Saturday, January 18, 2014

Encouragement for the Afflicted

Read Psalm 119:65-72.


In this ninth stanza, the psalmist's concern was his personal affliction.  The Hebrew word for afflicted means to bring down, to humble, depress or weaken.  Some afflictions may be caused by Satanic attack, self-destructive decisions, or so-called natural causes.  But in this case the affliction came from God Himself, "You have dealt well with your servant" (v.65).  Sometimes God must intervene to gain our attention when our behavior is in violation of His Word and remains unchecked.

What did God do to afflict him?  He allowed and used the uncaring arrogance of his enemies to smear his reputation with lies (v.69-70).  Their words hurt and brought him low.

Hurting people have a choice.  Some choose to curse God for the affliction.  Many will ask "why?"  But in this case, he knew why.  "I went astray" (v.67).  He confessed that he brought this on himself.

This is no strange thing.  It happens to everyone all the time.  The difference-maker in life is what we choose to do next.

1. He trusted in the goodness of God.
"You are good and do good" (v.68).  This is a test of our faith.  When the circumstances are not good, we must trust in God's character and love for us.  Everything He does has the purpose of shaping our lives toward Christ-likeness.  The psalmist took comfort in sound theology.

2. He acknowledged his need for discipline.
The affliction motivated him to learn.  He recognized that he had used bad judgment.  So, he prayed for the LORD to teach him according to God's Word (vv.66,68).

3. He corrected his desires.
It may have been that wealth and financial gain had caused him to stray (v.72).  But having been stopped by God, he realized that the true riches of life are found in knowing and obeying the Scriptures.

"...he disciplines us for our good, that we may share his holiness.  For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it." (Hebrews 12:10b-11)

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