Saturday, August 6, 2022

6 principles of financial Prosperity

 Read Proverbs 13.

Resources are everywhere regarding financial planning, wealth management, and how to retire to the life of your dreams.  Then, in fine print, all legitimate investments will include a disclaimer that there are no guarantees.  When the Bible speaks to these subjects it is in the form of principles that are rooted in personal character.  Yes, your financial results may vary, but the wisdom is timeless.

1. Always tell the truth. (v.5)
"The righteous hates falsehood."  How many get-rich-quick schemes have been based upon false assumptions?  How many sales presentations have exaggerated or lied to close the deal?  Lying may result in a sale but when the truth is known everyone involved will be disappointed.

2.  Do not pretend to be something you are not. (v.7)
Quite often the person who flaunts a wealthy image is a pretender.  They become so concerned how others perceive them that they behave foolishly.  It is form of lying.  On the other hand, one whom God has blessed with a degree of abundance should use discernment as a good and accountable steward of what they have been given.

3. Be patient and take the long view. (v.11)
We live in a world that increasingly wants instant gratification.  And, in the area of money, the tendency is to get all you can and get it now.  That is the consistent thinking of the foolish.  Wisdom takes the long view and sees that a sustainable life is built by the decisions made day by day.  The question of good stewardship is what are we doing with what the LORD has already provided?  In the parable of the talents, part of the rewarding phrase is "You have been faithful over little; I will set you over much" (Matthew 25:21).

4. Listen to wise advice. (v.18)
A sure sign of a fool is that they reject wisdom.  The results are poverty and disgrace.  One who heeds sound counsel and behaves accordingly is on the opposite path.

5. Plan to impact future generations. (v.22)
No one takes their wealth with them.  One day we will leave everything behind.  The foolish spend all they have on worthless and selfish interests.  The wise are thinking of how they can help others, even after they are gone.  A good steward is one who not only generous with their income, but also is a good steward of their estate.  This involves having an updated will and an estate plan.

6. Learn to be content. (v.25)
Being diligent in our work and trusting God to provide for our needs are the basics.  Disciplining our wants is absolutely crucial.  So, whether we have plenty or in need, it is our character that is being put to the wisdom test.  The Apostle Paul wrote, "I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.  I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound."  

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