Thursday, August 1, 2024

Where a leader's influence Begins

 Read Exodus 33. 

I am so indebted to my friend Dr. Crawford Loritts for his incredible sermon on this chapter.  This is one of the most powerful and personal recorded encounters between a man and God.  Though we may never come close to such a dramatic experience, all the elements of a maintaining an intimate relationship with the LORD is present here. 

How can we enjoy such fellowship with the Living God of Heaven?  What can we learn from Moses that we can put into practice right now? 

1. Meeting with God was a habitual.  Twice (vv.7 and 11) we are told that he "used to" do this.  It was a spiritual discipline.

2. Meeting with God was private.  Moses would take a tent and go "far off from the camp" to spend time alone with God, yet it was not hidden.  Notice how everyone else knew about it.

3. Meeting with God was available to everyone.  Though Moses obviously enjoyed a special relationship with God, "everyone who sought the LORD would go out." 

4. Meeting with God was influential.  The leader's model of this spiritual discipline resulted in everyone around him worshipping God.  "All the people would rise up and worship." 

Once alone, what are we to say?  This is not necessarily prescriptive for all our prayers, but it is descriptive of this prayer from Moses. 

The Petition of Prayer.  "Show me your ways." (v.13)

First and foremost Moses wanted to align his ways with God's.  This is the prayer of one who humbly comes before the LORD expressing his true need.  His request was not for God to conform to his desires, but to conform his desires to God's. 

The Purpose of Prayer.  "That I may know you in order to find favor in your sight." (v.14)

He did not ask how to lead, nor for a game plan or a map, nor for resources for the journey.  The purpose of this habit in his life was to deepen his relationship with God so that his life could be pleasing to Him. 

The Perspective of Prayer.  "This nation is your people." (v.13)

Israel did not belong to Moses.  God is the Owner of all things, including Moses' assignments.  Moses wanted to make sure he was a good and faithful steward with what God had entrusted to him. 

The Priority in Prayer.  "If your presence will not go with me, do not bring us up from here." (v.15)  "Please show me your glory." (v.16) 

More than anything else Moses wanted the assurance of God's presence and to see how awesome God is.

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