Sunday, September 1, 2024

Putting the Great Commandment into Practice

 Read Deuteronomy 6. 

The strong purpose behind Moses' teaching the nation at this point is in verse 12.  The concern was that once they settled into the new land they would forget.  They would become so busy working and living that the miracles God had done for them, the instructions God had given to them, and the reliance they had upon God would be lost.  They would simply blend in with the cultures around them.  The generations after them would not know, or believe, or obey the LORD. 

Keep in mind that God wanted things to go well with them in their new home (v.3).  So, He provided easy to follow instructions how to pass on their faith to their children (vv.7-9). 

1. Teach.  This is to be done intentionally with diligence.

2. Talk.  This is to be done informally as life happens.

3. Bind.  This is to be done personally as a reminder for thinking and doing.

4. Write.  This is to be done publicly so everyone knows you belong to God. 

Three personal prerequisites (vv.4-6): 

1. Know who is God. 

One cannot teach about God unless they understand who He is.

"The LORD our God, the LORD is one."  The Hebrew is "Jehovah our Elohim".  This is the Shema, the most important part of the twice-daily Jewish prayer.  Elohim is a plural word and may properly be understood to say, "Jehovah our Trinity, Jehovah is one."  We do not believe in multiple gods, but the God of the Bible expresses Himself in three persons-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

2. Know what loving God means.

  This is not an emotional or romantic response, but total personal commitment.

"You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might."  True faith in God is a heart and life response. 

3. Practice what God has said.

You cannot teach what you do not know. 

"And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart."

This requires daily discipline of time and effort to read, study, memorize and meditate on the Word of God.  Allow it to permeate your thinking, your emotions and your faith.  So that you may be ready when you are asked the reason for the hope that is within you (v.20).


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