Saturday, January 7, 2012

In Need of a Good Laugh?

Read Genesis 17.

After Abram disbelief and failure of chapter 16, the LORD appeared to Abram again to reaffirm the covenant.  God would fully indeed keep his promise.  The LORD waited until it was humanly impossible for this couple to conceive a child so that He alone would receive the credit.  It would be a miracle!

Several things were about to change.  For all these years his name has been Abram, which mean father.  A man called father at 99 who had no legitimate children.  But from this point on his name shall be Abraham, which means father of a multitude.

Sarai, who name means princess, will now be called Sarah.  This is only a slight change in meaning, but it is enough to give her something to live up to.  At about age 90, God foretells that she will give birth to a son.

Abraham laughed.  How incredible this seemed to him!  In chapter 18, Sarah laughed when she heard the news.  By the reaction she received, her laughter seems to be more of disbelief than wonder.  So, the child's name would be called Isaac, which means laughter.  Only this "laughter" was the hope of the future, the first of generations to come, the founding of a nation of God's chosen people.

I believe, from a human stand point at least, God does have a sense of humor.  Sometimes the laughter comes when we get to see the LORD's hand move in a wonder-filled way.  There is also a warning here to scoff with laughter in disbelief about what God has promised.  Today is a day to rejoice with laughter in the hope He has given us for eternity.  

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