Tuesday, February 27, 2018

A Leader cannot do it Alone

Read 1 Chronicles 11.

David, though anointed to be king years before, was finally inaugurated as king of Israel.  His charge from the LORD included serving as a shepherd of the people and a prince over the people.  David's experience growing up as a shepherd and his years of national leadership had prepared him well.  But as he made Jerusalem his home (called the city of David) the new king's greatest asset was "the LORD of hosts was with him" (v.9).

Every leader understands he cannot do the job alone.  People with varying skills, personalities, backgrounds, and abilities are required for any healthy organization.  God provided David with a position, but He also surrounded David some "mighty men".

What made them "mighty"?

As one reads through the list, the might of these men was more than just their physical and military prowess.

1. They were seasoned survivors, proven over-comers, battle tested.
2. They were blessed by God with success. v.14
3. They were attentive to needs. v.17
4. They were loyal, even at the cost of their lives. v.18
5. They were initiators, taking action to meet needs.

Every local church needs such a group of "mighty" people to surround their pastor for the protection, welfare, and growth of the congregation.

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