Saturday, August 31, 2024

What God wants FOR us

 Read Deuteronomy 5. 

As Moses continued his second giving of the law, he repeated the Ten Commandments from Exodus 20.  He retold how fearful the people were of what they saw and heard as they stood at Mt. Sinai.  The people feared for their lives at the visible and audible presence of God.  So, they asked Moses to intercede, to meet with God, and then speak to them what he heard God say. 

"Speak to us all that the LORD our God will speak to you, and we will hear and do it." (v.27)  

Of course, the LORD heard these words from the people and acknowledged that they were correct in what they said.  But then God responded.  All of these commandments and laws were not meant to merely restrict or to extract from the people.  No.  God was giving them clarity on how to relate to Him and how to live with each other. 

"Oh that they had such a heart as this always, to fear me and to keep all my commandments, that it might go well with them and their descendants forever!" (v.29) 

Notice the desire of God for His people.

1. That our hearts, our minds, our thinking, would always be in tune with His. 

2. That we would always maintain a holy regard for His constant presence with us and our accountability to Him. 

3. That our behaviors would be obedient to what He wants us to be doing. 

And why did God say this? 

So that we and our families might receive the full benefit of the LORD's blessings. (v.33)


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