Saturday, September 22, 2018

What to do when trapped in Distress

Read Psalm 54.

Do not miss the inscription of the song.

David ran for his life from King Saul.  He found refuge in the Wilderness of Ziph.  In this rugged terrain of mountains and hills, there were natural caves.  The Ziphites were of the tribe of Judah, like David.  Surely, he would be safe surrounded by kinfolks.

But in 1 Samuel 23:19-20, the Ziphites went straight to Saul to report David's hiding place, complete with directions on how to get there!  King Saul wasted no time in pursuing and surrounding David.  If ever there was a time to feel betrayed and panic, this would have been it.

What did David do when it looked as if there was no way out?  He looked up.  God is more powerful than any army.  He is able to overrule any and all human authorities.  It was a simple matter for the Lord to cause a Philistine uprising at that exact same time, prompting Saul to retreat.

1. David cried out to God. (vv.1-3)
His first response to the crisis was prayer.

2. David knew that his life was ultimately in God's hands. (vv.4-5)
In a battle it helps to have an army.  But the help he truly needed was not more warriors on his side.  "God is my helper."  It was his faith in the LORD that sustained him.

3. David took action steps in response to God's deliverance. (vv.6-7)
How many times God has answered prayer for someone only to see them go back to life as usual?  This robs God of His glory!  Not so of David.
-He presented to the LORD a freewill offering.  He called it a sacrifice.  This was over and above his tithe.
-He publicly expressed his gratitude to God for this answer to prayer and for what the LORD had done.
-And, he wrote this song for the entire nation to sing.

Today, over 3,000 years later, we read and identify with him.  When surrounded by problems and distress, the God of heaven waits for our dependence on Him.

"Call to me and I will answer you..." (Jeremiah 33:3)

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