Saturday, March 26, 2022

Who judges the Judges?

 Read Psalm 82. 

Human judges are placed in a weighty position.  They make decisions that immediately impact the lives of others; sometimes one person, sometimes an entire nation.  Since all authority ultimately comes from God (Romans 13:1), human judges are to be His representatives on earth meting out decisions in alignment with His word and wisdom. 

When Asaph assessed the judges of his day, he saw a lack of understanding and accountability.  In this curious song, the writer imagined a time when God would sit in judgment of these judges.  He even wrote what God would say to them.  In balancing the scales of power in a culture, human judges are to protect at least these four groups of people:

1. The Weak

These are folks who are low on the totem pole of society.  Financially, they have no strength of resources to fight the opposition, either due to loss or threat. 

2. The Fatherless

Orphaned children have no parents to defend them and protect them.  Without judicial decisions, they may become easy prey to every kind of abuse. 

3. The Afflicted

People who have been brought down physically, financially, or otherwise in an unjust manner need intervention by a legal authority. 

4. The Destitute

Not only have these experienced losses, but they have nothing left.  With no means of protection or help, they seek justice. 

In John 10:34, as the religious leaders attempted to stone Jesus to death, He quoted verse 6. 

Judges are human.  Mistakes are made.  But when there is deliberate disregard for God's word, when financial or political bribery tilts their decisions, or when partiality of any kind is shown, there is One is heaven who will indeed one day sit in judgment of the judges.

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