Friday, March 14, 2014

The happiest people on Earth

Read Psalm 144.

"Blessed are the people whose God is the LORD!"

This song begins and ends with blessing.  However, they are two different Hebrew words.  In verse 1, "Blessed be the LORD", the Hebrew word is "praise."  King David is praising God with the implication of kneeling before Him.

1. His reasons for praise.  (vv.1-4)
God not only gave him strength and ability but, out of His faithful love, protected him.  Such thoughts humbled him.  Why would the God of heaven give such personal attention to human beings?

2. His requests for God's power. (vv.5-11)
David appealed to God for His all-powerful intervention.  The descriptives are awesome in the truest sense of the word.  He faced challenges from which only the LORD could deliver him.

3. His requests for prosperity. (vv.12-14)
With full confidence in the LORD for the future, he presented his requests:
>He prayed for his children to become mature and admired.
>He prayed for abundant economic provision and protection from loss.
>He prayed for public peace.

These would be blessings from God.  "Blessed are the people whose God is the LORD!"  In verse 15, the Hebrew word is "happy."  Not all of life's circumstances are happy occasions.  David's was not either.  But those of us know know and serve God have a different perspective, even in the most difficult times.  God is in control.  He is trustworthy.  Our faith is indeed the victory.  Of all peoples on the planet, we should be the happiest of all.  Blessed.

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