Wednesday, January 24, 2024

6 signs of a healthy Church

 Read 2 Corinthians 13.

The church was in a mess and turmoil.  Nearly every chapter of 1 and 2 Corinthians deals with some unresolved confusion or conflict.  Sin among the church members was not only known, but there existed a sense of pride in being accepting of such wrong behaviors.  Predictable divisions and vulnerability to false teaching resulted.

Paul had planned several times to return to Corinth but had not been able to do so.  His promise to come and his failure to arrive became an issue for the critics.  He mentioned this again in 12:20 as he began to conclude the letter.   

The apostle's appeal to the church was to take holy actions before he arrived.  Otherwise, he would have to lead such disciplines when he came.  Next, Paul named eleven sins in 12:20-21, so there would be no doubt as to what he meant.  Then, he repeated the steps of how they should process ridding the congregation of open sins.  He had written these instructions before, but now he reviewed them one last time.

1. The goal is always restoration of the sinner. 
12:19, 13:9-10.  This is essential to the building up of the faith and maturity of the people.

2. The facts are to be confirmed by two or three witnesses.
13:1 refers to Jesus words in Matthew 18:15-20.  Some will fear that they do not have such authority to judge others for their sin.  But, the Scriptures could not be more clear.  As Paul stated in chapter 13 and as Jesus said in Matthew 18:20, when the two or three witness are in agreement about the discipline, the authority of Christ Himself is present.

3. The first step is self-examination.
13:5-7.  The questions are: "Do you really know Jesus as your personal Savior?"  "If so, does your behavior demonstrate what you say you believe?"  The test is will you "do what is right?"  Compare Galatians 6:1.

4. The results are what everyone wishes for in a congregation.
13:11-14.  Who would not want to be a part of a church family who behaved like this?  Here are six signs of a healthy church.
-Rejoice.  Church is to be a place where people are full of the joy of the Lord.
-Restoration.  Church is to be a place where we seek to restore people to the faith and to each other.
-Comfort.  Church is to be a place where the hurting have friends who come alongside in times of need.
-Unity.  Church is to be a place where there is agreement, one mind, regarding the word of God and who Jesus is.
-Peace.  Church is to be a place where healthy relationships exist and issues are quickly resolved.
-Love.  Church is to be a place where every person senses the love and care for one another.  It is shown in how they greet each person.

When these things are evident, "the God of love and peace will be with you."


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