Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Word of God in Surround-Sound

 Read Deuteronomy 27-28.

Though there are other detailed ways in which to outline Deuteronomy's content, this entire book may be divided into three major parts or sermons by Moses.
Chapters 1-4 is a focus on the nation's past.
Chapters 5-26 instruct the nation in the present.
Chapters 27-34 speak clearly regarding the nation's future.

Geographically, Israel was positioned on the east side of the Jordan River, just north of the Dead Sea.  The very first items on the to-do list in the new land were to write out the commandments and build an altar.  This underscores the absolute primacy of the word of God and the worship of God.

Next, Moses set up a dramatic way for the nation to renew their understanding and commitment to the promise God made to Abraham.  In Genesis 12, the LORD unconditionally promised this land to Abraham and his descendants, that Abraham though childless would have innumerable descendants, and that the LORD would bless and protect his descendants.  When they entered the land, Israel was to divide into two groups.  Half of the people would station themselves on Mount Gerizim and the Levites, in a loud voice, were to recite the blessings God had promised them for obedience.  The other half would stand on Mount Ebal and the Levites, in a loud voice, were to recite the curses that God promised if they did not obey Him. 

These two mountains are located some 35 miles north of Jerusalem in the valley of Shechem.  Millions of people reciting God's word together must have been a beautiful sound to the LORD.

Two key verses:
Blessing: "And the LORD will make you abound in prosperity...The LORD will open to you his good treasury, the heavens to give the rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hands." (28:11-12)
Reason for Curse: "Because you did not serve the LORD your God with joyfulness and gladness of heart, because of the abundance of all things." (28:47)

Dr. J. Vernon McGee summed it up by stating that "God is the land owner, and that rent is obedience to God."  In other words, the LORD is not going to change His promise to Abraham, but  for them to enjoy what has given to them they must do what God has said.  It is the same for us today.  God is the Owner of all things and in His grace wants to bless us.  Our stewardship mandate is to be faithful and thankful for all the LORD has done for us.


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