Monday, August 29, 2022

5 foundational questions for all Mankind

 Read Proverbs 30.

It is by design that humans have inquiring minds to want to know that which is beyond them; to discover how things work; to realize spiritual truth.  How did we get here?  Why are we here?  Where are we going?

Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, these are the words of Agur.  At the outset he wrote of how humbled he felt.  How could anyone be able to follow the wisdom of Solomon?  Yet, God used him here, in verse 4, to ask five of the most foundational questions for all mankind. 

1. Who has gone to heaven and back?
Note that in the context this is not a reference to mere space travel.  It is beyond the sky and space to the dwelling place of God Himself.  Unless one has done this, they cannot truly tell us about it.  The answer to the question is Christ Jesus.  He came, He ascended, and He is coming back again.

2. Who controls the wind?
There are scientific explanations of wind current movements and weather but only to a point.  Those are done by observation and not by control.  Earth has been supplied with oxygen in order to sustain life.  We are dependent on the movements of air in so many ways.  There is only One who takes such credit for providing and controlling the wind.

3. Who controls the water?
Without fresh water, human life is not sustainable.  Without appropriate amounts of rain in season crops cannot produce.  Earth is totally dependent on it.  Inexplicable and foolish thinking is required to believe that such a vital element of life is available to us by accident.  There is only One who takes full credit for life on earth.

4. Who established the earth?
The question is not "what" caused the earth to come into being, as is the attempt of all natural explanations.  The question is "who."  God Himself challenged Job (38:4) by asking, "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?  Tell me if you have understanding."  There is only One who claims to be the Creator and Sustainer of the universe.  "For by him (Jesus) all things were created, in heaven and on earth..." (Colossians 1:16)

5. What is his name, and what is his son's name?
Since there is only One who fits the answer to all these questions, humans are not given a choice to decide this on their own.  By asking "his son's name", this God of heaven is relational.  There is One who is the Son of God.  "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)  Through faith in Jesus, we can be welcomed into the very family of God and enjoy a home in heaven with Him.



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