Wednesday, September 19, 2018

2 Demonstrations of Forgiveness

Read Psalm 51.

All sin is ultimately against the LORD.  The penalty for our sin was paid for by the blood of Jesus on the cross.  Therefore, true forgiveness is available only from God.

Guilt is designed to prod us to seek God's forgiveness.  Inside, we feel dirty, unclean, even damaged.  The inscription refers to 2 Samuel 12.  King David was guilty of adultery, murder, and a cover up.  But God loved David too much to allow him to get away with sin.  Notice the words David used to describe his need of God's mercy and help.
-wash me (v.2)
-cleanse me (v.2)
-purge me (v.7)
-heal me (v.8)
-create in me a clean heart (v.10)
-renew a right spirit within me (v.10)
-restore me (v.12)
-uphold me (v.12)
-deliver me (v.14)

Now forgiven, notice also that David looked forward to serving God once again with a clear conscience.
1. "Then I will teach transgressors your ways." (v.13)
Forgiven people want others to experience what they have.  Every believer in Jesus has an authentic story to tell of what God has done for them.

2. "Then will you delight in right sacrifices." (v.19)
Even in the Old Testament, sacrifices and offerings were to represent a humble, repentant, and grateful heart.  Merely going through the motions of ritual was never acceptable to God.  But when our hearts are clean, our offerings delight Him.

Telling and giving are two ways we demonstrate that we have been forgiven by God.

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