Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Face of Forgiveness

Read Genesis 33.

After all the years, after all of Jacob's fears, the two brothers are about to meet face to face.  Jacob has done all he could do to try head off any confrontation.  God met with Jacob and reassured him.  Yet, the dread was still there as he kept walking and wondering how Esau would respond.

Everyone, sooner or later, has had to face a nearly unbearable situation.  When the threat overwhelms us enough, this world's goods and possessions lose their value.  In in that moment, we would trade all we have for the protection and/or provision of God.  That is where Jacob was.

Jacob humbled himself before his brother.  He was willing to surrender everything to spare his life.  Esau was always physically stronger and came with an army of men.  But when the two met, it was Esau who ran to meet his brother, embraced him, and kissed him.  What a relief that must have been to Jacob!

Jacob's words in verse 10 are not to be missed.  To Esau he said, "For I have seen your face, which is like seeing the face of God, and you have accepted me."  Jacob looked at Esau but he saw God at work in direct answer to prayer. 

The foundation of rreconciliation is acceptance.  The basis of acceptance is forgiveness.  An unforgiving spirit only destroys the one who refuses to forgive and demonstrates a lack in accepting God's forgiveness of them.  Indeed, the only basis of true forgiveness in the universe is found in the payment Jesus made on the cross.  By our faith in Him, we are accepted, forgiven, and reconciled to the living God.  This frees us to forgive others their trespasses against us.

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