will again "choose" them, place them on the land of promise, and other nations will "attach" themselves with the Jews.

To Babylon (vv.3-23)
This was written as a song that the Jews will tauntingly sing at the destruction of Babylon.  Even the greatest of leaders are human and eventually die.  But the king referred to here will get God's special attention due to his arrogance and attempt to deify himself.

To Assyrian (vv.24-27)
God has a purpose in using them for a time to carry out His judgment.  But they too will come to an end.

To Philistia (vv.28-31)
The coastal kingdoms of the Philistines had been a thorn in the side of God's people ever since Joshua led the people into the land.  God's judgment will break them.

To Judah (v.32)
The message for Philistia is not so much for the Philistines as it is for the southern kingdom of Judah.  The LORD will watch over Jerusalem and protect them.

In the midst of all these prophesied judgments, there are three lessons to learn regarding the character of God.
1. He is the God of compassion. (v.1)
Though Israel sinned and indeed had become godless in their culture, "the LORD will have compassion on Jacob."  He is a God of mercy and His motive in judgment is to deal with sin.  It is out of His grace that He extends forgiveness, cleansing, and "again" decides to use people.

2. He is the God in control. (v.24)
The earth belongs to Him.  He is the Owner of all things.  As sovereign LORD, He has detailed purposes and plans for each life.  What He declares will be done.  "As I have planned, so shall it be, and as I have purposed, so shall it stand."  He is ever faithful.  We may rely on His word absolutely.  When He offers to deliver us from the penalty of sin and home in heaven, we can stake our eternity on it!

3. He is the God of comfort. (v.32)
While kingdoms and empires will be falling, Judah need not fear.  The Jews did not conquer the land and found the city of Jerusalem.  God did.  These people belong to Him.  Will they experience affliction?  Yes.  But the LORD already planned to be their refuge and to comfort them in their affliction.  And, He is the same for us this very day.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

He is God of the present and the Future

Read Isaiah 13.

From Genesis to the Prophets to Revelation, the Bible condemns the city of Babylon as a center of hatred against God.  It is referred to as the source of astrology and other satanically inspired alternatives designed to distract people from trusting in God's word.  Here, the Holy Spirit revealed to Isaiah the destruction of the Babylonian Empire.

Perhaps, the most significant element of Isaiah's message is that Babylon would not become such a world empire for another 200 years.  But such is the nature of prophecy, that is, telling the future in advance.  No one but the sovereign LORD Himself could know and control this plan.  The events described here were fulfilled in Daniel 5 with the famous handwriting on the wall.  Babylon's end came with the sandwiched attack by the Medes and Persians.

A similar description of a revived Babylon is found in Revelation 16-18.

Notice in the chapter that though empires fall and another is raised up, it is God who planned it all and takes full credit for using them to do His work.
v.3-"I myself have commanded...to execute my anger..."
v.4-"The LORD of hosts is mustering a host for battle."
v.5-"...the LORD and the weapons of his indignation,..."
v.11-"I will punish...I will put an end..."
v.12-"I will make people more rare..."
v.13-"I will make the heavens tremble..."
v.17-"I am stirring up the Medes against them..."

The LORD had called Judah to repent and experience forgiveness of their sins in chapter one.  It came with this warning, “If you refuse and rebel, you shall be eaten with the sword; for the mouth of the LORD has spoken.” (1:19)  While the God of the universe has such plans and power of justice for Jew and Gentile alike, He knows and cares for every individual life.  “Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD; though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” (1:18) Our response begins with a willingness to “come” to Him. 

Monday, April 8, 2019

A look at world Peace

Read Isaiah 11.

One of the most important rules of interpreting the Scriptures is context.  It is the habit of many to only quote phrases from the Bible they like and not read the rest.  This chapter is one of those portions.

"A little child shall lead them" is a phrase, part of a sentence, in a chapter full of detail.  The prophetic descriptions foretell of a unique time on earth that has never happened.  Some have tried to explain these verses away as having taken place in Isaiah's time.  Others endeavor to discredit an earthly fulfillment of this prophecy, choosing to spiritualize the words as taking place in heaven.  But even a cursory reading makes those two attempts ludicrous.

Here is why.

1. The King. (v.1)
Who is he?  He will rise up as a branch from the family tree of Jesse, the royal lineage of King David.  That is why Matthew 1 is so important.  It is a legal statement that Jesus has a right to that throne.

2. The King's rule. (vv.2-3)
He will rule in the full power of the Holy Spirit.  He will be the Wonderful Counselor (Isaiah 9:6) to the nations on earth.  He will do what pleases the Father (John 8:29).

3. The effects of the King's rule. (vv.4-9)
When Jesus comes again, He will be the King of Kings, judging and ruling this world by the Word of God (Revelation 19).  As the Prince of Peace, the Messiah will usher in a time of absolute peace.  Sin brought death, disobedience, and division.  Jesus will bring unity, right behavior, and life.  So-called natural fears and threats will be gone.  "...the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD."

In Isaiah's time, reconciliation of Israel and Judah seemed unthinkable.  But "in that day" (v.10), Messiah will regather and unify His people.  Note that God’s plan is not only for the Jews, but all the families of the earth will be blessed (Genesis 12).  

Sunday, April 7, 2019

The words of a new Song

Read Isaiah 12.

What a difference!  "In that day" God will literally change Israel's tune.

As the messages in the previous chapters have described, there is coming a day when all the earthly covenant promises of God will be fulfilled.  The Jews will gather on their land as one; not two kingdoms.  Jesus, the Messiah, will rule the world as He sits on the throne of David in Jerusalem.

It will be a time to celebrate and rejoice.  It will be a time of comfort from the LORD Himself.

This is a song in two stanzas.  The wording of much of this chapter is right from the book of Psalms.  After all that had been predicted against the people in Isaiah's day, what would take place against the Jews over nearly 3,000 years since, and what will happen to them in the coming times, God has never changed His plans for the future of His chosen people.  Indeed, He is the God of their ultimate deliverance.  That is a day in the future for the Jews.  But for now, we grab on to the unchanging character of our LORD and rejoice today in our personal relationship with Him!

Verse 2 is worthy of memorizing.

1. He is my strength.
No matter how hard the circumstances are that we face, His grace is available to us.  As the old saying goes, "If He brings you to it, He will bring you through it."  Paul quoted Jesus as saying, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." (2 Corinthians 12:9)

2. He is my song.
The world's music maybe catchy.  So much of urban music is immoral and offensive.  But when a person comes to personal faith in Christ, He gives us something far better.  "He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God.  Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the LORD." (Psalm 40:3)

3. He is my salvation.
Every day, we experience the deliverance of God.  Sometimes, we notice.  He protects us from temptations, dangers, and losses that we did not even see.  He safely brings us through another day.  Even more, He has provided eternal deliverance from sin and its penalty.  He loved us so much that Jesus died in order that we could experience His wonderful salvation.  "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him." (John 3:36)

Saturday, April 6, 2019

God's sovereignty at work-then and Now

Read Isaiah 10.

The fascinating feature of prophecy is to be reading history in advance.  In great contrast to the satanically inspired and fraudulent predictors of the world, God provides exact times and names in advance and all come true.  It is undeniable proof of His sovereign plans for each of us.

Proverbs 21:1-"The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; he turns it wherever he will."  If anyone needed proof of the veracity of that statement, Isaiah 10 is it.  The message spoke to the future of two kingdoms and an empire.  The Assyrian Empire would invade and destroy the northern kingdom of Israel.  Then, the Assyrians would attempt to do the same to Judah.

1. Israel. (vv.1-4)
God gave some specifics that prompted judgment against Israel.    Despite their heritage of faith, this generation had become a godless nation (v.6).  As a result, the northern kingdom would lose everything.  God does have future plans to fulfill His covenant promises to the Jews.  There is hope for a remnant to return to the land, as mentioned in verses 20-23.

2. Assyria. (vv.5-19)
The means of implementing judgment from God is most often an opposing nation.  Here, the LORD chose Assyria to be His instrument.  They are called "the rod of my anger," "the staff in their hands is my fury," "the axe," and "the saw" wielded by God to do His work.

It may seem confusing to some that the LORD would use a sinful nation to discipline His people.  In history, however, that happened repeatedly.  In doing so, God is not overlooking the sin of any nation or people.  Here He predicted that the King of Assyria will think it was his own plan and his own might that caused the downfall of Israel.  Notice the 6 references to "I" and "my" in verses 13-14.  This, then, set up the eventual destruction of the Assyrian Empire foretold in verses 16-19.  And, indeed, the Babylonians conquered them in God's timing.

3. Judah. (vv.24-34)
For those living in Jerusalem, they will witness Israel's judgment but they will be spared.  The King of Assyria will think that he can keep going south and overrun Judah.  But in Isaiah 37:36-38, when Sennacherib surrounded Jerusalem the angel of the LORD "struck down 185,000" Assyrian soldiers.  The defeat resulted in Sennacherib's own sons assassinating him.

These are reminders for us today that God has a plan for each of our lives; that He watches our behaviors and responds accordingly; though great stress may be upon us, He will protect His own.  He will deal with evildoers in His time.

Friday, April 5, 2019

A Light in the Darkness

Read Isaiah 9.

The LORD continued to give Isaiah prophetic messages concerning the northern kingdom of Israel.  Their sin reached the point of judgment from God.  He would use the Assyrians to invade and do His work.  But what about the promises made to Abraham in Genesis?  What about the promises made to David that he would never lack a man to sit on his throne?  Those promises are as good today as the day God made them.  He has neither changed His promises, nor His plans.  What must change are the lives of His people.

So, in this word of doom and "deep darkness," the LORD makes a promise of hope and "great light."  A child will be born, a son, and he will make things right.  Matthew 4:12-17 quotes Isaiah 9 and states that Jesus is the fulfillment of this prophecy.  What will the Messiah do to bring this spiritual, moral, and judicial illumination?

1. His rule.
"...the government shall be upon his shoulder..."
"...on the throne of David..."
As a descendant of David, Jesus is of royal birth and an heir to the throne.  As a descendant of Abraham, Jesus will rule as the King of the Jews.  One of the reasons the Jews then and now reject Jesus as the Messiah is that He did not kick the Romans out and take over the government.  They failed to see the two-fold aspects of the prophecies concerning Messiah.  The mission of His first coming was to be the Suffering Servant for redemption.  The second time He will appear as the King of Kings.  Others try to spiritualize this and related passages in an effort to explain them.  But the Scriptures are clear and specific.

2. His name.
There are four names given here regarding the coming roles of the Messiah.  As ruler, people will marvel at His counsel on any subject.  Do not miss who this One really is.  Jesus is called God.  Next, Jesus is in fact one with the Father.  Jesus stated this Himself in the Gospels.  The God of the Bible is triune-Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.  When Jesus rules the world from Jerusalem for 1,000 years, He will bring a time of peace no human leader has ever been able to achieve.

3. His kingdom.
"...there will be no end..."
"...from this time forth and forevermore..."
Considering all the prophecies of the Messiah's future rule, the Scriptures teach in Revelation 21-22 that at the end of the 1,000-year reign, there will be a new heaven and a new earth.  Then, we will reign with Him forever and ever.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

3 action items for facing a Crisis

Read Isaiah 8. 

The LORD provided more confirmation of the invasion of the northern kingdom of Israel by the Assyrians.  He gave Isaiah three things to substantiate this prophecy.  It would be in writing.  It would be witnessed.  Isaiah and his wife would have a son (with the longest name in the Bible).  The timing of the weaning of the child would coincide with the God's word being fulfilled.

Meanwhile, the southern kingdom of Judah had no cause for fear.  The Assyrians would put enormous pressure upon them but they would not be able to conquer Judah.  Why?

Because God was with them. (vv.8-10)
His presence would not keep them from experiencing the stress.  He assured them that He would bring them through in victory.

Because the LORD of hosts is holy. (v.13a)
God was sovereignly overseeing these events.  All of heaven's armies (hosts) were at the ready to protect Judah.

So, what were the people to do?
1. Instead of fearing an invading army, they were to fear God and dread disobeying Him. (v.13b)

2. Instead of turning to satanically inspired alternatives, they should pray to the LORD alone. (v.19)
The people had been influenced by the surrounding pagan cultures to use mediums, witchcraft, even praying to dead people for wisdom and help.  Paul reminds us in 1 Timothy 2:5 that there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.

3. Instead of looking to the philosophies and writings of humans, they should be reading and heeding the written Word of God. (v.20)

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

The secret to looking fear in the Eye

Read Isaiah 7.

Sensing that the kingdom of Judah was vulnerable, the northern kingdoms of Israel and Syria joined forces to attack Jerusalem.  Ahaz, King of Judah, buckled in fear.  But God intervened and sent Isaiah with His message.  There were instructions on several levels, all to give the king courage and hope.  At its root, what Ahaz faced is not unlike the daily confrontations and temptations with which we all have.

Emotional (v.4)
1. Be careful.
Literally, this means to be on your guard.  It was a dangerous situation.  Take a 360 degree view and watch out for yourself.  "Be sober-minded; be watchful.  Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." (1 Peter 5:8)

2. Be quiet.
Our natural tendency is either to cower in silent fear or to let our emotions explode for all to hear.  In a crisis, do not lose your composure.  This is not a work of self-control as much as it requires Spirit-control.  Peace is a Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22).  "Let the peace of God rule in your hearts...." (Colossians 3:15)

3. Do not fear.
As hard as it is at times to reconcile, fear is a choice.  We either trust in ourselves or trust in God.  Who has the most power to help?  "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you." (Psalm 56:3)

4. Do not let your heart be faint.
By heart, God is referring to our innermost being.  It is who we are at the core.  We must choose to steel ourselves against crumbling inside when threatened or tempted.  Again, it is not us, but the LORD who is our strength.  Depend on Him.  He is worthy of our trust.  "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might." (Ephesians 6:10)

Spiritual (vv.7 and 9)
God bolsters His people with His promises: "It shall not stand."  In other words, the threat was only that.  The attack was not going to happen.  Most of the stuff we fear never happens anyway.  Still, Ahaz had to go to the meeting and face his worst fear in the eye.  He could have been killed on the spot.  But, God gave him the secret to his success: "If you are not firm in faith, you will not be firm at all."  This was not going to be a test of military strength but of his personal faith.  Stand strong in faith about what the LORD said.

Prophetical (vv.8, 14)
First, in 65 years the kingdom of Israel would be overrun by Assyria and the people scattered.  The second, is a "sign" of future hope.  "Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel."  Matthew 1:22-23 declares this prophecy's fulfillment in the birth of Jesus.  Immanuel=God is with us.  He is here.  There is no need to fear.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Playing the comparison Game

Read Isaiah 6.

The Apostle Paul warned about comparisons.  "But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding." (2 Corinthians 10:12)

Comparisons involve taking at least two things and making a decision about their similarities or differences.  Often, it is a choice between the good and the better.  The one comparing makes a personal judgment as to which has the most benefits for them.  But then there are those times, after considering the options, truly there is no comparison.

We may feel that we are better than others because of our possessions or performance.  Or, we may feel bad because we just don't measure up against someone else.  In doing so, we allow others to be our standard.

Isaiah was a prophet of the LORD who ministered in a corrupt and doomed kingdom.  God gave him direct messages through divine visions.  He was a faithful man to his death.  But, one day in a vision, God pulled back the curtain and allowed Isaiah to see something he had never seen.  It was a new comparison.

1. What he saw.
Though the nation had rejected God, nonetheless, He is sitting in His rightful place as Sovereign.  Though the nation limited their perception of God, His glory filled the place.  In great contrast to the nation, and even himself, Isaiah saw the LORD in all His holiness.  Purity.  No sin.  Perfection.

2. How he felt.
When standing in the presence of God, Isaiah felt as sinful.  Accountability to God for his sin brought such guilt that it humbled him to the point of despair.  He admitted aloud his condition.  What could he do?  The answer was nothing.  There is nothing a person can do to cleanse their sin and stand right before God.  God Himself must intervene.  Upon his confession of sin, it was the provision of the LORD that touched and changed his life.  Only a holy God can cleanse from sin.

3. What he did.
Having experienced God's forgiveness, he was now ready to fulfill his life purpose.  God had planned all along that Isaiah would meet a strategic need among the people.  God sent him on a mission.  Humbled and grateful, Isaiah simply replied, "Here am I!  Send me."

One will never know why they have been placed here on earth until they come to a personal encounter with the Living LORD.  Forgiveness gives us the freedom and understanding to serve others.

Monday, April 1, 2019

A song about God's Vineyard

Read Isaiah 5.

Not all the songs of the Bible are in the book of Psalms.  Here is one from Isaiah.  The introduction compares Israel to a vineyard.  The owner planted it, cultivated it, protected it, and prepared it for the day when he would enjoy its fruit.  But instead, the product was disappointing and unusable.

We are not left in doubt as to its meaning.  God is the owner and caretaker.  The vineyard is Israel and Judah (v.7).  Because they rejected and despised God's word (v.24), they people turned to their own way.  Their sin had multiplied to the point where God decided to no longer cultivate them as His people.  He would let them go as an untended vineyard.  Not only that, He would remove all protection of them.

In a series of six "woes", God's plan of judgment was revealed.  Some of the people died in the process.  Most experienced exile.  Surrounding nations such as Egypt, Assyria and then Babylon were used by God to put increasing pressure upon them until finally the kingdom fell.

What was the root problem and what was God's purpose?
1. The root problem was pride. (v.15)
When a person says, "It is my life and I will live it in the way I want to.  I do not need the LORD telling me what to do," pain and brokenness are sure to follow.  Indeed, in verse 19 they even dared God to do something about it.  "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." (James 4:6)

2. The purpose was that He would be exalted. (v.16)
He is lifted up when His word is obeyed and His character is reflected in personal behaviors.
-He is a God of justice.  But the nation had turned justice into bloodshed. (v.7)
-He is a God of holiness.  But the nation began calling “evil good and good evil.” (v.20)
-He is a God of righteousness.  But it is impossible to do what is right before God if one rejects His word.

The LORD wants us to learn and shape our character to be like Him in a sinful world.  "You shall be holy, for I am holy." (1 Peter 1:16)