Wednesday, November 9, 2022

5 statements from God that will sustain You

 Read Isaiah 41.

God is sovereignly in control of nations to do His will, whether they know it or not.  He declared in these opening verses that it was not merely the notions of a great power to invade and conquer.  The LORD "stirred" or raised them up to fulfill His purposes.

Though Israel often failed in their obedience, God said that He would remain faithful to them.  In verses 8-9, He chose them as His own and will "not cast you off."  Though enemies will continue to endeavor to annihilate the Jews, the LORD repeatedly states that all their foes "shall perish" and amount to nothing (vv.11-12).

How have the Jews survived since the time of Abraham?  How are they sustained to this day in their national lack of spiritual awakening and obedience to the LORD?  Even more, how do we survive our personal challenges?  The answer is in verse 10.

1. I am with you.
"Fear not" is not whistling in the dark with positive thoughts.  Our peace comes from knowing that God is personally present with us.  We do not walk through trials alone.  There is no greater Friend.

2. I am your God.
We may become discouraged when our faith in other things or other people have disappointed us.  But God is ever faithful.  The Hebrew word here is Elohim.  He is the supreme ruler and in full control.

3. I will strengthen you.
In a time of Paul's own sense on inability, Jesus spoke to him.  "But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." (2 Corinthians 12:9)

4. I will help you.
Sometimes God resolves issues without us to demonstrate His power and control.  Most often, He wants to show His grace as He enables us to face difficulties.  There is an old saying, "If He brings you to it, He will bring you through it."

5. I will uphold you.
Imagine that at the Almighty God of the universe personally supplies His power to us as we have need.  There are no better hands in which we could trust our lives.

God's character does not change.  He cares for His own.  He cares for us.

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