Monday, November 18, 2024

The Test of Success

 Read 1 Samuel 13. 

Whenever there is a success, a victory, a blessing, or a decisive stand taken on an issue, expect that it will be tested.  Saul demonstrated national leadership and experienced a win over the Philistines.  This launched his reign as the first king of Israel.  Next came the test. 

Israel continued to be oppressed and controlled by their neighbors, the Philistines.  They would not stand by and let Saul flex anymore military muscle against them.  When the Philistines amassed their army to fight the Israelites, all the men of Israel feared for their lives.  They fled and hid themselves. 

There is nothing like a threat to cause people to lose all self-reliance and cast their total dependence on God.  

The situation called for a time of national repentance and worship.  Saul had been given instructions to wait for Samuel, the High Priest, to offer sacrifices and to deliver God's instructions for the nation.  But Saul, out of his own insecurities, his impatience, and his fear, took matters into his own hands.  He was the king; he was the leader.  Who needed Samuel?  In doing so, he abused his power, he violated the Mosaic Law, he broke fellowship with God, he damaged his relationship with Samuel, and he lost the dynasty of his kingship.  This was a test.  Saul had failed. 

It is never right to do wrong. 

When Samuel arrived, his words were clear, straightforward, and painful.  "You have done foolishly.  You have not kept the command of the LORD your God..." (v.13) 

A leader must understand the real issues.

-The real challenge was not the Philistines.

-The real problem was not the ritual of the burnt offering.

-The real test was obedience to the LORD from the heart. 

From then on, “The LORD has sought out a man after his own heart.” (v.14) 

Determine to make an A on God’s tests today.

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