Monday, September 23, 2024

3 encouraging facts of faith in God

 Read Deuteronomy 33-34. 

In chapter 34, the LORD performs a funeral service for Israel's greatest prophet-leader.  "And there has not arisen a prophet since in Israel like Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face." (34:10). 

But before he died, two things happened.  First, Moses blessed the tribes of Israel individually and encouraged them corporately.  Second, God allowed Moses to see the Promise Land from Mount Nebo. 

You may notice that the tribe of Simeon is missing from the list of blessings in chapter 33.  The reason seems to be that when the new land was divided among the tribes, the tribe of Simeon lived among the people of Judah. (Joshua 19:1) 

Moses' encouraging words in 33:26-29 are classic regarding God's care and defense of His people. 

1. "There is none like God." (v.26)

The God of heaven is not distant but watching over His people from above.  Pictured as a rider in the sky, He will quickly come to their aid in times of need. 

2. "The eternal God is your dwelling place and underneath are the everlasting arms." (v.27)

Though God was giving Israel this Promise Land, it was only temporal.  The people of God have an eternal abiding place.  It is in their relationship with the LORD Himself.  He is the refuge for His people and their everlasting support. 

3.  "Happy are you." (v.29)

The result is happiness!  Why?  Because the people of God are special; there is no one like them.  Not only are those who belong to the LORD saved, but also, they are shielded from those who would harm them.  Victory is assured in advance.


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