Tuesday, January 9, 2024

5 musts for an effective Ministry

Read 1 Corinthians 16.

The last question that Paul answered concerned their financial giving.  At issue is not their tithe but beyond in responding to a project offering.  Word had come to the Corinthians about the needs of the saints in Jerusalem.  The instruction was to collect those special funds on Sunday, when the church met, and save it up until he arrived. 

Generosity is a hallmark of the Christian life.  Regular, systematic, Biblical financial support for the local church ministry should be a given for a follower of Jesus.  In addition, there are times when opportunities arise for capital expenditures or the emergency needs of others.  Such offerings are often referred to as "over and above" one's tithe.  This would include support of those in ministry outside the local church, such as Paul (v.6) and Timothy (vv.10-11).

Reading the accounts of Paul's ministry in Acts and the many spiritual, moral, and practical corrective instructions of 1 Corinthians, one understands how difficult the ministry truly  is.  Opportunities?  Many.  Exciting?  Yes.  Rewarding?  Absolutely.  But it is not accomplished without the calling and empowerment of God, coupled with the strong sense of urgency and self-discipline.

Here is how Paul explained it.  "...for a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries." (v.9)

The adversaries were in every city; some ready to kill him.  Some adversaries were in the church, teaching false doctrines and dividing the believers.  Satan's goal is to distract and derail ministries so they lose any effectiveness in presenting the Gospel.

So, what are we to do in light of the opportunities and the adversities?  The answer is in verses 13-14.
1. Be watchful.  Do not let your guard down.  This is a spiritual war.

2. Stand firm in the faith.  Be confident in the word of God.  It is not up for debate or vote.

3. Act mature.  Immature believers are "tossed to and fro" by other teachings (Ephesians 4:14) and events.

4. Be strong.
  Collaborative?  Yes.  Working well with others?  A must.  But a servant of Christ must also be resolute in their commitments.

5. Serve in love.  Paul invested the entirety of chapter 13 on this one point.  Our ministry will be ineffectual if we do not love

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