Thursday, August 4, 2022

13 benefits of being right with God

 Read Proverbs 11.

What difference does it make in real life if one is right with God?  Righteousness is the result of being spiritually born into God's family through personal faith in Jesus Christ.  "If you know that he is righteous, you may be sure that everyone who practices righteousness has been born of him" (1 John 2:29).  Faith in Christ saves us.  But as James reminds us, "faith without works is dead."  So how does being right with God show itself?

This chapter repeatedly contrasts the wisdom of the wise with the foolishness of the wicked.
1. The righteous have security beyond this life. (v.4)
2. The righteous live a consistent life. (v.5)
3. The righteous are free from the bondage of sin. (v.6)
4. The righteous discern and protect themselves from trouble. (v.8)
5. The righteous know they must control their words. (v.9)
6. The righteous serve for the community's benefit. (v.10-11)
7. The righteous do not place their faith in the uncertainty of money. (v.18)
8. The righteous pursue those things that protect their lives. (v.19)
9. The righteous make decisions that protect their family. (v.21)
10. The righteous have a passion for good. (v.23)
11. The righteous are not dependent on circumstances to grow as a person. (v.28)
12. The righteous add value to others by their wisdom. (v.30)
13. The righteous understand that no one gets away with sin. (v.31)

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