Sunday, September 22, 2024

A little Rock Music

 Read Deuteronomy 32. 

The LORD foretells of Israel's falling away from following Him to chase other gods and what will happen.  To help the nation through those hard days ahead God had Moses write down and then teach the nation a song to memorize.  How important is this song of Moses?  "For it is no empty word for you, but your very life..." (v.47) 

This is heavenly music.  Unfortunately, the scriptures do not come with audio for us to hear Moses' singing voice.  Follow the great themes of the stanzas in the song:

1. The greatness of God.

-Five times in this chapter He is called the Rock with a capital R.  This refers to the LORD being a sure foundation of our faith.  He is strong and will not change.  Reliable.  He is worthy of our trust.

-His work is perfect.

-His ways are just.

-His character is faithful and upright. 

2. The unfaithfulness of people.

Instead of being thankful and totally committed to the LORD for all He had done for them, they repay Him with "foolish and senseless" behavior. 

3. The discipline of God.

He will not allow His people to live in continual disobedience.  The LORD will intervene and use others to chasten them to a point, "when he sees that their power is gone and there is none remaining, bond or free" (v.36)  In other words, there is no fight left in them to continue their rebellion. 

4. The compassion of God.

"Then he will say, where are their gods, the rock (small r) in which they took refuge..?" (v.37)  When they come to the end of themselves they will realize that all they had trusted did not help them.  Indeed, the very things they had put their faith in had only brought them misery and heartache.  The problem is found in v.31-"For their rock is not as our Rock..." 

"On Christ the solid Rock I stand.  All other ground is sinking sand." (Edward Mote)   


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