Friday, August 2, 2024

3 fundamental keys to developing Generosity

 Read Exodus 34-36. 

Worship and giving are inseparable.  Twice in Exodus God said, "None shall appear before me empty-handed." (23:15, 34:20)  Both times it is in reference to celebrating a prescribed feast.  But now we come to building the Tabernacle, that portable tent that was used as the center of worship for the next 500 years.  Where will the financial and material resources come from? 

Tithe money was not used.  Those funds took care of the on-going needs of ministry.  This was a “freewill offering to the LORD” (35:29).    Every project in the Scripture was achieved by generosity giving, over and above the tithe.  We learn the principles of generosity here in this section of the Bible. 

1. The people were informed.

The project was not Moses' idea, rather it was God's.  The word "commanded" is used at least three times in chapter 35 and twice in chapter 36.  Before leaders can inform the people about the project they must have confidence of what the LORD wants done.  People want to know the what, why, when, how much, and what are you asking me to do.  They knew that it would take everyone's participation and willingness.  Their giving to the project was not a requirement, but an opportunity to join God in what He was doing. 

2. The people were inspired.

"And they came, everyone whose heart stirred him, and everyone whose spirit moved him, and brought the LORD's contribution..." (35:20).  Literally, their hearts were "moved."    Notice the recognition of true ownership.  It was not their money, but the LORD's contribution.  He is the Owner of all things.  Even the skill of craftsmen came from the LORD (36:2).  We are stewards of His stuff.  Hearts are moved when ears and minds are open to the Holy Spirit's prompting. 

3. The people were involved.

Support nearly always comes from those who are involved.  The call to join in the work was for those with skill (35:10) and willingness (35:22) and finances (35:29).  

The result is found in 36:5, "The people bring much more than enough for doing the work that the LORD has commanded us to do."  He will provide what is needed to accomplish what He wants done. 

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