Thursday, February 15, 2018

Generosity gets the job Done

Read 2 Kings 12.

Nearly 175 years had passed since Solomon built the beautiful Temple in Jerusalem.  Understandably, some restorative repairs became needful.  King Joash ordered that the money for the work be taken from the census and freewill offerings collected by the Temple priests.  But after sixteen years that method proved to be insufficient to meet the need.  There were no extra funds for the repairs and therefore no repairs had been done.

So, Joash announced a special project offering that would be kept separate from the regular Temple operation expenses.  A chest made for this purpose was set right next to the altar for these gifts of generosity.  The monies were given directly to the workmen who did the restoration.

The principles here have not changed for the local church today.
1. Tithe monies are to be used to support the various ministries and ministers.
2. Giving is directly linked to worship.
3. Every project in the Bible was accomplished with over and above money, not with tithes.
4. Tithing is a responsibility of a believer in Jesus, prior to and after the Mosaic Law was fulfilled.  Giving over and above the ten percent is generosity and is a part of a mature believer's practice.   

In one of the most quoted passages regarding generosity giving to a project, the Apostle Paul wrote:

"Each one must give as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7)

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