Saturday, September 21, 2024

Encouragement when things Change.

 Read Deuteronomy 31. 

At age 120, Moses announced that he would not be going with Israel when they cross the Jordan River.  For forty years he lived as an adopted son of Pharaoh in Egypt.  The next forty years of his life was spent tending sheep in Midian as a fugitive.  These last forty years he led the nation in the wilderness.  The time had come for his successor to be introduced. 

So the nation would not worry in the absence of Moses, he told them "Be strong and courageous."  It was not Moses' leadership they needed in the new land but the LORD’s.  "He will not leave you or forsake you." 

For most of Joshua’s life, he had served as Moses' assistant.  He was one of the original 12 spies.  He served as the field general for Israel's army.  But now he was introduced as the nation's new leader.  Moses repeated the exact same words of encouragement and personally applied them to Joshua.  And then in 31:23, the LORD Himself repeated same words to Joshua. 

Moses put in writing all that God had given to him to say in this book of Deuteronomy.  Indeed, evangelical scholars attribute the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy to Moses as the human author.  The purpose of having the word of God in writing is so that:

1. The people of would read, hear, and learn to fear the LORD and be careful to do all that God has said.

2. The children of the people of God may hear and learn to fear the LORD. 

Leadership changes but God does not.  Generations change but the word of God remains steadfast forever.

The LORD's very presence is with us today encouraging us.  He has allowed us to actually own a Bible so that we may know what God has said and obey it.  He has placed us in families to in order to pass it on.  "Be strong and courageous" in your faith.


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