Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Which Came First

Was it the chicken or the egg?  Amazingly, debates and views continue like ping pong balls about origins.  Emotions run a spectrum from confusion, anger, pride and even sarcasm at the mention of the subject.  Yet, many, if not most, have never taken the time to read the only evidential account on the subject.

Carefully read Genesis 1.

1. God's method of creation was to call something into existence out of nothing.  He spoke and "it was so."  This method is not only stated in Genesis but is consistently upheld throughout the Bible.
2. When God called something into existence it was already mature.  He did not create seed and then wait for it to grow, nor eggs and hope they would hatch on their own.  He created vegetation, creatures, and humans with seed within their kind to reproduce.
3. When God created, each day was followed by the same declaration, "And God saw that it was good."  Notice, it does not say, "It will be good some day." 
4. When God created humans, it was a unique work over all previous creation. Man did not come from sea life, birds of the air, nor beasts of the earth.  But the record says that Adam was a special creation in God's image.  Notice the plurality in "us" and "our".  There are distinct characteristics about human life that separates this work of God from all others.

Now, living as one created in the image of God is a life long journey of faith and obedience.

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