Tuesday, August 30, 2022

What to look for in a Wife

 Read Proverbs 31.

Solomon wrote, "He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD." (Proverbs 18:22)  But there is more.  "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. (v.30)

Verses 10-31 is an acrostic poem with each stanza beginning in sequence with the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.  Such a godly woman is praised and has high personal value (v.10) for who she is and what she does.  In summary, here are 7 qualities that this excellent wife demonstrates.

1. Trustworthy. (v.11)
A marriage is dependent upon mutual trust.  The focus on in this verse is that she is trusted by her husband to take care of her responsibilities in such a way that the household prospers.

2. Hardworking at home. (vv.13-15, 20-21, 27)
She tirelessly insures that her household is clothed and fed.

3. Hardworking outside the home. (vv.16-19, 24)
She buys and sells, has merchandise, and makes a profit.

4. Generous. (v.20)
She not only has a heart for the poor and needy but she actually helps them.

5. A valuable partner. (v.23)
She is an asset to her husband.  He has influence in the community, not only because of what he may do, but also because of her good work and reputation.

6. Strength and dignity. (v.25)
Regardless of the situation, she shows herself to be a woman of stability.  Her behavior is honorable and appropriate.

7. Wise and kind. (v.26)
Her speech is characterized by words of good counsel.  She helps others understand life and living in a kindly manner.

It is a rare woman who has such a heart for God, husband, and family who is also gifted in all the areas above.  How thankful and blessed I am and our family continues to hold Diane in high esteem for being such a woman.  As a gift from the LORD, we give her praise from “A to Z”.


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