Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Why Give?

 Read Deuteronomy 14-15. 

The dietary laws were for the physical protection of God's people.  Without modern understanding of germs, disease, hygiene, and medicines this was one way to avoid sickness and plagues. 

Why tithe?  Why should a person give the first ten percent of all their earnings to the LORD?  So "that you may learn to fear the LORD your God always." (v.23b)  It was a way God established for them to acknowledge tangibly that the LORD created and gave them what they had, including the strength and opportunity to earn.  By honoring God with the first, the LORD would bless the remaining 90% even more. 

Note also that they were not allowed to give their tithe to anyone or anywhere they chose.  It was not their tithe, but the LORD's.  "And before the LORD your God, in the place that he will choose, to make his name dwell there..." (v.23a).  The tithe supported the Levites in their work on behalf of the nation.  Clear instructions were given to bring the tithe to them, whether the Tabernacle, or later the Temple in Jerusalem.  Over a thousand years later, Malachi referred to it as the "storehouse" and "my house". 

God always has had a concern and instructions for the care of the poor.  "You shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be." (v.8)  "You shall give to him freely..." (v.10)  In addition to supporting the Levites, every third year there was to be an extra tithe to take care of the orphans and widows.  There was to be no long-term debt, financially enslaving people to creditors.  All debt was to be forgiven at the end of seven years. 

God's people were blessed in order to be a blessing.  Doing well financially was not for selfish gain.  Giving generously to those who serve and to those in need is a hallmark of those who know and follow the LORD.


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