Saturday, March 22, 2014

3 things that separate the wise from Fools

Read Proverbs 1.

Solomon had been divinely gifted by God with unusual wisdom and understanding.  As he laid the foundation for this book, he set forth three lessons that will determine one's success in life.  These literally separate the a fool from those who are truly wise.

1. Reverence for the LORD. (v.7)
Holding the God of heaven in high regard is the beginning.  Without a sense of awe for Him and accountability to Him, one will make life choices that ultimately lead to self-destruction.  When a person understands this first lesson, they will hunger to know what God has said and desire to please Him in all they do.

2. Respect for parents. (vv.8-9)
A child is Biblically charged by God to honor and obey parents.  It is the responsibility of parents to teach their children to love God and to know right from wrong.  When grown and on their own,  a child is no longer living under the obedience of parents, but the requirement to honor them and their words never goes away.  The godly disciplines of the father and the precepts of the mother are never to be cast aside.  

3. Resistance of wrong friends. (vv.10-19)
Perhaps, nothing is more influential on a person's life development and world view that than those closest to  them.  Peer pressure, at any age, can sway one's thinking and responses.  Spending time with the wrong people will only result in mischief and sin.  Here is the evaluation question in order to choose a true friend.  Have they learned the first two lessons above?  If not, our commission is to be a godly influence on them but not allow them to be an influence on us.  No one can grow in their faith being alone.  We need to be taught.  We need wise models to follow.  We need interaction with wise people on a regular basis to maintain a life full of wise choices.  

Wisdom for life is immediately available.  It is written down for us in this book.

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