Saturday, August 10, 2024

Does Obedience Result in Blessings?

 Leviticus 26-27 

By reading chapter 26 carefully, we learn much about the character of God and how He has chosen to interact with people.  Though this is Old Testament law and directed at the nation of Israel, God's character has not changed. 

One revealing assignment is to notice the organization of chapter 26 and write down the key statements God made in each paragraph.

If (v.3)

Then (v.4-13) 

But if (v.14)

Then (v.16-20) 

Then if (v.21) 

And if (v.23) 

But if (v.27) 

Then (v.34) 

But if (v.40)

Then (v.42) 

The principle is this: Blessings follow obedience.  It is not a prosperity gospel to expect the blessings of God when one aligns themselves with God's word.  Yet, immediate blessing is not always the result of doing what God wants.  It is truly living by faith when we can trust God that He will take care of our obedience in His time.  

Hebrews 11:39 reminds us that some faithful, godly men and women "did not receive what was promised" on earth.  However, that same verse states they were "commended through their faith" and "God had provided something better for us."  To lose temporal gains for that which will last for eternity is no loss at all.  It is a blessing of obedience.



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