Tuesday, September 17, 2024

10 indicators of Biblical Giving

 Read Deuteronomy 26 

Moses became very definitive about giving to God.  Receiving God's blessing meant that they were to honor Him in response.  Here, then, are the Biblical statements concerning giving. 

1. It was to be from the first of their increase. (v.2)  They were not allowed to give from the left-overs, after everything else had been taken care of.  

2. It was a tithe. (v.12)  The word tithe means ten percent.  Percentage giving meant that everyone gave equally in proportion to their increase. 

3. It was called the sacred portion. (v.13)  Sacred means that it was set apart for a specific purpose, in this case for the LORD.  It was not theirs to decide because it did not belong to them.  The decision was made in advance.  It was God's even before they saw the increase. 

4. It was a testimony. (vv.5-10a)  The offering was presented with a back story of how God had brought them through generations to this point.  They were to come with full acknowledgment of how the LORD had blessed them and provided for them to be able to give. 

5. It was an act of worship. (v.10b)  Giving was not to be done frivolously or mechanically.  Giving was a time to bow before the LORD in recognition that He owns it all, that He is the source of every blessing, that He alone is worthy of these offerings.  We would not be able to give at all were it not for His supply of strength, skill, opportunity, and favor on our labors. 

6. It was in recognition of the direct impact on others. (v.12b)  Their giving supported those who served God and them.  Also, it provided for the poor and those in need. 

7. It was an act of obedience. (vv.13b-14)  Though giving was an outward act, it was to be a reflection of inward obedience.  Their hearts were to be pure, their conscience clean, and their behavior right before the LORD. 

8. It was given with a prayer for future blessing (v.15)  Giving the first meant they were trusting God for His blessing on the rest.  They could rightfully pray for such a blessing because God had promised, and they were submissive to Him. 

9. It was done wholeheartedly (v.16)  Half-hearted obedience is unsatisfactory to all parties involved.  Giving begrudgingly is not acceptable as worship.  Our giving is to be done with great thanksgiving to God for His immeasurable giving to us. 

10. It was one of the indicators of people who belong to God (16-19)  Israel was to behave differently than the nations around them.  As a people who are God's "treasured possession", His goal is to "set you up in praise and in fame and in honor high above all nations that he has made." 

As New Testament believers we should learn from these admonitions.    Certainly no true follower of Jesus Christ would want to do less under grace.


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