Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Presence of God

Today, in Genesis 3, "They heard the sound of God walking."  He let his presence be known.

I have often wondered what it sounded like.  Footsteps?  Rush of wind?  Adam and Eve spoke to God and He spoke to them.  Such an intimate, open, personal relationship was broken by their sin. 

Humans are incapable of restoring that eternal relationship.  All the positive thinking and man-made philosophies may serve as temporary band aids for the guilty conscience.  But, only God can forgive sin.  He must provide the only remedy.  He restores our relationship with Himself.

That is Jesus came.  Matthew 1:21 " shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins."  He was born to die.  Born to pay the price for our sin.  He came to provide our forgiveness and restore that personal relationship with the living God.  It was Jesus who said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father but by Me."

God is just as present today as He ever was in the garden.  Do you hear His voice?  Do you sense His presence?  Are you listening?

My trouble comes when I ignore His presence.  When I wake up in the morning, God is speaking to me.  Sometimes, it is through a song that comes to memory.  I hear Him every time I open the Bible.  Often while doing the simplest task, He reminds me of His grace and mercy to me or one of my commitments to Him.

This week He showed me how to creatively share the Christmas message with my neighbors and those who do not know Him.  And, He directed my wife, Diane, and me to show kindness to one of our neighbors who is dying.  When I close my day, I find God is right there with me.

May your Christmas be filled with the moment by moment sense of the presence of Christ.

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