Friday, February 9, 2018

4 Godly responses to Fear

Read 2 Kings 6.

The Syrian king, Ben-hadad, repeatedly sought to attack Israel.  But each time God revealed the plans to Elisha who in turn informed the king of Israel.  Israel could not have had a better source of military intelligence.  It was God's way of protecting the northern kingdom.

Once Ben-hadad discovered the source of the intelligence leak, he sent his troops to capture Elisha.  They surrounded the city with their chariots, ready to advance.  Surely, Elisha's servant was not the only one to be scared.  But Elisha could see what no one else did.  He saw what God was doing to protect all of them.  He prayed, "O LORD, please open his eyes that he may see" (v.17).  God had encircled Elisha with horses and chariots of fire.  Then, the LORD struck the enemy with blindness so they were unable to move.  Humorously, Elisha led the Syrian army into the capital city of Israel.  Instead of killing them, a feast was provided and the king of Israel sent them back home safely.  Only God.

In times of fear-
1. Pray to see the problem from a spiritual perspective.  What is God doing?  It was not Syria against Elisha but Syria against God. (v.16)

2. Pray that others will see the problem from God's perspective. (v.17)

3. Pray directly for God's power to be displayed. (v.18)

4. Exercise wisdom that will result in peace. (v.23)

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