Friday, November 22, 2024

5 checks for facing today's Challenges

Read 1 Samuel 17. 

For forty days, several times a day, Goliath challenged Israel with his words.  No one had the courage to take on this bully.  Saul offered money, his daughter in marriage, and literally the royal treatment if someone would step up. 

What moved David to act with such confidence?  It was his spiritual of perspective on the problem.  And, that made all the difference. 

-David never saw this as a territorial, political, or even a physical fight.

-It was not a matter of stirring up enough courage with skill, experience, and luck to kill Goliath. 

-David did not see these men as the army of Israel, but the army of the living God.

-It was not a battle of them against us, but them against God. 

Why didn't the Lord just strike Goliath dead on the spot?  He could have, but most often God will use the right person at exactly the right time to do His will. 

When facing huge challenges in life, not of our own doing, check these five personal areas. 

1. The Motive Check. (v.36)

David could not stand by and do nothing while God and God's people were being ridiculed and cursed. 

2. The Faith Check. (v.37)

David’s trust was not solely in his own ability and experience but in God's deliverance. 

3. The Method Check. (vv.38-40)

He learned from his past.  God had tested him previously in life threatening situations. 

4. The Message Check. (vv.45-47)

He was there for one reason: "that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel." 

5. The Humility Check. (v.58)

His response was not about replacing Saul as king, but "I am the son of your servant." 

How do you see your challenges today?  Is it us against them, or them against God?  As tested servants of God, we trust Him to deliver us.

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