Wednesday, May 29, 2019

What does the LORD expect from Us?

Read Isaiah 56.

This section of Isaiah continues to give Israel hope for its future.  However, the people need not wait for the Messiah in order to live for God in the present.

What does the LORD expect from His people? (vv.1-2)
1. Justice.
This has to do with legal decisions or doing what is right according to the law of the land.

2. Righteousness.
This has to do with life decisions or doing what is right according to God's expectations.

3. Not profaning His word.
A person who is right with the LORD shows it in how they live publicly.  The one example given here is keeping the Old Testament Sabbath law.  Everyone took notice that they person did no labor on Saturday.  But it was only one example.

4. Keeping from evil.
A person who is right with the LORD shows it in how they live privately.  When no one else is watching, God is.

Who is included in God's plan of salvation? (vv.3-8)
Though the Jews are God's chosen people and have an everlasting covenant relationship from Him, His plan always included the rest of the world.  Everyone and anyone who would turn to Him for forgiveness and worship would experience His blessings.  Three examples are given that supersede the Old Testament Law-eunuchs, foreigners, and outcasts.  Compare Deuteronomy 23:1. But this was always in the mind of God.  In Genesis 12:3, God told Abraham, "In you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."

When the religious leaders of Jesus' day tried to squeeze the Gentiles out and restrict the access of others to the Temple, He quoted verse 7 of this chapter.

Where was the root problem? (vv.9-12)
God called for judgment due to corrupt national leaders.  Instead of being on guard spiritually and watching out for the people, they only sought to take care of themselves.

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