Thursday, May 23, 2019

What's the problem Here?

Read Isaiah 50.

With Israel's loss of the land and God's blessings, doubtlessly the people asked, "Why?  Why did this happen to us?  We thought God would protect us?"  So, the LORD answered those questions with a few of His own.

1. What is the problem? (vv.1-3)
God wanted them to know it was not because He could not protect them by His power.  Indeed, He allowed this to happen to Israel at this time because of their sin.  He faithfully sent the prophets with His message but they would not listen nor repent.

2. What is the solution? (vv.4-9)
Here Messiah speaks for Himself.  In some detail, the sufferings of Jesus are given.  Matthew 26:67 tells of the fulfillment of this prophesy: "Then they spit in his face and struck him.  And some slapped him."  The Son of God voluntarily laid aside His rights and withheld His power to suffer and die on the cross in full and final payment for our sins.

3. What is the need? (vv.10-11)
This is a direct challenge to those who trust in something else for life-guidance.  They can use whatever "light" they can imagine but it will only lead down a path of torment in the end.  The LORD calls out to "trust" and "rely" on Him.  Jesus said, "I am the Light of the world.  Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (John 8:12)

Choose life!

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