Saturday, March 5, 2022

Reasons to rejoice and keep your Promises

 Read Psalm 65. 

Everywhere David looked he found another reason to praise the LORD.  It was this all-encompassing awareness of God that motivated him to keep his promises to the LORD. 

The key reason people make vows to God and do not keep them is they have no awareness of His involvement in their lives and feel no accountability to Him.  At important junctures in life such as weddings, the birth of a child, a life and death situation, or in times of a major need, it is normal for people to pray and make promises.  God hears those prayers (v.2).  Then, as life moves on, they tend to forget and treat those words as unimportant.  However, God does not forget us or what we said we would do.  Indeed, He reminds us of His presence everywhere. 

How does God show Himself to be present and powerful?

He forgives our sins. (v.3)

He satisfies our souls in worship. (v.4)

He created the mountains. (v.6)

He created the seas. (v.7)

He paints the sunrises and sunsets. (v.8b)

He controls the water cycle of earth. (vv.9-10)

He provides the growth of crops. (v.11)

He provides the multiplication of the animals in the pastures. (vv.12-13) 

Why is the God of heaven so personally involved in these details?  "So that those who dwell at the ends of the earth are in awe at your signs." (v.8a)


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