Friday, November 18, 2022

God's purpose in Prophecy

 Read Isaiah 48.

Being conquered and captured by a foreign power, meant the people of Israel suffered the loss of everything.

Those events should not have come as any surprise to the nation.  Through His spokesmen, the prophets, God repeatedly warned them with specifics and called upon them to repent of their sin. But they would not listen.

In prophetic messages, God foretold of the 70 years of Babylonian captivity, Babylon's defeat by Cyrus, and of their return to the land.  Why did the LORD tell Israel about all these happenings in advance?
1. So, God alone would get the credit. (v.5)
The people had placed their trust for guidance and their future in other things.  When the prophecies became reality, the only explanation would be God's word.

2. So God could display His foreknowledge. (v.7-8)
He knows and controls the future.  No one else does.

3. So God alone would be praised. (v.9-11)
He reveals His truth and implements His plans for people to stand in awe of Him.  The reasonable response is to praise and worship the LORD.

The error the Jews made was to think that because of their heritage and because they used the right words they were in right standing with God.  God's view of them on the other hand is described with these words: hypocrites (v.1), obstinate and hardheaded (v.4), spiritually deaf (v.8a), rebel (v.8b).

How many people have held to the same erroneous thinking about their relationship with Christ?  Just because a person has parents who were believers in Jesus or because they went to church no more fits one for heaven than walking into a garage can turn someone into a car.  Reciting certain words does not make one right before the LORD.  He wants our exclusive, personal faith and trust in Him.

"Oh that you had paid attention to my commandments!  Then your peace would have been like a river and your righteousness live the waves of the sea." (v.18)


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