Monday, September 9, 2024

How to respond to false Teachers

 Read Deuteronomy 13. 

Just how serious was the LORD about this nation obeying Him?  How committed was this nation to exclusively following the Living God?  Moses presented three real, spiritual challenges they would face in the new land.  These would be tests from God.  In addition, the nation was instructed what to do in each case. 

Test #1.

A so-called prophet makes a prediction and it comes true.  Then, they coax you to follow other gods.  What should you do?

Answer: Do not listen to them. (v.5) 

Test #2.

A family member or someone close to you invites you to serve other gods.  What should you do?

Answer: You are not to listen to them. (v.8) 

Test #3.

An entire city has been duped by false teachers who led the population into worshipping other gods.  What should you do?

Answer: Total riddance. 

God called these false tempters "evil", "wickedness", and worthy of death.  The reason was two-fold:

a. That "all Israel shall hear and fear and never again do any such wickedness as this among you." (v.11)

b. "That the LORD may turn from the fierceness of his anger and show you mercy and have compassion on you and multiply you..." (v.17) 

It is impossible to translate this into our current national thinking.  Indeed, this type of intolerance today is characteristic of political madmen, the leading false religion in the world, and other violators of human rights.  While believers in Jesus would certainly not be supportive of slaughtering those who follow other religions, there are some reminders here for us.

1. God is deadly serious about people uniquely worshipping Him.

2. There are eternal consequences at stake for those who are not followers of Jesus Christ.

3. Our tolerance of false gods and evil behaviors must not be misinterpreted as acceptance.

4. Our door into the hearts and lives of those who do not believe is a loving relationship with them. 

This is how the LORD treated us when we were disobedient and not following Him.  "But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)

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