Thursday, August 22, 2024

Living counter to Culture

 Read Numbers 25. 

Followers of the LORD have always lived counter to the culture around them.  Though not perfect...God's people live in the world

but they are not of the world,

and are to conduct themselves in such a way in the world

that the world sees the difference God has made in their lives, even if they disagree. 

By living out the commands and principles of God's word, we have the opportunity to "adorn the doctrine of God our Savior" (Titus 2:10).  To some with open hearts, such a lifestyle becomes attractive and they too place their faith in Christ.  Some others may observe with respect or even amazement of the difference.  Then, to some who are so gripped by their sin and rebellion against God, they reject all that is holy and pure. 

It is always sad to see someone violate their commitments or go back on their promises.  The news media are quick to point out these lapses when it comes to public figures.  But God holds everyone, everywhere accountable, whether they agree with Him or not, or even if they refuse to acknowledge His very existence.

In this chapter, the nation of Israel camped on the east side of the Jordan River.  It appears to be a time of a pagan celebration that involved gross immorality.  These were not merely physical acts, but they were part of that culture's spiritual worship.  Demonic is the best description for it, as is all false religions. 

Some of the Israelites succumbed to the cultural temptations.  God held "all the chiefs of the people" accountable.  A total of 24,000 died.  Though the judgment on sin may not always come so quickly, God takes the purity of His people seriously. 

Sobering lessons for us all from this chapter.

1. Leaders are responsible for protecting the moral purity of the people.

2. Leaders are responsible for protecting the spiritual purity of the people.

3. God can use one courageous leader to restore purity among the people.

4. Sooner or later, God holds individuals accountable for their own behavior. 

Question: Is there an area of spiritual or moral impurity in my life that I need to courageously confront today?


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