Saturday, May 4, 2019

A picture of peace in the World

Read Isaiah 35.

After all the prophesied devastation in chapter 34, the message continues with the rest of the story.  What a difference Jesus will make when He rules during the kingdom age!

1. The land. (vv.1-2, 6b-7)
In that day of Messiah's reign, the desert areas of Israel will flourish with abundant agriculture.  But notice that it is not the crops that will cause the rejoicing.  The glory of the LORD in all His majesty will be visible to everyone.  He will receive full credit due Him for these blessings.

2. The weak. (vv.3-4)
Those who endured the hard times and those who folded in fear, will be strengthened and encouraged.

3. The infirmed. (vv.5-6a)
All physical maladies will have been remedied by the Great Physician.

4. The redeemed. (vv.7-10)
The righteous will make their way to Jerusalem to worship the King.  Even the road will be called the Way of Holiness.  The pilgrims will journey safely, singing praises along the way.

Oh, how we look forward to this time of world peace.  Individually, those who know the Savior enjoy peace with God right now and can enjoy the promise of Jesus' personal peace.  "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.  Not as the world gives do I give to you.  Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." (John 14:27)

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