Tuesday, August 13, 2024

5 leadership challenges in every Ministry

 Read Numbers 7-11. 

Dealing with the challenges and expectations of people can frequently be overwhelming.  Here are three that Moses faced in the early days of his leadership. 

1. The Problem of Complaining People

What more could God had done for these people?  He rescued them from slavery.  He displayed His miraculous power.  He destroyed their enemies.  He provided their daily needs.  He gave them instructions on how to live, worship and follow Him.  "And the people complained..." (11:1). 

Evidently, their complaining was open and public; so much so that the LORD took strong action resulting in the death of some. 

2. The Problem of Craving People

Next, the "rabble" complained (11:4).  This refers to the non-Israelites who left Egypt and traveled with them.  Some translations refer to this group as the "mixed multitude."  They were tired of the manna that God gave them and voiced their "strong craving" for the foods back in Egypt.  Their wrong desires caused them to reject what God had provided and caused them to go back to the days of their enslavement.  At the end of this chapter God gave them what they wanted but many died for angering the LORD with their wrong desires.   

3. The Problem of Crying People

The complaining and craving, along with God's judgment, affected the entire nation.  It seemed everyone in every tent was now crying about something (11:10).  Unchecked gripping and rumors spread through an organization like a cancer and threatens to kill the organization. 

4. The Problem of Leadership Burn Out

Nothing drives a leader nuts like people within an organization complaining.  This time both the LORD and Moses became angry.  Every leader at one time or another has had the feelings expressed in Moses' prayer.  He knew he was there by the calling and will of God, yet he felt overwhelmed and unable to fix the problems he faced.  He just wanted to die and escape the mess (11:15). 

This level of turmoil most often is a signal of needed change in an organization.  God did not want a new leader or new people.  He wanted to add structure to the leadership.  God's answer was for Moses to share the load of leadership with others.  "They shall bear the burden of the people with you, so that you may not bear it yourself alone." (11:17) 

5. The Problem of Limited Resources

The people had eaten no meat for a long time.  So, God announced that He would give them meat.  When Moses questioned how God could supply that need, we hear a classic statement from God.  "Is the LORD's hand shortened?  Now you shall see whether my word will come true for you or not." (11:23) 

Leadership challenges, though stressful, are God's opportunities to deal with issues, to possibly reorganize the work, and to demonstrate His power. 

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